Former (I like saying that) President Clinton Flayed for Rare Moment of Truth

Of course, he followed his rare moment of truth with an out and out lie the next day, but give the poor brain-damaged guy some credit will ya?

“The Interview” is all over the web, and even Mass Media Podpeople are following it up (to give as much help to Obama as possible, of course):

“The Denial” is all over the place, as well (again, in order to boost Obama as much as possible–it’s so petty that it adds nothing to the Clinton reputation for lies):

Of course Obama’s been playing the “race card” all along. As has The Hildebeast. Just two separate camps of bigots acting out their racist agendas.

But attacking a mentally disabled guy for speaking the truth (even though he later stupidly denied it–heart-surgery-induced brain damage at work, no doubt) is just not nice.


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Tuesday Titter


intransitive verb

to laugh in a half-suppressed way, suggestive of silliness… “

OK, here’s your Tuesday Titter, courtesy of HTH (via email):

You in the press need to go easy on Senator Clinton on the whole business about running and ducking from gunfire in Bosnia. She made an honest mistake. She confused the Bosnia trip with the time I took her hunting. –Dick Cheney



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Prescription for What Ails US: Hope and Change

Yes, both “us” and “US”. This will be short (relatively), and I will provide zero supporting elements. Any comments resulting from readers doing their own homework on the elements below are welcome. Comments that demonstrate absolutely no knowledge of the elements below will be mocked. Do your own homework. I will NOT provide links here. You can type “” as easily as I can.

Barry Hussein Obama-Winfrey floats a lot of hot air about “hope” and “change” (yeh, he hopes to change the US into a completely socialist society filled with grievance groups of “victims” leeching off producers–and he has a good chance of success). Well, unless we, as an electorate, take steps to knock a few politicians *spit*, bureaucraps and assorted other leeches on the head (metaphorically, you understand) in order to change the direction our coutry is headed, I hold out little hope for a future U.S. with any resemblance to the City Set on a Hill envisioned by the Founders.

What must be done (apart from throwing the bums out of office–darned near every elected official we can find)? Several things would stem the tide–perhaps even roll it back.

1. Don’t take this lightly. Every person I’ve presented this to so far (and I’ve been talking this up in the RW for years *sigh* so far w/o much movement) has expressed a positive response–even those who view themselves as “lefties”:

Each State of the Union needs an amendment to its State constitution providing that
a. every elective position on each ballot include “none of the
above” as a choice on the ballot
b. if “none of the above” recieves a plurality of votes, then ALL
candidates listed for that ballot position are disqualified from
seeking that office in the future and
c. a new election must be held for that position with new

Frankly, I could see “none of the above” winning in a landslide in the upcoming presidential election…

2. Get the feds OUT of public education, at ALL levels. Out. No influence, no monies, no diktats. Nada, zilch, a big zero with the rim kicked off. Then work on reducing State influence on local schools. Make local school boards and parents completely responsible for their children’s education. With around 2/3 of recent college graduates functional illiterates, largely as a result of early intervention by “feddle gummint” busybodies’ stupid policies, we need to get the fedgov out of education.

It’d be a start.

3. Do some commonsense things to get our economy back on track. No, I’m not talking here about the recent Chicken Little wails about recession. I’m talking here about the fact that we’ve been strongly encouraged (in large part by stupid fedgov meddling) to become a nation of consumers surrendering more and more of our nation’s producing capabilities. “Line jobs”–factory work, even low-to-medium skill work–is dropping off, and this suits socialists just fine (more dependents for government handouts) but does nothing for a republic of free folk. Look, by definition, half our population is “below average” in intellectual potential. What are you going to do for productive, meaningful work for thse folks as more and more real goods manufacturing is moved offshore? Put ’em all in call centers making telemarketing annoyances of themselves?

Or maybe they can all go to work for McDonalds. Ya want fries with that?

To stem the tide of manufacturing jobs bleeding from our society (mixing metaphors is what metas are for, IMO :-)), two simple things would make a huge difference. (Do remember Clausewitz’s admonition that “everything in war is simple, but the simplest thing is difficult” and remember that we The People must recognize that we are in a sort of war with our political buffoons *cough* leaders.)

a. despite the opposition of politicians who do NOT want to
reliquish the power over your life that the IRS and the income
tax gives them, we must press for The Fair Tax.

Do your own homework. I’ve posted enough FACTS here at twc in the past to demolish most of the disingenuous arguments against the plan, so any comments demonstrating you have not done your homewoprk will be roundly raspberried. Rational argument demonstrating you’ve done your homework will be welcome, though. (*crickets chirping*)

b. a 10% accross-the-board tarrif on ALL imports from
EVERYWHERE, no exceptions whatsoever. Period.

These two things alone would do much to restore America’s competitiveness in manufacturing, create more jobs for the average joe (and josephine :-)), strengthen the dollar and encourage thrift (more investment capital–of the right kind).

4. Get a handle on illegal immigrants who are stealing American jobs, stressing American health and social services, Close our borders. Period. Make sure we facilitate LEGAL immigration, but close our borders, seriously police them–like Mexico does its Southern border (complete with shoot to kill orders, exactly as Mexico does). And aggressively go after ALL employers of illegal aliens (are you listening, Tyson?). Shut down the jobs and social services (all social services except for legitimate health emergencies–provide emergency health care and then a free ride to the border) and watch the flood of illegals make their way to the borders. And make no mistake, of the 20,000,000 or more ilegals in this country, much more than 75% of them will head south… Eisenhower accomplished similar results in the 1950s, and what man has done, man can aspire to do… It ain’t rocket science.

Reminder: any arguments with assertions made above should show you’ve done your homework.

5. Make some commonsense decisions about energy policy. Right now, energy policy is being made by stupid, short-sighted politicians who’re either afraid of their shadows (eco-whackos) or bought and paid for lackeys of oil companies, OR by greedy, short-sighted energy company execs who just want to cash in now without serious thought for the future.

a. eliminate our need for fossil fuels for electricity production.

MIT has put plans for a modular pebble bed reactor in the public domain. China likes it. Although China is now leading the world in oil imports (actually, energy imports of all kinds), it plans on being a net exporter of energy within the next decade, relying largely on pebble bed reactors. Now, admittedly, PBRs are not the most technically advanced possibilities for nuclear energy production, but the technology is here, now, and is safer than any other energy production method, save possibly hydro-generation, that can approach its ability to provide large-scale electricity production. Safe. (Do your homework. Oh, and include readings on radioactivity, hormesis and what actually happens when Cobalt60 is accidentally introduced into the building materials for a large apartment complex… yeh, you get one link from me to start you off. It’s a PDF file. :-).) And please, no cries of “What to do with nuclear waste?” That problem’s been solved, solved and solved again. Take your pick of safe, eficient and easy methods. It’s 19th Century engineering.

But oil for other uses? Why the heck is the U.S. importing oil at all? We already have enough reserves for short-to-medium term oil production. If the fedgov would get out of the way, that is. And technologies like thermal depolymnerization manufacturing of oil are proven technologies. Heck, if every lil burg simply contracted with a TDP company to process its raw sewage, the lil burgs would have their clean water as a “by-product” and the contracting company could sell the oil. Everybody wins. And the odor some folks complain about from TDP plants? Not any worse than raw sewage, my friends, and the odor from TDP plants has this advantage: it smells like money. Talk about win-win-win-win: lower costs could be assessed on citizens for water treatment, city has a new business to tax (*feh*), the Saudis and Hugo Chavez take it on the chin, and the TDP business makes money.

And nuclear energy, available proven reserves and TDP plants are just three of many things we could be doing right now to wean ourselves of foreign oil. No pie in the sky technology leaps necessary, just political will.

There you have it: the twc five-point plan. It’s not exhaustive (I’ve not mentioned, for example, annual meetings of Mass Media Podpeople with Dr. Tarr and Mr. Fether or many of the other things that would benefit our society), but you get the picture.

Argument welcome, but remember the warning above: comments that demonstrate the commenter hasn’t bothered to do his/her homework will be mocked.

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Trackposted to McCain Blogs, DragonLady’s World, Maggie’s Notebook, The World According to Carl, Shadowscope, Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, Big Dog’s Weblog, Conservative Cat, Right Voices, D equals S, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Epitaph: Dulce Et Decorum Est, and All That Jazz

Kat, of Cathouse Chat, tagged me with a blogosphere meme pool tag game that seems worth playing (note: worth playing or not, I’d play anyway for two reasons: the tagger and the fact that this is just a blog, you know, something to mollify the voices in my head, which is why most bloggers blog whether they admit it or not).

The Rules:

1. Write your own six word memoir (mind if I call it my epitaph? ;-)).
2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you want.
3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post and to the original post if possible so we can track it as travels across the blogosphere.
4. Tag at least five more blogs with links.
5. Leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.

I hope my epitaph might read,

“Truth to power, regardless the cost.”

Tagees: Beagle Scout, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Maggie’s Notebook, The Random Yak and Soliloquy, all blogger’s whose “memoir” quote I’d be interested in seeing, just not carved in stone any time soon. πŸ˜‰

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Liberty? What’s That?

About all that multi-culti hogwash (read, “poisonous bullshit”)that’s been going about making hash of political freedom all over the Western World for a couple of decades now, Samuel Francis had this to say,

“Political freedom relies on a shared political culture as much as on the oppositions and balances that social differentiation creates, and when the common culture disintegrates under the impact of mass migrations, only institutionalized force can hold the regime together.”1 (PDF file)

Erasing the common culture is resulting in the situation that forms this blogpost title. “…[O]nly institutionalized force can hold the regime together…” And so we have the TSA’s endless harrassment of citizens to achieve security theater2, 3 (and avoid even the appearance of “profiling” by ethnicity, culture or even typical signs of terrorist behavior) that does little, if anything, to enhance the safety of citizens while doing much to turn citizens into subjects; the embrace by our political masters of an alien invasion sponsored by a foreign state; the criminalization of political speech as “hate speech”; all fostered by the goal of erasing the benefits of Western Civilization in favor of embracing the “benefits” of a third world outlook on life.

After all, what did Western Civilization ever do for you, anyway?

Oops! A comment by Perri Nelson reminded me that I’d not provided a link to obtain a t-shirt of your own. You can get your own here.

Thanks Perri.

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An always timely reminder


I’m just a tad paranoid about network security. Hardware firewall. Software firewalls on each computer. Up to date anti-virus/anti-spyware, etc., softwares. Strong passwords. Highest level wireless encryption compatible with all my devices (pretty high, lemme tell ya–I’ll just let you guess :-)), etc.

In my inbox today:

Did you Change the Password?

The article’s a short and sweet reminder to change default passwords on equipment you purchase, such as routers, firewalls, etc. I simply do not know how many times I’ve made a service call and discovered as a matter of course that the client has such a device with the default user/password combo still unchanged.


Can you say, screen door on a submarine?

BTW, my last wireless router default UN/PW combo was admin/admin. How hard is that to crack?

Just do it. Don’t buy a piece of hardware that has a default password and just leave it that way. Getcherself off your lazy butt and change the password. No, don’t use your birthday, your mother’s maiden name or your pet’s name. *sheesh!* Get real.

BTW, let me give you a hint how to crack some of my passwords. Some of my passwords are based on the technical names of specific mountains. I simply misspell them in various ways, as well as mixing cases in a semi-random fashion. There. That should get you started cracking those passwords.

Oh, what does that family of passwords go to? That’s your second level exercise, cos I’m not saying.


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The Greatness of the American Electorate

The American electorate’s amazing literacy, deeply informed knowledge of history, economics and current events combined with superb analytical skills and a deep committment to participatory government have inexorably led to the development of the wisest government in the history of the world.

Welcome to April 1, 2008

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Trackposted to Allie is Wired, DragonLady’s World, Adam’s Blog, Shadowscope, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, , Tilting At Windmill Farms, Conservative Cat, Adeline and Hazel, and D equals S, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Eaten by Locusts

Monday, Monday… Today is eaten by locusts… or maybe it’s voracious dust bunnies that’ve gathered on my “to-do” schedule. So, hit me with your best posts, so I can have a reading list ready made, OK?

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“…ready to dump our schools…”

From Robert Cringely:

…we’ve reached the point in our (disparate) cultural adaptation to computing and communication technology that the younger technical generations are so empowered they are impatient and ready to jettison institutions most of the rest of us tend to think of as essential, central, even immortal. They are ready to dump our schools.

And about time! Cringely’s of my generation (well a little younger) and makes his point well about the chasm between technology use by different generations. While I may sometimes chuckle and wrying shake my head when my octogenarian father describes his (do note: successful) struggles to master his computer and make it a useful part of his lifestyle, my children, I’m sure, chuckle to themselves and wryly shake their heads at my abandonment of my cell phone and lack of any desire whatsoever to “text”.

But Cringely goes beyond the obvious divide in different generations’ integration of new technologies as genuinely useful parts of their lives and notes a specific impact of the effect on education.

These are kids who have never known life without personal computers and cell phones. But far more important, there is emerging a class of students whose PARENTS have never known life without personal computers and cell phones. The Big Kahuna in educational discipline isn’t the school, it is the parent. Ward Cleaver rules. But what if Ward puts down his pipe and starts texting? Well he has.

Speaking about the shift from knowing stuff to Googling stuff–yeh, who hasn’t “put down” that eBook to do a quick search on “Albegensian” or whatever? *heh* I picked that because I already knew a bunch about that word’s historical implications from “old guy” stuff rattling around in my head… and still did a search on the term some months ago. Google is sometimes better than memory, you know–Cringely notes:

This is, of course, a huge threat to the education establishment, which tends to have a very deterministic view of how knowledge and accomplishment are obtained – a view that doesn’t work well in the search economy. At the same time K-12 educators are being pulled back by No Child Left Behind, they are being pulled forward (they probably see it as pulled askew) by kids abetted by their high-tech Generation Y (yes, we’re getting well into Y) parents who are using their Ward Cleaver power not to maintain the status quo but to challenge it.

Read the whole thing for a twist you might not see coming… πŸ˜‰

h.t. Jerry Pournelle’s Mail. Drop by. Read. And wish Dr. Pournelle well.

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Who Needs School?

I’ve mentioned MITs OpenCourseware before (somewhere–I’m not looking for it right now). Such things are widely available all over the web. For example, THE work on systems analysis, Herman Kahn’s Techniques of Systems Analysis, is available as a free download from the Rand Corporation.

With such sites as Project Gutenberg and many other organizations and universities making literature and courses available for free, anyone with the mental horsepower, the desire and access to a computer or a public library (most have computers available now) can have not only the usual library resources available but a world of educational enrichment at their fingertips.

I used to haunt the public libraries where we lived when I was a kid. School libraries all the way through grad school , most definitely ALL the school libraries I could reach–collections varied. *heh* I needed “The Second Sex” for a research paper once and the ONLY copy available in five college libraries (and two public) consulted was Le Deuxieme Sexe. Right. In French. Thanks to a good French prof, that was OK. (Of course, it was also fun when the prof asked me to translate material I cited. *heh* What? Didn’t think I’d actually read the horrible book? Simone de Beauvoir was one kinky, twisted woman. Still, I’d probably have been less critical of the book had I not known her history.)

Anywho… off the rabbit trail, now and back on track. If you’ve not learned anything new today, you’ve wasted your time so far. Go. Learn. Grow.

(OK, I’ll admit that formal schooling has its uses, but the way public schools (AKA, “prisons for kids”) are going and the manner in which colleges and universities have become low-class diploma mills for sub- and illiterates, the value of such things is rapidly approaching large negative numbers. Trade schools and such like: great for training, not so much for education–and yes, the two are very different things.)

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