THIS is why we need to keep pressing for Kerry’s full records

Joe Biden is touted as presidential timbre; Billary waits in the wings…

I think that is one of the reasons why it’s important to get Jean Fraud sKerry’s full records. Unless the most obvious liar and poltroon of recent presidential races can be fully exposed as the fraud he is in ways that the casual voter can grasp in passing, then what reason would there be to dig for information that expose the character of any politician?
And make no mistake, despite the (mostly successful) attempts by Mass Media Podpeople to paint “the character issue” out of the picture, character is the single most important issue of politics. If we cannot trust a politician to say what he means, mean what he says and keep his word, then we are truly screwed.
Cancel that. We can’t. We are.
Oh. Well. That still doesn’t negate the point that we need honest people who will serve in Congress and in the Administration (as well as in local and state offices) regardless of their party affiliation or political stances. And even more do we need a president who can be trusted to do as he says he will do when the chips are down.
Ask Kadafi why he surrendered his nuclear weapons program. Hmmm, at the time, he revealed that he knew George W. Bush was serious about his rhetoric on the GWT. Because GWB’s words matched his actions.
Contrast that with Jean Fraud sKerry’s flip flipping and outright lies.
Now, ask yourself about other candidates floating up for target practice. Joe “Blowhard” Biden’s name’s being floated again (I wonder where that has come from? Surely Bloviating Joe had nothing to do with it…)
BeldarBlog has a short rundown of some of Joe Blowhard’s disqualifiers (one of them being that he’s as all sizzle, no steak). I think his serial plagiarism—and expecting to get away with it—and puffing his resume are enough to place him securely within the Jean Fraud sKerry camp of losers, myself.
It wasn’t just as a “college kid” (yeh, right: grad school counts as being a “college kid” I guess) that he plagiarized—he hasn’t stopped. It’s ingrained in his nature to pretend to achievements that are not his. He’s a liar, a poltroon, and a buffoon. “Top half” of his class in law school, as he has claimed? Barely the lower 12%. “Mistaking” the botton 12% for top 50% and expecting folks to just buy the lie is a mark of abyssmal, arrogant stupidity and, given his penchent for repeatedly stealing others’ work and claiming it as his own, a sign of a fundamental weakness of character that disqualifies him for responsibility as a garbage man, let alone senator or president.
He’s a worm, a jerk and an empty suit.
Now that I’ve completed inventorying his good points…
And that leaves Billary to consider. Does a return to what was arguably the most corrupt administration of the 20th century appeal to you? Sure, she’s smarter than Joe “Blowhard” Biden and knows how to hide the bodies well, but who really wants Madame Harridan as a president? Digging in that back yard would be a Good Thing to Do before her candidacy gets too much wind in its sails from puffing Mass Media Podpeople.
Ahh, but I’m picking on the poor Dems. Yeh, well, recently it’s the Dems who have made lying their standard policy. (The “Bush lied” lie springs readily to mind.) Sure, maybe there’re only one or two out of all the politicians on the national stage who don’t regularly speak to decieve—Spaceman Kucinich springs to mind: he’s too nutso for anyone to be able to tell whether he’s lying or just being a sock puppet for the voices in his head—but it seems to be policy now in the Dem party.
With the Democratic party now apparently owned by the Democratic Underground wing, it seems blatant lies and fantasy are the only resort of Dems who want party support.
And that’s just not acceptable.
Of course, The Stupid Party has its own set of problems…

Subversive Children’s Stories

OK, did this ever bother anyone else?

I kept my mouth firmly shut when our children were small. But I knew this stuff was warping their lil brains. I mean, all that torture learning how to “take care of business” (disingenuously called “potty training”) and one of the most popular children’s book characters, complete with cartoons, products, etc., is named after the dreaded Number Two?
C’mon, now: how many of y’all were NOT bothered by the very idea of your children going on and on about Winnie the Pooh? Why, there was even a Winnie the Pooh shampoo! Not even real poo: sham poo! *sheesh!*
Talk about sabotaging parents’ training of their children…

Same story, ‘nother verse…

I’ve a message for Jean Fraud sKerry in his native tongue:

“Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose…”

Jean Fraud sKerry hasn’t even released his SF-180 for public view! (Update: Well, he still hasn’t, but apparently someone’s gotten a copy via a FOIA request. See it here at Poweline. h/t Ankle Biting Pundit)

Why keep harping on the fact that Jean Fraud sKerry has yet to make his records public as he has said he did (then admitted he had not), promised to do (and has, as yet failed to deliver) and likely never will, absent an act of God or an angry lynch mob (not mutually exlusive events, IMO)?

The easy ride Jean Fraud sKerry has gotten in the press over his multiple lies and his slanders of the military and others makes him a poster child for the bad politician. The longer sKerry gets away with his slimy tactics, the more it encourages others such as Ted “Lifesaver” Kennedy, Dick “Turban” Durbin and Patrick “Me-too, Dicky-poo” Leahy in their slimy behavior. Frankly, each and every one of these [descriptives deleted] politicians and all of their ilk should have each and every one of their assinine comments and excreble behaviors trumpted loudly and longly into the nation’s consciousness.

Ain’t a-gonna happen via the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army.

So, Lurch, when are you going to release your records to the public? Any chance at seeing the SF-180 (so we can see what you excluded from release) before a FOI request wends its way through a bureaucracy you’ve learned well to manipulate?

Let’s see… answer to first question: The Twelfth of Never?

Answer to second question: On the close order of a snowball’s chance in hell. Update: answer confirmed. sKerry did NOT release even a copy of his SF-180; it took a FOIA request to get a copy, as mentioned above. Is Jean Fraud sKerry in need of a brain transplant? If so, maybe he could get Teddy Kennedy’s: it’s been unused for years and is well-pickled.

Sounds about right.

Lil hint: Lurch is sitting back hoping (and likely pushing) for something to distract public attention from his maneuvers to keep it from knowing his story—his whole story (dontcha know he just loves “Turban” Durbin?). The Mass Media Podpeople’s Army is giving him all the fire support it can. Let someone outside of Lurch’s pet media outlets actually get their hands on his records, though, and the MMPA will bring out the big guns.

See Cao’s Blog for more, including

For those who ponder why in God’s name we’re STILL pursuing this, be it known: We feel it a reasonable request that a 20-year veteran of the United States Senate (and apparently a Vietnam veteran, all medaled and shiny we think) to tell the truth and nothing but. In fact, given that Kerry had wrapped himself gloriously in that War Hero banner during his run for the presidency (and might… again?), such bold honesty would mollify many minds (mayhaps) and surely make up for our tisk-tisking over a wee holiday excursion said War Hero made, once upon a time, to Cambodia.

Oh! What a good read!

UPDATE #3: Yup. “Complete record” my patootie. According to page 2 of his SF-180, obtained via a FOIA request, sKerry specifically did NOT request the records for his Naval Reserve time, which would explain the discrepancy in his required service time and his eventual discharge durung the Carter Administration; what action was taken or explored during the time he was in the Naval Reserves and met with North Vietnamese representatives in Paris, etc.

Still has not even authorized a full release of his records.

What a weenie.

Pearls before swine: Kipling on the treasure we squander

Were I not as much a part of the problem, I’d bemoan the pejoration of English as clearly as Kipling did in the verse below

The Birthright

The miracle of our land’s speech–so known
And long received, none marvel when ’tis shown!

We have such wealth as Rome at her most pride
Had not or (having) scattered not so wide;
Nor with such arrant prodigality,
Beneath her any pagan’s foot let lie…
Lo! Diamond that cost some half their days
To find and t’other half to bring to blaze:
Rubies of every heat, wherethrough we scan
The fiercer and more fiery heart of man:
Emerald that with the uplifted billow vies,
And Sapphires evening remembered skies:
Pearl perfect, as immortal tears must show,
Bred, in deep waters, of a piercing woe;
And tender Turkis, so with charms y-writ,
Of woven gold, Time dares not bite on it.
Thereafter, in all manners worked and set,
Jade, coral, amber, crystal ivories, jet,–
Showing no more than various fancies, yet
Each a Life’s token or Love’s amulet
Which things, through timeless arrogance of use,
We neither guard nor garner, but abuse;
So that our scholars–nay, our children-fling
In sport or jest treasure to arm a King;
And the gross crowd, at feast or market, hold
Traffic perforce with dust of gems and gold!

OK, I can (almost) live with that

Mark Steyn is on the right track, at least:

This isn’t a Republican vs Democrat thing; it’s about senior Democrats who are so over-invested in their hatred of a passing administration that they’ve signed on to the nuttiest slurs of the lunatic fringe. It would be heartening to think that Durbin will himself now be subjected to some serious torture. Not real torture, of course; I don’t mean using Pol Pot techniques and playing the Celine Dion Christmas album really loud to him. But he should at least be made a little uncomfortable over what he’s done — in a time of war, make an inflammatory libel against his country’s military that has no value whatsoever except to America’s enemies. Shame on him, and shame on those fellow senators and Democrats who by their refusal to condemn him endorse his slander.

The rest of the article makes a good case for a suggestion I made to one of my seantors in an email: that “Turban” Durbin be involuntarily committed for psychiatric evaluation. (After which one could hope for multiple shock treatments at ever-increasing power levels… )

h/t Kris of Anywhere But Here.

Addendum: For more perspective on just what a complete [dele] “Turban” Durbin is in equating our military personnel’s actions at Gitmo with torture-and mass murder–take a gander at Cao’s recent post on the rescue of tortured Iraqis by U.S. Marines. Far from simply having their air conditioning played with, these Iraqis were genuinely tortured. Cao has the story and links.
Crossposted and expanded at Cathouse Chat.

More: Patterico has “Turban” Durbin (Laden)’s “no regrets” interview noted here.

Sissy’s WoW #8

This week, what with “Turban” Durbin in the news and all, Sissy has chosen a particularly appropriate word: hejira.

1590, the flight of Muhammed from Mecca to Medina (July 16, 622 C.E.), from which event the Islamic calendar reckons. From Ar. hijrah “departure,” from hajara “to depart.”
Now, that’s something I’d like to see at least partially repeated (without the massacre of Jews Muhammed thought added a nice lil touch to his capture of Medina). Let’s see… who would I like to see make a hejira to escape “persecution”…
Splodydope nutcase savage Islamofascists: how about a hejira to the surface of the sun? You know, somewhere they’d be safe from U.S. Marines…
Dick “Turban” Durbin: a dead-of-the-night, really clandestine escape from being tarred and feathered by irate citizens. How about a hejira to the nearest Al Qaeda cave? Let him live the life with his buddies, safely away from anywhere he can inflict his spew on real Americans, you know, like those serving at Camp X-Ray in Guantanamo whom he slandered.
No hejira for Teddy Kennedy. He made his escape from reality to the bottom of a bottle a generation ago.
How about a hejira to Cambodia (somewhere around Christmas) for Jean Fraud sKerry when ALL his records are finally unearthed and made public? Maybe he could retrace the path made on that fateful Christmas in Cambodia that’s “seared, seared into” his memory a step or two ahead of the crowd planning to run him outa town on a rail…
Yeh, I’d like to see Muhammed’s hejira to Medina re-enacted as hosts of creeps, savages, poltroons and wannabe traitorous doofs get outa Dodge just ahead of the lynch mob.
I’d love to see them all jump from the frying pan into the fire.

Awww, Gee. And I missed your Blogbirthday and all that!

I am unworthy, but I gratefully accept the honor…

…though I hardly feel I deserve it.
Christine, proprietess of two of my fav blogs, Morning Coffee & Afternoon Tea and BTW (by the way… ) has unilaterally adopted me as her blogfather. *blush* Aww shucks! *digs toe in dirt* That’s really nice of you, Christine! An honor far above my station. Thanks.
But does this mean I have to start a college fund?
Check Christine’s blogs out to see just why they are such a fav read of mine… and why this is such a great honor.
(Furiously wondering: just when is Christine’s blogbirthday??? 🙂

Happy Blogfathersâ„¢ Day!

To all of you guys who’ve done so much to encourage others in their blogging—helping newbies get started, teaching them how to “ride a bike, drive a car and ‘do’ their ritual IRS sacrifice” (so to speak) in the blogosphere… You know who you are.

Thanks, blogfathers.

Happy Blogfathers Dayâ„¢

Soliciting your views.

I am so livid, I am approaching the foaming-at-the-mouth stage…

…concerning the slanderous, vile, contemptible things Dick Durban has been quoted as saying just this week about the treatment of the “detainees” at Camp X-ray in Guantanamo. He now calls it a “misunderstanding.” Yeh, right. “Misunderstanding” my patootie. I’d like to know how he thinks he can get away with that. Slime. I don’t “misunderstand” his comparison of Gitmo to the physical torture and murder of millions of people in the Soviet gulags. it was quite clear: he equated the two. I don’t “misunderstand” his comparison of Gitmo to the Nazi torture and murder of millions of “undesireables” during World War II: he equated the two.
Cutting it off right there. I already edited the statement above, removing things that should be said about such a worm as Durbin but… dele again.
I am very glad I’m not in the same room as this (another dele). I won’t allow myself to be anywhere near this person or his ilk. Just don’t want my family to have to deal with the results…
More deles
Let me just ask you: what is a just and effective manner of dealing with Durbin and his ilk? OK, now, what’s a just and effective and legal manner of dealing with this person and his ilk? (Need to keep it legal, folks. Dr. Tarr and Mr. Fether can NOT be invited tio attend to them… *sigh* unfortunately… Keep it legal, OK?)
Well, at least someone sees humor in this. Here’s some metaphorical pie in the face for Turbin Durbin: