Mr “Bush-is-an-idiot-I’m-a-genius” Jean Fraud sKerry finally lets his Yale grades out of the bag…

“Yale grades portray Kerry as a lackluster student… ”
Oh. So sKerry’s cumulative grades at Yale were actually lower than Bush’s?
Yep. For numerical grades available, they were quite similar: Bush’s 77 average vs. sKerry’s 76. Still, lower is lower.
And look at some of the grades —coulda knocked me over with a feather. Yeh, Bush had a D his freshman year. sKerry had four of ’em. Four Ds. In one year. And he was able to stay on? And here’s the kicker: I was in another school with relatively high standards during about the same time as Bush and sKerry. Fs started at anything under 70 in my classes. At Yale, 60-69 scores were Ds. In my school Bush would have had to repeat the course he got a D in at Yale. sKerry would have been flunked out. period. Four Fs? not college material, at all, at all.
Still, even by my school’s scoring system (where Cs started at 75), they both squeaked out a low C average for their undergrad careers.
Granted, by the time I graduated, grade inflation through sliding the numerical scale downwards had already begun, and I did benefit from a LOT more A grades my (final-heh) senior year.
Still, for sKerry, who squeaked through law school at Boston college after being turned down at his alma mater to sneer at Bush’s intelligence as he did directly (and through his flappers and handlers) is yet further evidence of his stupidity and disingenuity. Lying about his intellectual achievements (even simply through hiding their paucity) by sneering at his opponent’s accomplishments, is not only deceitful but exposes him to further ridicule.
Speech-challenged Piscine (Dumb Bass), indeed…
Of course, the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army of Smartland glosses over sKerry’s stupidity with such as
“Like Kerry, Bush reportedly suffered through a difficult freshman year and then pulled his grades up.”
Yeh, higher than sKerry’s. But let’s not bury what is for me the money quote, eh?
“Kerry’s weak grades came despite years of education at some of the world’s most elite prep schools, ranging from Fessenden School in Massachusetts to St. Paul’s School in New Hampshire.”
In spite of all the very expensive tutoring could do for this doof, he still, by any serious academic criteria, FAILED four courses his freshman year.
Brilliant. Simply brilliant.
UPDATE… from last year. On August 5, 2004, Ann Althouse wrote:
We keep hearing about Kerry’s ability to deal with “nuance” and “complexity,” but could it be that this is spin, and the truth is he actually doesn’t think clearly? We know he doesn’t speak clearly: he can’t get to the point, and he often strays off-topic. We keep hearing that he’s “thoughtful,” implying that he takes a long time to think things through. Another way of putting that is that he’s slow.