Stupid Is as Stupid Does


Lots of yapping about King Putz all over the web–of course. (That’s the main point of his shenanigans, you know: he just loves attention. I almost want to tell folks, “Don’t feed the troll,” but since his actions impact so many in so many destructive ways, talk’s inevitable. . . and here, too. *heh*) Much of the jabber is of the “is he or isn’t he” a traitor or a dumbass.

Neither. He’s both.

Yes, he is quite obviously, to any clear-eyed observer, a traitor. That’s so self-evident in his deliberate actions to harm the US and its citizens, his clear violation of his oath of office and his multiple assaults on the Constitution that I’m not even going to elaborate on it at all.

But is he also a dumbass? Is King Putz really, profoundly stupid?


Oh, he may have an IQ somewhere in the first standard deviation above the mean. I can buy that, since he’s a fairly accomplished word parrot and did manage, with Affirmative Action, and other undisclosed by easily inferred, help to graduate college and grad school, but being a little over average in IQ and having the tools to be a little more than average “smart” is of no use since what he does is stupid.

Yes, he’s crafty and his stupidity is often well-thought-out, detailed and “intelligently” executed, but all that does is make it more destructively stupid. Heck, the very fact that he is a traitor is stupid. His blind adherence to the communist dogma of his formative years is stupid (because that dogma is itself stupid), and because it’s a blind devotion to stupid ideas, no matter how smart he (and his grup-groupie administration) is in implementing his stupid dogma, it’s too short-sighted (How short? Blindfold short.) to be able to reveal how stupid it is. . . to its devotees, like King Putz.

Since King Putz and his Conspiracy of Dunces can only see what implements their dogma or benefits their short-term goals or that of their cronies, their actions will always be destructive, and that is stupid.

For what does it profit a man if he gain the whole world but lose his own soul, as Someone once said?

These soulless, self-made morons, however, are like a two-year-old (even if a very bright two-year-old) at the controls of a 747 full of (relatively) innocent men, women and children. As long as the autopilot’s still working, he might not crash the plane, but why leave him at the controls just to find out?