The Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind is Largely Illiterate

I’ll cite just one example I saw today–there are others today and many, many more every day, but one will do for now–of evidence that the Hivemind is made up of ignorant doofuses. In a USA Today article, reproduced from The Des Moines Register, Hivemind member Jennifer Jacobs wrote,

The Trail of Tears was the name given to the route the Cherokee people walked in the late 1890s when the U.S. government forcefully removed them from their homelands in Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee to live in Indian Territory, now Oklahoma.

OK, I’ll admit this one is more than a year old, and yes, I just saw it today. That’s more of an indication of how much I avoid USA Today than anything else, but not really germane to my point.

No one–not Jennifer Jacobs, not her editor(s) at the Des Moines Register and certainly not any editorial staff at USA Today–saw anything wrong with that statement. But. *sigh* The Trail of Tears stretched between 1831 and 1838, NOT “the late 1890s,” and the Cherokee were the last of the Five Civilized Tribes to be dispossessed and “relocated” via that “Trail of Tears.” The experiences of the Choctaw, the Seminole, the Creek and the Chickasaw all preceded the Cherokee “relocation” in 1838, and it was a Choctaw leader who, in 1831, first referred to a “trail of tears and death.” (BTW, Alexis de Tocqueville is a primary source witness to the removal of the Choctaw during his stay in Memphis Tennessee in 1831.)

That NO ONE at either Hivemind organ (nor in any of the comments by similarly illiterate readers of USA Today) noticed the egregious error last year or in the year since (well, until my own comment made today) is reason enough to avoid these crap journalism organs, especially since this sort of illiterate content (and illiterate editing) seems to be more and more par for the course in Hivemind organs all around.

Just sayin’.

Oh, yeh, the article’s about a Dhimmicrappic Congresscritter tweeting that the results of a basketball game evoke #trailoftears. *gagamaggot* Yeh, Congresscritter Braley is an ass and a jackwagon, but he’s not a patch on THE prototypical Democrat who is tied in my mind with for the title of worst president of the country’s first 200 years and was a major force bringing about the Trail of Tears: Andrew Jackson, bigot supreme, THE force behind the foundation of the Democratic Party.

BTW, lest someone doubt my quote of the illiterate Jennifer Jacobs, here:


2 Replies to “The Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind is Largely Illiterate”

    1. While, yes, it’s just to be expected, it is still “stunningly inept”. The people involved in the publication of the article referenced should all be sued by any stockholders in the paper for having committed fraud. Collecting pay for writing or “editing” such drek is a criminal offense, IMO.

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