And All the People Rejoiced!

The big kerfuffle in the last few days, of course, never quite got the headline that would place it in perspective:

Cheney shot a Lawyer!

Oh. My.

Injuries not serious

Oh, well… *sigh*

Shouting “First, kill all the lawyers!” at Common FolkUsing CommonSense

[note: I do personally know or know of five lawyers who are decent human beings, and so I infer there must surely be more of that nature. But liking and respecting five lawyers as individuals doesn’t bring me any closer to appreciating lawyers as a class… And do also note that I am well aware that the snippet lifted from Henry VI is really Shakespeare’s tribute to lawyers as a bulwark against tyrants. And yes, I know the mistaken meme I invoked when I typed the words… ]

And yet another update–From Rush Limbaugh, this lil gem:

“Would you rather go hunting with Dick Cheney or riding in a car over a bridge with Ted Kennedy? At least Cheney takes you to the hospital.”

Uhm, was that a rhetorical question, Rush? (h.t. Newsmax)

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