PSA—WARNING! Danger Will Robinson!

In case you have not already recieved this warning:

“News: Santa IM Worm Installs Rootkit Payload

A Christmas-themed worm attack is on the loose, affecting
instant messaging networks from AOL, MSN, Windows Messenger,
ICQ and Yahoo.”

See the eWeek article here.

You have been warned. Don’t come crying to me if you get “hit” (unless you wanna pay me for the fix. heh :-).

I’ll tell the world at Basil’s Blog and Diane’s Stuff’s Wednesday Weekly Open Trackback Alliance Fest.

3 Replies to “PSA—WARNING! Danger Will Robinson!”

  1. Well, and there’s also the teeny tiny little fact that when “Christians” blow up abortion clinics, real Christians are quite vocal in condemning that action. We also have no fear in doing so – we are not under the fear of having a fatwa proclaimed against us, or being declared apostate and then killed because of our views.

    Well, not by other Christians, anyway.

    Your average “Moderate” Muslim does live under such fear.

    And then of course there’s the forced conversion issue, the death penalty if you convert issue, the uncertainty of salvation issue, the conformity to outward behavior rather than inner change issue…

    I pity the poor, deluded people who shackle themselves to such a rigin, intolerant… bigoted religion like Islam.

    “Submission” vs “FREEDOM.” I know which one *I* choose!

    — R’cat

  2. Well said, Lady R’Cat.


    I’d make just one teensy change. The form of “submission” forced on people by Islam (“Submit or die”) is better rendered “be enslaved”. No wonder then that Muslims have led the world for many centuries in the traffic in chattel slavery, and still do to this very day. In fact, theirs is the only major “religion” that actively endorses and whose members actively practice (on a massive scale) the practice of enslaving people as a matter of course. cf. Dafur, et al.

    Islam is a filthy, filthy cult of evil, low-life scum. And that’s just the “moderates” who don’t have the integrity to admit that they are enablers, accomplices of those of their brethren who make common practice of their violence, murder, rape, mutilation, and slavery in what is at least an honest emulation of their sick and perverted “prophet.”

    Contrast that with the fact that it was Christian people and churches who led the vnguard in erradicating?as much as could be in their own societies, at least?in the 19th century in demolishing and abolishing slave trade in the West. Little could be done, apart from what colonial management it was possible to exercise, to eliminate the vast slave trade that has flourished to this day in Islamic-dominated countries.

    Of course (and this opens another can of worms), if the colonial model were once again imposed upon Africa and the Middle East (a company of Marines could likely take down the straw men in Riyadh, for example), imposing draconian rule upon those still barbarian societies, chattel slave trade could be virtually eliminated in those parts of the world. Heck, Africa could possibly become what some of the colonial states once were: prosperous, productive places that could feed their own people and still be net exporters of goods.

    Heck, even Saudi Arabia (once the Saudis were gone for good and the Hashemites restored to the place they held before the british, at the urging of Lawrence, kicked them out) could become prosperous, oil or no oil.

    Never happen. What would people say? *tsk-tsk* Oh! My! How immoral! *throws bullshit flag*

  3. You’re absolutely correct about the “submission” = “enslavement”… I forgot I wasn’t supposed to put quotes around FREEDOM. *sigh*

    And, aren’t you being a little insulting to evil, low-life scum when you compare Islam to them? Really, David, I thought you had more sensitivity than that… 😉

    Well, as Christians, what we need to do – and what the CHURCH needs to focus on – is devoting ourselves to the active and lovingly obedient discipleship to which our Lord calls us. That sort of dedication will transform the world in love, and will show forth the glory and reality of the One True God as nothing else.

    Plus, whenever the Middle Eastern Glass Parking Lot Option gets a little too likely, I simply turn to the back of the Book and read the ending. Oh, yeah, the One True God of all Holiness, Goodness, Justice, and Mercy… WINS! The false “gods” get tossed into the Pit and bound away forever.

    And, the Lord God Almighty, El Shaddai Himself, the Lord of Hosts, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords doesn’t even break a sweat.

    “Even so, come, Lord Jesus.”

    — R’cat

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