A Few of My Favorite Things… (3)

Well, although I’ve still not had updates utterly fail, as some Win2K and WinXP updates have done, when I came to this computer this a.m., I didcovered 291 updates waiting. Not all that unexpected, really, after an upgrade, but…

No, the updates didn’t fail, but some needed interaction with me and… popped the request for my input UNDER the update window, so it looked as if the updates were stalled but I had no information as to why… until I alt-tabbed to see what else might be going on. Come on, folks! Pop the message up ON TOP of the upgrade window! It’s a small and very simple thing, but one that I believe would be more than a little helpful. (Off to the Ubuntu forums to air this gripe… )

In the long run, I believe it will be the little things that will make or break Ubuntu, and not just for me but for the millions of folks Mark Shuttleworth wants to impact with this distro.