Small Consolation

The only consolation (and it’s weak tea, indeed) in a Trumpery presidency that one might possibly have is that at least the Queenie Cscklepants Cylon (and the rest of the Clinton Crime Cartel) isn’t scheduled to reign in the WH. *sigh* Sadly, very sadly, a cheesy reality series star is likely to be less harmful (kinda like being shot with a 9mm Parabellum is less harmful than being shot with a .50BMG).

Since I refused to vote for either of the Uniparty’s candidates, at least my hands (and conscience) are clean.

“Be Prepared”

From a discussion thread elsewhere in answer to a guy’s request for recommendations for a “pocket knife” for his 9-year-old daughter to take on a scout camping trip”

“Get her a real tool. . . ”

See, now THIS is why I have three EDC knives on me at all times (sometimes more, actually). Each is a real tool, and each is useful in different ways, and they don’t take up much room, really. A Gerber belt folder (belted horizintally, so it looks like it could instead be my “dumb” flip phone); a Swiss Army Knife in left front pocket; a Kershaw Speedsafe lockback in my right front pocket. Each sees daily use for different tasks, as suited to their capabilities/features.

(I have a couple of others in my car bag,** but those are both sheath knives for more heavy duty uses, oh, and one locking folder designed to also be used as a seat belt/car window “escape” knife, in the driver’s side pocket.)

Remember: “two is one and one is none.” Therefore, “three is two and two is one and one is none”? *heh*

**car bag: similar to this, but no multi-tool, because I also have a small soft-side tool bag with common auto tools/equipment tucked in with my spare tire and tire tools. Car bags similar on both our vehicles.