Another Baby Step In the Kitchen Stuff

Ordered a couple of these last Friday. They arrived today. Nice.

All-in-all, I’m rather pleased with the stools (chairs?). There were a couple of assembly speed bumps that might throw some folks off, but nothing that I feel strongly detracts from the purchase/assembly experience. Some of the holes for the upper side supports/step stool guides were difficult to insert the side support bars into, making screwing the bolts in a potentially frustrating experience. The problem was that those four holes (on each unit) had simply been rather crudely punched, and needed to be deburred in order to insert the parts. Notaproblem.

More difficult was installing the back on the second chair I assembled. The right back support simply would not fit closely enough to allow the bolts to mate with the legs. No problem. Turned it upside down, very, very slightly bent the part, detached the upper back support and installed the thing, then reinstalled the upper back support. Added maybe five minutes time, what with determining the problem and effecting the solution.

Now that the chairs are assembled, they feel quite sturdy and comfortable (that’s my coffee cup in the picture; sat at the counter drinking from it while reading a bit from the Kindle Fire).

2 Replies to “Another Baby Step In the Kitchen Stuff”

    1. When I was a kid in the 50s, we had one chair like this in our kitchen, although it was red with white “splatters” (similar to enamel “splatterware”). My maternal grandmother also had one in her kitchen, plain red, for many years. I have always thought them handy, but had just not had a good reason to get one (or more) until recently, when it became obvious we needed

      a. better seating for the counter and
      b. a step stool, for less agile, older “bones”. *heh*

      These are very close copies of the originals, with some minor variations in quality (down and up–it’s a wash, IMO).

      Comfy, too. Casual meal last night at the counter was very pleasant. And, as a side benefit, I am enjoying my year+ of weight loss, since before I began that I was approaching the 250# weight limit for these things. *heh*

      Note: the best place I could find for these chairs was at the Target link in the post. WallyWorld has what it caims is a Cosco stepstool chair of about the same height, but it’s crap–different (and stupid) design that I wouldn’t expect to last any length of time at all, at all.

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