The Aliens Among Us

No, this is not a Guard the Borders post about illegal aliens crossing our borders and living in our midst, sucking the life from a rule of law. This is about something else.

I was just a young lad when the reality that most folks who crawl behind the wheel of a car seem to crawl back, mentally, into the primordial ooze and begin evidencing the intelligence of single-celled organisms. That’s when our next-door neighbor decided to turn around in her seat to remostrate with a child while she was driving, assuring that her only real accomplishment would not be correcting her child but putting me in the hospital for more than a month (with more hospital stays later for other painful and frightening operations and procedures) by propelling me off my bicycle at a large fraction of her vehicle’s speed when she drove off the road…

While laying there in hospital, I was propelled during long nights of intimate aquaintance with pain… and those delightful pain meds, to begin an earlier than would probably have been normal foray into abstract thought. Particularly, I sent a lot of time thinking about death and what might come after.

Now, for a young boy, that might seem a little out of place, but pain was a frequent reminder—along with all those oh-so-helpful visitors—of Death’s kiss on my cheek. And so I thought of eternity, and eternity of nothingness or an eternity of life in heaven as promised by my church.

Neither were particularly comforting stacked up against the idea of forever.

I’d like to think that those days and weeks spent contemplating death and life, foreverness or nothingness propelled me into becoming a “deep thinker” but that’s not the case. All that experience did teach me is that this life I now live is going to end. What comes after is an eternity of something, and whatever that something is, it will be profoundly other than this life now.

And that the end of this life I now live is inevitable.

So, while I can be frightened in the sense of being startled or being threatened with harm, being frightened of death itself has become, over all the years since contemplating the discomforting nature of eternity, not such a big deal.

And maybe that makes me an alien of sorts among most folk.

But something disturbs me more than eternal nothingness or eternal beingness. That’s the blithe, UNhuman disregard for the lives of others evidenced by so many who have “grand ideas” and “magnificent (to them) obsessions”. How many lives have been destroyed by the dream of The Great Society? How many Einsteins, Goethes, Bachs or Newtons have been thrown away by abortion clinics’ embodiment of the “magnificent (to some) obsession” with so-called “women’s reproductive rights”? How many lives twisted and marred forever by such as the ACLU’s defense—under First Amendment grounds—of NAMBLA perverts recruiting boy toys?

The list can go on and on and…

Each of the lives that have been harmed, twisted, destroyed, discarded in accordance with some Acadenia Nuts’ or Loony Left Moonbats’ or Mass Media Podpeople’s grand idea is one more life that will have to face the void unfullfilled, stunted, or never even lived.

And that doesn’t just disturb me, it royally pisses me off.

Elite, or elite wannabes, who imprison children in “schools” that twist and stunt their minds, persiade women that killing their babies is just hunky-dory or keep welfare slaves down on the plantation are people who either will not face the consequences of their horrific do-goodisms… or are deliberately being destructive, inhuman monsters, taking sadistic pleasure in duping the public with their feigning of doing good.

I wonder what folks like that will see when they finally look into the void and are forced to contemplate eternity? If the void mirrors their soul, it will surely show something alien, inhuman, demonic.

The right place to push this is at TMH’s Bacon Bits, I think.

One Reply to “The Aliens Among Us”

  1. No disrespect here David…
    ..” those days and weeks spent contemplating death and life, foreverness or nothingness propelled me into becoming a ?deep thinker? but that?s not the case. All that experience did teach me is that this life I now live is going to end.”
    I think its taught u way more than that…and perhaps u dont even
    know exactly what..but enduring that kinna fear n pain as a youngun
    has its effects..hopefully enriching ones…and yes mebbe it DID
    turn u into the “deep thinker” that u r.
    an mebbe it even taught u how to rant az good az u do..heh
    either way..Thank the Good Lord u made it outta that mess intact.

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