Climate change?

No. “Weather” is not equivalent to “climate.” But still… one sure thing about both is that they have always changed in the past and will continue to do so.

Take our local weather. I shoulda known. My Wonder Woman has a “long weekend”—Friday through Monday—off work, which we planned to spend mostly at home just “being there” with each others’ company, with a little out n about thrown in. Weather all week had been Spring-like. Thursday, the highs were in the mid-70s.

By Thursday night, 19. (Gee, I bet my lil pot of Anasazi beans I started are glad I didn’t put ’em out “Cos the weather’s so nice” eh? Yeh, anthropomorphizing. So?) And now, our first “real” snow of the season: 4″ on the ground.

Wether changes. Climates change. And there’s just about nothing we can do about it. For a pretty darned sensible take on Global Warming/Climate Shift Chicken Little-ism, see Glacial Thinking, Let’s Create A Crisis There are more scholarly, intellectual treatments of the topic (Go to Jerry Pournelle’s place and search on global warming and climate for a few), but Creechman over at Clear Lake Reflections pretty well sums up some of the fundamental flaws in GW/CC Chicken Littleism. Read it. (Yeh, Yeh, I know I’m not the boss of you. So?)

2 Replies to “Climate change?”

  1. Not all that bad, just… whipsawed by unseasonal warmth flipping to slightly unseasonal cool/real winter weather in the course of one day.

    Expect more snow. Gonna bundle up and snuggle in. 🙂

    Was expecting the tag & just commented to my Wonder Woman that I needed to check your blog and likely get on the stick. heh


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