A fine one to be talking…

From John Stephenson at Stop the ACLU, this lil heads up:

The newest full page ad from the ACLU over the NSA stuff is released on the eve of the State of the Union. Here is a little sample of their news release. “The State of Our Union Cannot be Strong if the President Continues to Violate the Law,” Says Anthony D. Romero, Executive Director of the ACLU…

Yeh, well, the truth of the matter is that “The State of Our Union Cannot be Strong if…” people can’t see through lying pussbags like Anthony D. Romero. His idiotic assumption of the false antecedent “the President has violated the law [in the commie-created NSA kerfuffle]” meme.

Anyone who has done their homework knows it is the NYT that has definitely vilolated the law, the ACLU and its ilk that continues to aid and abet in the criminal activities of the Old Gray Whore, and a dumbass population that let’s ’em get away with it.

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