Patterico’s Pontifications on Michael Shiavo’s latest stunt
THIS is why we need to keep pressing for Kerry’s full records
Joe Biden is touted as presidential timbre; Billary waits in the wings…
Subversive Children’s Stories
OK, did this ever bother anyone else?
Same story, ‘nother verse…
I’ve a message for Jean Fraud sKerry in his native tongue:
“Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose…”
Jean Fraud sKerry hasn’t even released his SF-180 for public view! (Update: Well, he still hasn’t, but apparently someone’s gotten a copy via a FOIA request. See it here at Poweline. h/t Ankle Biting Pundit)
Why keep harping on the fact that Jean Fraud sKerry has yet to make his records public as he has said he did (then admitted he had not), promised to do (and has, as yet failed to deliver) and likely never will, absent an act of God or an angry lynch mob (not mutually exlusive events, IMO)?
The easy ride Jean Fraud sKerry has gotten in the press over his multiple lies and his slanders of the military and others makes him a poster child for the bad politician. The longer sKerry gets away with his slimy tactics, the more it encourages others such as Ted “Lifesaver” Kennedy, Dick “Turban” Durbin and Patrick “Me-too, Dicky-poo” Leahy in their slimy behavior. Frankly, each and every one of these [descriptives deleted] politicians and all of their ilk should have each and every one of their assinine comments and excreble behaviors trumpted loudly and longly into the nation’s consciousness.
Ain’t a-gonna happen via the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army.
So, Lurch, when are you going to release your records to the public? Any chance at seeing the SF-180 (so we can see what you excluded from release) before a FOI request wends its way through a bureaucracy you’ve learned well to manipulate?
Let’s see… answer to first question: The Twelfth of Never?
Answer to second question: On the close order of a snowball’s chance in hell. Update: answer confirmed. sKerry did NOT release even a copy of his SF-180; it took a FOIA request to get a copy, as mentioned above. Is Jean Fraud sKerry in need of a brain transplant? If so, maybe he could get Teddy Kennedy’s: it’s been unused for years and is well-pickled.
Sounds about right.
Lil hint: Lurch is sitting back hoping (and likely pushing) for something to distract public attention from his maneuvers to keep it from knowing his story—his whole story (dontcha know he just loves “Turban” Durbin?). The Mass Media Podpeople’s Army is giving him all the fire support it can. Let someone outside of Lurch’s pet media outlets actually get their hands on his records, though, and the MMPA will bring out the big guns.
See Cao’s Blog for more, including
For those who ponder why in God’s name we’re STILL pursuing this, be it known: We feel it a reasonable request that a 20-year veteran of the United States Senate (and apparently a Vietnam veteran, all medaled and shiny we think) to tell the truth and nothing but. In fact, given that Kerry had wrapped himself gloriously in that War Hero banner during his run for the presidency (and might… again?), such bold honesty would mollify many minds (mayhaps) and surely make up for our tisk-tisking over a wee holiday excursion said War Hero made, once upon a time, to Cambodia.
Oh! What a good read!
UPDATE #3: Yup. “Complete record” my patootie. According to page 2 of his SF-180, obtained via a FOIA request, sKerry specifically did NOT request the records for his Naval Reserve time, which would explain the discrepancy in his required service time and his eventual discharge durung the Carter Administration; what action was taken or explored during the time he was in the Naval Reserves and met with North Vietnamese representatives in Paris, etc.
Still has not even authorized a full release of his records.
What a weenie.
Pearls before swine: Kipling on the treasure we squander
Were I not as much a part of the problem, I’d bemoan the pejoration of English as clearly as Kipling did in the verse below
The miracle of our land’s speech–so known
And long received, none marvel when ’tis shown!
Had not or (having) scattered not so wide;
Nor with such arrant prodigality,
Beneath her any pagan’s foot let lie…
Lo! Diamond that cost some half their days
To find and t’other half to bring to blaze:
Rubies of every heat, wherethrough we scan
The fiercer and more fiery heart of man:
Emerald that with the uplifted billow vies,
And Sapphires evening remembered skies:
Pearl perfect, as immortal tears must show,
Bred, in deep waters, of a piercing woe;
And tender Turkis, so with charms y-writ,
Of woven gold, Time dares not bite on it.
Thereafter, in all manners worked and set,
Jade, coral, amber, crystal ivories, jet,–
Showing no more than various fancies, yet
Each a Life’s token or Love’s amulet
Which things, through timeless arrogance of use,
We neither guard nor garner, but abuse;
So that our scholars–nay, our children-fling
In sport or jest treasure to arm a King;
And the gross crowd, at feast or market, hold
Traffic perforce with dust of gems and gold!
OK, I can (almost) live with that
Mark Steyn is on the right track, at least:
This isn’t a Republican vs Democrat thing; it’s about senior Democrats who are so over-invested in their hatred of a passing administration that they’ve signed on to the nuttiest slurs of the lunatic fringe. It would be heartening to think that Durbin will himself now be subjected to some serious torture. Not real torture, of course; I don’t mean using Pol Pot techniques and playing the Celine Dion Christmas album really loud to him. But he should at least be made a little uncomfortable over what he’s done — in a time of war, make an inflammatory libel against his country’s military that has no value whatsoever except to America’s enemies. Shame on him, and shame on those fellow senators and Democrats who by their refusal to condemn him endorse his slander.
The rest of the article makes a good case for a suggestion I made to one of my seantors in an email: that “Turban” Durbin be involuntarily committed for psychiatric evaluation. (After which one could hope for multiple shock treatments at ever-increasing power levels… )
h/t Kris of Anywhere But Here.
More: Patterico has “Turban” Durbin (Laden)’s “no regrets” interview noted here.
Sissy’s WoW #8
This week, what with “Turban” Durbin in the news and all, Sissy has chosen a particularly appropriate word: hejira.
1590, the flight of Muhammed from Mecca to Medina (July 16, 622 C.E.), from which event the Islamic calendar reckons. From Ar. hijrah “departure,” from hajara “to depart.”
Awww, Gee. And I missed your Blogbirthday and all that!
I am unworthy, but I gratefully accept the honor…
Happy Blogfathersâ„¢ Day!
To all of you guys who’ve done so much to encourage others in their blogging—helping newbies get started, teaching them how to “ride a bike, drive a car and ‘do’ their ritual IRS sacrifice” (so to speak) in the blogosphere… You know who you are.
Thanks, blogfathers.
Happy Blogfathers Dayâ„¢
Soliciting your views.
I am so livid, I am approaching the foaming-at-the-mouth stage…