Yeh, I’m still waffling. . .

. . .between shaking my head in amazement and laughing hilariously.

From a Farcebook thread:

“War is not a product of ideology, it is a product of primitive reasoning.”

Hilarious! Oh, I’d agree to the extent that “primitive reasoning”=”basic human nature.” Otherwise, really hilarious, the very model of “primitive reasoning.”

Let’s Improve Society, eh?

An acquaintance’s child noted recently that saving people from the obvious, easily-foreseen results their stupidity just results in more of the same. Yeh, I paraphrased, but it’s true.

I propose that new triage rules be instituted in emergency rooms along these lines.

“How did that happen? Really? That was stupid of you. Go bleed out over there.”

Maybe it should be carried out by EMTs at the scene, if they were summoned.

Evolution in action or just letting the gene pool naturally clean itself?