Salsa “Notarecipe” #n, whatever

Ever had a salsa and thought, “mmm, almost, but not quite”? Yeh, me too. I no longer search for the perfect salsa or the perfect salsa recipe, because taste is such an idiosyncratic thing.

Here’s what I currently use for my Average Joe Salsa. I pick up a so-so (actually not half bad) jar of “hot” (it is to laugh) tomato-based salsa at my fav dollar store. (Why spend more than a buck?) Pick a few small roma tomatoes and some peppers (my jalapeños are in right now) from the garden. Take some garlic, onion and the tomatoes and peppers and whir ’em up in a food processor. Add ’em to the cheapo salsa and, pretty darned good.

I avoid cilantro, because unless it’s cooked, it’s just nasty. I also avoid (like the plague) the salsa that’s not “Made in New York City?!?” because it’s nothing but some almost indiscernible red and green stuff added to really salty water.

But there you have it. Pick a prepared salsa that’s sorta OK and kick it up with whatever fresh ingredients float your boat. THAT’S the secret to really tasty salsa, IMO.