Passing thought. . .

I hold teachers–real teachers–in the highest respect. “Educators” (those who are in the “edumacation game” for the ego strokes or the tenure cushion, etc.) notsomuch. I wish I knew more teachers and fewer games players and tenure trackers marking time to retirement.

And, though sadly it would do harm to the 2% who are worth anything at all, I’d be happy to see all pubschool administrators relegated to chain gangs making little rocks out of big ones. At least they could do no harm to society there.


Yet Another Quick Tip for Windows Users

[And a bonus tip at the end.]

Every now and then, a scan with the Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer is just a Good Thing to do.

My most recent scan with the tool on the lil lappy I’m using to post this turned up two “problems”–one of which wasn’t, for me. Apparently, an update of M$Office 2010 had failed and for some reason Windows Update had borked on its responsibility to clue me in on the fact. Bad Windows Update, bad! *heh* Fixed that, even though I rarely use M$Office 2010 (I prefer LibreOffice–horse races and all that). The other problem? My login password for Windows hasn’t been changed in a while. Notaproblem for me. My Login password for this user account is one of the very, very few passwords I’ve deliberately elected to NOT change regularly, for reasons of my own.

All-in-all, an encouraging scan. But do keep in mind: the tool is a BASELINE scanner. Generally, the things it scans for should form a foundation of your security steps.

See more here on basic computer security: Gizmo’s Freeware Security Wizard Walk through the Wizard to get more recommendations for your own Windows computer use.

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