Javascript Cookies™

Lo! these many years ago, I came up with this recipe (at an early version of twc). Good eats. I was feeling a wee tad “nibbly” one fine Saturday and hadn’t yet had my requisite dose of coffee, so I combined the two. BTW, make these a little more than double-sized, cool well and then slap a scoop of ice cream between two of them Re-chill, then serve. Sweet. Javascript Ice Cream Cookie Sandwiches™.

Javascript Cookies™
Recipe Type: Cookie
Cuisine: Javahead
Author: David
Perfect snack food for Javaheads.
  • Javascript Cookies™ (perfect for a late night computer activity snack ;-))
  • Ingredients:
  • •2 cups all-purpose flour
  • •1/3 cup finely ground coffee powder*
  • •1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • •1/2 teaspoon salt
  • •2 sticks (1 cup) unsalted butter, softened**
  • •2/3 cup granulated sugar
  • •1 large egg
  • •1 teaspoon vanilla
  • •5 oz semi-sweet chocolate chips (or chop your own from your fav semi-sweet chocolate)
  • •1/2 cup hazelnuts or sliced almonds, finely chopped
  • •1 1/2 cups confectioners’ sugar for coating
  1. Whisk together flour, coffee powder, baking powder, and salt in a bowl until combined.
  2. Beat together butter and granulated sugar in a large bowl with an electric mixer at medium-high speed (or get movin’ with your wire whisk!) until pale and fluffy, about 2 minutes in a stand mixer or 4 minutes with a handheld. Add egg and vanilla, beating until combined. Reduce speed to low, then add flour mixture and mix until combined well. Add chocolate and nuts and mix until just combined. Cover bowl with plastic wrap and chill dough until firm, about 30 minutes.
  3. Put oven racks in upper and lower thirds of oven and preheat oven to 325°F.
  4. Roll 1 tablespoon of dough into a 1-inch ball, then flatten slightly with palm of your hand to form a 1/3-inch-thick disk and coat with confectioners sugar. Make more cookies in same manner, arranging them 2 inches apart on ungreased baking sheets.
  5. OK, that was the original recipe directions. this is easier, and the cookies taste just as good. Put 1/2 cup of confectioners sugar in a bowl (I used a soup bowl/LARGE mug with a handle). Drop the appropriate amount of dough in the bowl and swirl the bowl to roll it around. Pick the doughballs up and flatten them onto the ungreased baking sheets. No (or less) messy hands, quicker and easier.
  6. Bake cookies, switching position of sheets halfway through baking, until they puff up and tops crack slightly, 8 to 10 minutes total, then transfer with a metal spatula to racks to cool completely. Recoat cookies with confectioners sugar, if you want (they’re sweet enough for me without the extra, but I have one tester who likes ’em that way). Oven times may vary. Add time if you make your cookies larger, of course.
  7. Too much dough? As chocolate/chocolate chip it refrigerates well for a short time. I’ll keep some of this dough around for a couple of days, then bake some cookies and see how it lasts.


*coffee powder: either from your fav ground coffee or fav whole beans (preferred); grind in a blade or burr coffee grinder until a fine, powdery consistency. If using a blade grinder, grind in bursts, as the coffee may overheat, especially if you’re grinding from whole beans, before becoming powdery.

BTW, I brought this forward from the deep, dark recesses of the shadow of twc’s past just because. Because my youngest nephew is getting married in June and his mom, my older sis, asked for a few of my fav recipes, and. . . he and his bride-to-be are both Javaheads. So, win-win-win-win. He and his lovely bride-to-be get a delish Javahead treat, I have this recipe brought forward (and updated a wee tad) and you, dear reader (oh, my, is it just one, now? *heh*) get to share in the delights of Javascript Cookies™.