How to Conquer America

Still short shrift day–limited bloggage due to ISP/connectivity, but ain’t it fun falling back on old Blogger habits? Ya know, write the html in a plain text editor and then—real quick, it’s working right now!—pasting it into an “edit post” window and hope for the best… *heh*

A post by The Median Sib—also here— dovetailed with a link found at Chaos Manor Musings (Mail). The Media Sib outlines four strategic “high ground” areas the enemies of Western Civilization must take and hold to wage their battle of conquest on America. She’s right.

Bullet points from Median Sib’s post (do go read the whole thing, would you?):

So you set out to conquer the United States in four simple steps.

  1. Place your people in the schools…
  2. Get the mainstream media in your pocket…
  3. Become involved in the political system…
  4. Infiltrate the entertainment industry…

The link at Jerry Pournelle’s site is to a discussion on (of all things) The Practical Machinist discussion board (again, do yourself and your children and grandchildren the favor and read the whole thing!). It details a speech made by former governor of Colorado, Richard Lamm. Here are the bullet points:

To destroy America…

  1. [T]urn America into a bilingual or multi-lingual and bicultural country…
  2. Invent ‘multiculturalism’ and encourage immigrants to maintain their culture…
  3. We could make the United States an ‘Hispanic Quebec’ without much effort. The key is to celebrate diversity rather than unity…
  4. [M]ake our fastest growing demographic group the least educated…
  5. [G]et big foundations and business to give these efforts lots of money…
  6. [Promote] dual citizenship, and promote divided loyalties…
  7. [P]lace all subjects off limits; make it taboo to talk about anything against the cult of ‘diversity.’…
  8. [C]ensor Victor Hanson Davis’s book Mexifornia. His book is dangerous. It exposes the plan to destroy America. If you feel America deserves to be destroyed, don’t read that book…

Certainly there are other tactics being used by the enemies of Western Civilization to destroy America, but they all do operate within the constraints of the strategic positions outlined by The Median Sib, and many of them are along the lines of Balkanizing America along the lines noted by Dick Lamm.

I often think that the only way to win against Islam, as it attempts to turn America into a barbaric 6th Century Arabic country and against La Raza in its Reconquista efforts would be to simply shut down Hollyweird and alla the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army, close the colleges and universities, return ALL public education decisions to local school boards, recess Congress for a period of not less than six years and CLOSE our borders to all but imports/exports through ports heavily guarded by the U.S. Navy, build a FENCE/WALL anywhere possible, do what we KNOW we can do NOW and make the U.S. totally independant of ALL oil imports, and then sort ourselves out.

Well, a guy can dream…


Absent thescenario outlined above, the best we can do is keep shouting long and loud: NO MORE BULLSHIT. Maybe if we do it loudly enough for a long enough period of time (and with our votes and our spending habits), Hollyweird and the mass Media Podpeople’s Army along with the teeming herd of pork-bellied Congresscritters will get a clue.

And even then, it may take a “tea party” or three to get their attention…

Setting up checkpoints at Freedom Watch, The Liberal Wrong Wing and Don Surber’s.

2 Replies to “How to Conquer America”

  1. I would add a 5th one.
    5) Infiltrate your people into their country and when your numbers are great
    enough, then start an effort to gain citizenship, the vote, and power.

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