Fun, Fun, Fun

So, the local “fell off the back of a truck” store had some 7″ Sylvania tablets (yeh, bad rep, low spec things) marked “defective” and w/o chargers for $5. “So,” methought, “five bucks for a non-functional piece of crap. Not bad!” *heh*

Bought two. Charged ’em up (well, yeh, I do have chargers/power bricks for just about everything. Why? Do you ask? *heh*).

One powers up but doesn’t boot at all, at all. Tore it down and didn’t find anything obvious at first glance. Set it aside.

Next: the other one, very slightly different model. Refused to power on. Tore it down. Hmmm, maybe it was trying to boot and I just couldn’t tell, because. . . THE RIBBON CABLE TO THE SCREEN WAS DISCONNECTED and looked like it never had been. *sigh*

Attached the ribbon cable and secured it. Reassembled the thing. Powered on and. . . stuck at the manufacturer’s logo. Powered off. Powered on with the “three finger salute” (which for this model means Power Button-Menu Button-Screen Tap) to bring up the screen to restore the system image. Quick re-touch of the Menu Button and. . . it attempted to restore the system image. Attempted only because the system image file is. . . missing (of course).

Now, since the device isn’t recognizable to any physical computers I have that can read the utility to flash the image via USB, I need to boot a virtual XP machine that will recognize it. Yes. That’s right. NO DRIVERS FOR WIN7 or WIN8. . . or even VISTA for this device. *sigh*

Well, at least it’s fun to play with. Heck, when I get it working, I don’t really have any use for it, anyway. The only real use I have for it is what I’ve been doing with it: tinkering around.