Just Semantics

Every time I hear or read the phrase “just semantics” or hear “semantics” used in a way that implies it’s somehow the least important aspect of an argument or statement, I want to take the speaker/writer by the scruff of the neck and rub their nose in the excrement they’ve just uttered. What do these subliterate lunatics think language is, anyway?

Now there abide these three: phonemes (sounds and sound analogs in written language), syntax (structure: grammar and the like) and semantics (MEANING), and the greatest of these is semantics.

Communication between people doesn’t happen with mere grunts and clicks and whistles, no matter how pleasingly organized such noises are unless those grunts and clicks and whistles impart meaning. That means a shared world view, a shared construct of what those grunts and clicks and whistles mean. That’s “just semantics”.


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