Lucky, Lucky Me, Me*

*A close cousin of “Happy, happy joy, joy.” πŸ˜‰

So, I ran across an easily adaptable waffle recipe (aren’t they all?) and had a go at it. Lucky, lucky me, me. I even recalled we had some waffle plates to go in a little electric grill.

Dry ingredients:

1.75C flour (my modification: amaranth flour with a bit of vanilla flavored protein powder)
1Tsp baking powder
0.25Tsp salt

Wet ingredients:

2 egg yolks
1.75C milk (my modification: cream!)
0.50C oil


2 egg whites, whipped to stiff peaks. I added a tablespoon of powdered sucralose and about 0.25Tsp of vanilla extract.

Mix dry ingredients. Mix wet ingredients. Mix the two together. Fold in the egg white mixture. Apply to hot waffle iron. Serve topped with butter and syrup of some kind or with berries or whatever. Enjoy.

Other ingredients: I also added a bit of ground flax seed and some chia seeds.

Even with my mods, the waffles came out very light, tasty and toasty, and served as a good “nuncheon” or afternoon tea (without the tea, TYVM :-)).

No, no pictures. The waffles didn’t last long enough to allow picture taking.

Someone may wonder why the substitutions.

1. Amaranth is very high in protein and also very high in resistant starch, which resists digestion and absorption in the small intestine and so is treated more as though it were a fiber, although it still contributes healthful “starchy” nutrients in the large intestine in a way that actually helps moderate blood sugar.

2. Cream? Yes. It’s tastier, imparts a better texture and even allowed me to not use the oil the recipe calls for at all. And don’t think it unhealthful. In the last year–even with a two month lapse from Thanksgiving to Tuesday last week–I’ve both lost over 30# and lowered my total serum cholesterol (and especially the LDLs) while raising my HDL levels. That’s with lots of cream, butter, bacon, beef, pork, etc.

3. The ground flax seed and the chia seeds were both for texture and th Omega-3 fatty acids they contain (as well as the high levels of usable protein in the chia seeds).

I hated using the “sugar free” faux syrup that I ate on top of these waffles, but it was still a pretty good nuncheon.

2 Replies to “Lucky, Lucky Me, Me*”

  1. I’ve never had the patience to whip the egg whites for waffles. Could be because I don’t much care for waffles. I make them for the hub and he wouldn’t notice or care if they were lighter or fluffier πŸ™‚ At least he’s a pretty easy person to cook for.

    1. I like “easy to cook for”. πŸ˜‰

      I’ve made waffles using whole eggs, too, but often–as here–I just put egg whites in a blender on an appropriate speed (differs by blender) and kinda keep an eye on ’em while measuring and mixing the rest. Sometimes the egg whites’re only semi-stiffies *heh* but I also don’t have the patience to do them “right” so I can live with that. These turned out fluffier than all get-out, even using the amaranth flour and protein powder. Crispy-toasty light brown, delish.

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