Mediacom: Sucking Dead Bunnies Through a Straw Sideways (and Spewing Them Out on Customers)

Well, it’s now official. Mediacom sucks dead bunnies through a straw. Sideways. It doesn’t really affect me so much, because the Internet service is mostly OK, but the channel listings have been culled to the point that the already sparse selection of channels with something frequently _nearly_ worth watching is even smaller, while propaganda from CSPAN has tripled and a number of offensive holy roller crap channels that approach (or embrace) heresy have been added.

For nearly 20 years, the number of channels has varied very little–a few added here and there over the years, but not all that many. Suddenly, although our TV scan finds almost the same number of channels, only about 1/3 the raw number still display, the channels that do are very, very different in most cases (and complete and utter crap in those cases).

Unfortunately, the shows my Wonder Woman enjoys are not available (or not *cough* legitimately *cough* available) on the web, except through some sort of paywall, but it may come to excising the TV charges from our “service” and doing the paywall crap, just to get away from Mediacom’s disgusting schemes.