Google… Stealth

This satellite photo from Google maps shows a stealth bomber. (I’ve circled the bomber in yellow.)

This actually began being circulated, as far as i can now tell, Monday last week, but I just saw it linked to by a correspondant over at Jerry Pournelle’s Chaos manor in Perspective’s Current Mail.

BTW, in comments, Woody notes an “… index of interesting features found on the Google satelite map images…” and lists this URL:

I used a trial of Keyhole, the software Google Satellite/Maps is drawn from, for a while and was almost persuaded to buy it just for the cool factor. Check some of the indexed satellite maps out for some fun in all your copious spare time. When you’re not reading my blog, that is. heh

And DO be sure to visit Woody’s News & Views. Some good stuff going on there. The post yesterday on dolphins as toolusers is a pretty cool example.

Chicken Santa Fe

I called it that cos of the prepackaged seasoning I used, and it stuck.

Thanks, Romeocat, for (unintentionally, I’m sure 🙂 reminding me to submit this. (Your Really easy “Mexican” chicken looks great, too. 🙂 This is one really, really easy recipe… or not. Depends on how you prepare it, really. Here’s the easy way, and I’ll give you some hints on mucking around to make it the hard way.

Now, usually I don’t much care for prepackaged seasonings mixed according to someone else’s idea of what tastes good. but McCormick’s Santa Fe Style Seasoning is one of those very rare cases where a pepackaged product is just about perfect for some foods. Here’s how it goes:


four to six frozen, boned skinless chicken breasts
one cup rice
one cup water
one cup your fav spaghetti sauce (heavy on the oregano, though)
liberal amounts of McCormick’s Santa Fe Style Seasoning


Preheat oven to 350°F
Place the rice in 9X12 baking dish
Place the chicken breasts on the rice
Mix water and spaghetti sauce and pour the mixture over the rice and chicken
Sprinkle LIBERALLY with McCormick’s Santa Fe Style Seasoning
Cover with aluminum foil and place in oven. bake for about 40 minutes, then remove foil and bake for another 5 or so. Oven temps may vary, so you may have to adjust the times. The frozen chicken will thoroughly cook and the rice will absorb the moisture and cook well, too.

Now, if you want to make your own seasoning mix, you can do so and this dish can actually taste better balancing things to your own taste. McCormick’s Santa Fe Style Seasoning is pretty much a mixture of dried, crushed chilis, cumin, coriander and dried onion and garlic. If you use fresh garlic and onion and grind/crush your own spices, the flavors will have more punch. (I’d at least sautee the onions and garlic–or “microwave sautee” them—before adding to the baking dish, if it were me.) You’ll just have to experiment with balancing amounts and go through all the prep work.

This is great with some freshly-made flour tortillas and beans, but I’ll get into that recipe another time (especially for the one who’s asked for the tortilla recipe—you know who you are. :-).

Dope slap for the smartass

Mr “Bush-is-an-idiot-I’m-a-genius” Jean Fraud sKerry finally lets his Yale grades out of the bag…

Posted by Hello4-“D”oofus
“Yale grades portray Kerry as a lackluster student… ”

Oh. So sKerry’s cumulative grades at Yale were actually lower than Bush’s?

Yep. For numerical grades available, they were quite similar: Bush’s 77 average vs. sKerry’s 76. Still, lower is lower.

And look at some of the grades —coulda knocked me over with a feather. Yeh, Bush had a D his freshman year. sKerry had four of ’em. Four Ds. In one year. And he was able to stay on? And here’s the kicker: I was in another school with relatively high standards during about the same time as Bush and sKerry. Fs started at anything under 70 in my classes. At Yale, 60-69 scores were Ds. In my school Bush would have had to repeat the course he got a D in at Yale. sKerry would have been flunked out. period. Four Fs? not college material, at all, at all.

Still, even by my school’s scoring system (where Cs started at 75), they both squeaked out a low C average for their undergrad careers.

Granted, by the time I graduated, grade inflation through sliding the numerical scale downwards had already begun, and I did benefit from a LOT more A grades my (final-heh) senior year.

Still, for sKerry, who squeaked through law school at Boston college after being turned down at his alma mater to sneer at Bush’s intelligence as he did directly (and through his flappers and handlers) is yet further evidence of his stupidity and disingenuity. Lying about his intellectual achievements (even simply through hiding their paucity) by sneering at his opponent’s accomplishments, is not only deceitful but exposes him to further ridicule.

Speech-challenged Piscine (Dumb Bass), indeed…

Of course, the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army of Smartland glosses over sKerry’s stupidity with such as

“Like Kerry, Bush reportedly suffered through a difficult freshman year and then pulled his grades up.”

Yeh, higher than sKerry’s. But let’s not bury what is for me the money quote, eh?

“Kerry’s weak grades came despite years of education at some of the world’s most elite prep schools, ranging from Fessenden School in Massachusetts to St. Paul’s School in New Hampshire.”

In spite of all the very expensive tutoring could do for this doof, he still, by any serious academic criteria, FAILED four courses his freshman year.

Brilliant. Simply brilliant.

UPDATE… from last year. On August 5, 2004, Ann Althouse wrote:

We keep hearing about Kerry’s ability to deal with “nuance” and “complexity,” but could it be that this is spin, and the truth is he actually doesn’t think clearly? We know he doesn’t speak clearly: he can’t get to the point, and he often strays off-topic. We keep hearing that he’s “thoughtful,” implying that he takes a long time to think things through. Another way of putting that is that he’s slow.


Recommended read

A good place, Soliloquoy… one writer’s thoughts

Nancy Bond has some recommended reading posted. Looks interesting. In fact, The Gravesavers looks like a buy to me. Those of y’all who’ve visited here a while already know my reading tastes are… eclectic. From the reviews (including Nancy‘s comments) this is a little toward the edge of my taste in fiction, but it sounds like something that would be both good for me to read and enjoyable at the same time. I’m going to buy a copy, and if it is in the ballpark of being as good as its press, I know I’ll be pushing it off on folks to read until finally someone doesn’t return it. heh
Hey, Nancy! Maybe I’ll begin my own less-informed review of current reads and add my 2¢ to your $2 reviews from time to time. (Just my estimate of the relative worth of our comments on others’ writing. 🙂
And folks, do drop in over at Nancy’s blog, Soliloquoy… one writer’s thoughts. Some good stuff there.

They’re up! Take the music and run!

Beethoven’s symphonies #1 and #3 are available for download now at this page.

I’m listening to the first, now, and it’s worth the download. Before you burn it off, you may want to take your favorite wav editor and cut out the announcer’s comments in introduction, but the performance itself is credible. And the music is… Beethoven!
Thanks for this much, Beeb!

Quick! Someone put out the fire in John Fraud Kerry’s pants!

Free the John Kerry 180! It’s been five months (and more) since Jean Fraud sKerry said he’d sign an SF-180 and release his records…

He has said he signed an SF-180, seventeen days ago, but no credible witness has yet come forth to say they have seen such a document and his records have not yet been released!

C’me on Jean. Can you not keep your word on anything you say? (Answer: “No.”)


free180_02 Image: Something… and Half of Something

Join the Blogburst to Set Kerry’s 180 Free!

Recessional–a Kipling Tuesday reminder

Noblesse oblige…

Rudyard Kipling

God of our fathers, known of old —
Lord of our far-flung battle line —
Beneath whose awful hand we hold
Dominion over palm and pine —
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget — lest we forget!

The tumult and the shouting dies —
The Captains and the Kings depart —
Still stands Thine ancient sacrifice,
An humble and a contrite heart.
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget — lest we forget!

Far-called our navies melt away —
On dune and headland sinks the fire —
Lo, all our pomp of yesterday
Is one with Nineveh and Tyre!
Judge of the Nations, spare us yet,
Lest we forget — lest we forget!

If, drunk with sight of power, we loose
Wild tongues that have not Thee in awe —
Such boastings as the Gentiles use,
Or lesser breeds without the Law —
Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget — lest we forget!

For heathen heart that puts her trust
In reeking tube and iron shard —
All valiant dust that builds on dust,
And guarding calls not Thee to guard.
For frantic boast and foolish word,
Thy Mercy on Thy People, Lord!

The Law of Unintended Consequences?

The current abuse by the ACLU and others of the 1976 Civil Rights Attorney’s Fee Awards Act was foreseeable…

Of course, the Loony Left Moonbat Brigade*, their partners in crime, the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army** and their enablers among various and sundry congresscritters would never admit that taking money from your pocket and funding groups such as the ACLU in their efforts to undermine and destroy the foundations of Western Civilization was the goal of the 1976 Civil Rights Attorney’s Fee Awards Act. But they don’t need to admit that, since they won’t even admit it is a consequence because they see attacks on whatever is good and just and moral as being progress, hence it’s not a consequence, but a benefit in their eyes.

Now, some would say that in order to curb the ACLU, the proper thing to do is to “fix a good law” (the 1976 Civil Rights Attorney’s Fee Awards Act) with such measures as HR 2679, the Public Expression of Religion Act (PERA), which would deny federal government payments to lawyers for plaintiffs in Establishment Clause challenges to the 1st Amendment.

OK, let me backtrack a bit. The 1976 Civil Rights Attorney’s Fee Awards Act was not good law, because there’s no reasonable reading of the Constitution justifying taking my money from me and paying some lawyer to supposedly bring benefits to a class of people. But of course, that sort of Constitutional argument could be made about more than half (well more than half) of what the fedgov does today. So, “fixing” a bad law at least to the extent of removing its negative impact on the First Amendment’s guarantee of free exercise of religion is just about as much as a reasonable person can hope for in today’s social/political climate.

All of us who do not live in the imaginary country the Loony Left Moonbat Brigade and the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army (consciously or unconsciously) arrogantly think of as “Smartland” know that the ACLU is attacking the foundations of civilization—family, free and uncoerced, unpersecuted religious expression, the right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” and more—and knowing that, the kettle’s been put on to boil. Funding the American Taliban (for that is what the ACLU has become: the law offices of the Taliban of the Loony Left Moonbat Brigade) and its efforts to curtail our freedoms is simply immoral and unjust and must be stopped.

There’s an anger building in what Smartland*** dwellers think if as Stupidland (that’s you and me). A just and righteous anger. Write or call or email your congresscritter and let them know of your support for HR 2679, the Public Expression of Religion Act (PERA). It’s a drop in the bucket, but it’d be a significant drop, as it would remove the ACLU from at least one public teat.

And consider joining the Stop the ACLU Blogburst. It’s a good thing.

*NOTE: for those readers who may have missed some of my early blogging, perhaps I ought to have a page of terms and their definitions. heh “Loony Left Moonbat Brigade” refers to those who have hijacked liberalism which once sought individual liberty as its prime good and replaced it with a socialist statism that sees control of individuals’ lives by the state as its primary good. LLMB does not refer to Democrats, although Democratic politics is now most clearly dominated by LLMB. There are, in fact, few differences between Republicans and Democrats when it comes to statist control of individuals, now, and many Republican politicians are full-blown LLMBs masquerading as freedom-loving conservatives for purely political purposes.
**Mass Media Podpeople’s Army–pretty much self-evident, although the allusion to a communist “peope’s army” is a bit loose.
***Smartland—see this essay by Orson Scott Card.


Lileks disses the “Koran desecration” meme

You really, really ought to make sure you catch James Lileks’ new feature, Screedblog. A sample of today’s rant:

“..Not to say we should treat the Qur’an with casual disrespect. But if an infidel touches the book with the wrong hand and people react like a two-year-old whose peas are touching the mashed potatoes, well, I understand why this matters, but when measured against the sins of headchoppery and carbombs, it pales to an evanescent translucence…”

I think you understate the case a bit, James, but then, there’s more where that came from, so at second thought, maybe you don’t.
