“Misunderedumacation” An’t Nuthin’ New

Impressions of grade school from my childhood. . . First grade (kindergarten? Never heard of that, at least not until vague references when I was in high school): two different schools. First one: only three memorable things, two negative, one (square dancing) just kinda *meh*.

Second school: Stupid Books™ in classroom library (fortunately Walter Farley books had addicted me to the town library by then, so. . . ). Oh, and times tables; I recall learning those to 12 in second grade. A kid in school played accordion for an assembly once, too. That was cool.

Another school: Third grade was a wash, but I got glasses, so it was a pretty clean wash.

Fourth grade? Learned a box step and a bunch of songs. Class had a pretty good classroom library. Oh, and the teacher was kinda loony, but most of that may have been due to her failure t grasp “new math” #gagamaggot. (But I still recall some of her loony rambles, like how she always turned her car off at a red light to save gas. I thought that was really amusing). F

Another school: Fifth ad sixth grades were. . . *meh* 5th: all I really recall is that the classroom was on the second floor, west side of the building, and that we ALL had to get Valentines cards for everyone in the class. Dumb.

6th: FINALY A REPREIVE! Got to spend a lot of time in “independent study” thanks to our neighbor running OFF THE ROAD and hitting me. Yay! Hospital, surgeries, and more. Kept me out of school and MUCH less bored for quite some time. Sweet!

Grade school was a bigger waste of time than junior high and high school, but that doesn’t say much for JH and HS. . .

At least I had libraries and extracurricular activities during grade school (even if it was just playing “500” in the street or riding my bike around or building silly things in the back yard or whatnot).