Just Read a Book Blurb. . .

. . .for a “Free! Save $12.95!” book. You tell me:

“This is a story about loss, overcoming adversity, and the triumph of the human spirit. . . “

Right. Nuh-uh. Not reading a thinly-disguised (or not at all disguised) touchy-feely crap. Clicking on by. . .

*meh* I purchased another 18 books this last week that ALL looked like much better bets than the one described by the blurb that began with the above off-putting remark. *heh* Three “new” purchases were from the book cart at the local library, picked up today when I returned the ones I checked out last Saturday. Between all the books in my own library, “discoveries” (mostly its new acquisitions) at the local public library and ebooks, I have quite enough books lined up to read without messing about with someone trying too hard and going all “emo” in my eyeballs.

So, I See an Ad. . .

. . . for a “zipper fixer” that does nothing but replace a broken or missing zipper pull. Silly me. I thought that was what paper clips were for. . .
