Saturday Peripatetica

(Just use your “clicky thing” on the pics below)

Burning need for one of these:

I’d probably want one for each door along with one of these for each door as well (maybe have to make one sort into a sign?)

Meanwhile, where are all my “guard dogs”? They’re supposed to be in the moat around twc central…


2 Replies to “Saturday Peripatetica”

  1. Narwhal don’t look like they should really exist ya know? LIke they are a creature from a Narnia movie, and you don’t expect to find a non-cgi version swimming about. Nature is pretty wild dude.

    My uncle will LOL his ass off over that cat pic.

    1. Narwhal are apparently the pathetically devolved remnants of guard beasts left behind millions of years ago by Zarkonian refugees who eventually left Earth and fled even further from the tyranny of their own Zero. That’s my theory and I’m sticking with it.

      Free Zarkon!

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