Once more unto the breach. . .

Or should I say, “Once more Mediacom sucks dead bunnies”?

So, last week, the two “strongarm tactics” digital decryption devices that Mediacom lies about, calling them “digital tuners” arrived and did not work. The “20 minute” updates they reported requiring never happened, so yesterday, replacement devices arrived (because that’s the only “solution” Mediacom had) and today. . . I get no functionality from them, either.

Oh, they report needing and update and breeze through “updating” and then. . . “We have detected an interruption in your service. . . ”

Mmmk. Disconnected the device from OUR network entirely. Connected it DIRECTLY to Mediacom’s line in–outside, no less.

Same thing. So, not our wiring, not our problem.

Mediacom non-existant, so-called “tech support” tried resetting the device from their end. At their direction, I (once again!) rebooted their lil device. Nothing. Same error report.

Until Mediacom’s encryption *gagamaggot* “service” *gagamaggot* goes into effect July 1, the digital tuners on our TVs will still work (yes, I have a digital-only channel tuned now via the TV’s tuner, so the signal’s fine; it’s just Mediacom’s crappy “tuner” devices and implementation).

It’s definitively all on Mediacom’s end.