Issue Pulled from Comments

I pulled this from a comment I made in answer to another commenter on a post shortly after last Tuesday’s hijacking of the election.

I cannot count the number of, well, not conversations exactly but whatever passes for one with leftards that all had the same dynamic:

Leftard spouts Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind/Dhimmicrappic talking points as though they were graven in stone and delivered by a secular humanist commie bastard Moses.

I present verifiable facts.

Leftard calls said facts lies, because they do not match his talking points.

Therein lies the central disconnect, IMO. Leftards are delusional (or deliberate, witting liars. It’s often quite difficult to tell which is which), while the REAL reality-based folks are left wondering who screwed up the leftards’ p-sych meds, whenever they encounter one or more of them…

The political “middle” is now composed of

1. The stupid, gullible and ignorant: sheeple who are the natural “base” of the Dhimmicrappic Party.
2. The greedy, which is of two classes. a. Those who just want the government to give them “free cake”. b. Those who are busy bilking the public purse with massive fraud (at best).
3. The unconscious, those who wander the earth from one prodding stimulus to the next.

Moving to “the middle” is societal suicide. Waking the unconscious, excoriating the corrupt and weaning the “free cakers” is the only way to save society.

This is, of course, an extremely simplistic (and hence “wrong” on detail) model, but it’s roughly true, for all its shortcomings.

“[Cheating] is the only way he could have won”

That was a comment on FB. My response is quoted below.

Yes and no. The Zero DID have some really, really strong help from:

  1. The Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind–non-stop campaigning from the “Bylines for Barry” crowd with unceasing, bald-faced lies about Republicans in general and Romney and Ryan specifically; more bald-faced lies painting The Zero as just about everything he is not; plenty of hand-waving, distractions (“Look! A squirrel!”) and plain burying of stories that either helped Republicans or hurt Dhimmicraps, etc. 10X power on campaign publicity, for free.
  2. Fedzilla’s Precious Gimmepigs turned out for more “free cake”.
  3. “Principled” voters either stayed at home and pouted, or turned out and voted for destined losers, hoping the house would burn down so they could “save” the inhabitants.

Any one of those three taken from the equation, and it’s unlikely the Dhimmicraps could have cheated ENOUGH to win.

Our task:

  1. (metaphorically) BURN DOWN the Hivemind’s “house”. Spread a grassroots campaign to boycott all advertisers on Hivemind organs. All. Include a boycott of the Hivemind itself. Heck, when CBS (See BS) refused to hammer Dan Blather with a serious penalty for lying his a$$ off in 2004 in an attempt to scuttle Bush, I stopped watching ANYTHING from CBS entirely, and have actively encouraged everyone I know to follow suit. Now, I only check the other Hivemind organs to see what they’re lying about today. And always, always, always spread as much truth as widely as possible to counter their lies.
  2. Carefully, consistently and continually confront Fedzilla’s Gimmepigs with the arguments about WHY there is no “free cake”. Use the impending bankruptcy of CA (and the actual bankruptcy of various CA towns and cities), Greece, et al, to show what happens when the “free cake” bills come due. Never give up. For those who claim to be Christians, hit them with 2Thess 3:10-12,

    “…If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat. 11 For we hear that there are some who walk among you in a disorderly manner, not working at all, but are busybodies. 12 Now those who are such we command and exhort through our Lord Jesus Christ that they work in quietness and eat their own bread.”

  3. Argue with, ridicule, keep hammering the childish utopian “principled” voters who truly deserve whatever hardships they reap as a result of their votes/staying at home. Keep pointing out, when/if they whine about the horrible results of their utopian candidate not winning, that THEY are responsible for those horrible results, because they torpedoed a BETTER option than they got by throwing their childish little tantrum designed to give the election to the worst candidate.

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Burning Desire!


Actually, having one of each–a BioLite CampStove and a BioLite HomeStove–would be that “burning desire”. We have a propane powered camp stove for emergencies, and our outdoor charcoal grill (yes, I do make some of my own charcoal) can even–HAS even!–be used in a pinch, but these are doubly useful lil devices. Want. Going on Wish List.

A Short Reminder


“I am for doing good to the poor, but…I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. I observed…that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer.”–Benjamin Franklin

And for those that chafe at “Welfare” checks, work requirements, etc.,

“…if any would not work, neither should he eat.” — 2 Thessalonians 3:10



Hmmm, the second might well apply to some bureaucraps, eh?


Continue reading “A Short Reminder”

Nuh-uh! Watch your language!

I see a dumbass construction so often that I now just gag, spew and go on. *sigh* Here’s the situation: a writer (or speaker) is attempting to say

“Some members of [Class A] are also [Class B]; some are not.”

But they write/say,

“All [Class A] are not [Class B],” as in, “…a distribution center was set up under a former S4 proving that all S4s are not lame-brain[…s].”

What the author said there is not what he meant, if the preceding text (wherein it had been asserted that S4s are characteristically “lame-brained”) is to be believed. No, what the author meant was very distinctly different to what he wrote, namely, “…a distribution center was set up under a former S4 proving that not all S4s are lame-brain[…s].”

It’s NOT a subtle difference at all. It is a profound difference. “All are not” is NOT “Not all are” by any stretch of the imagination. One says very plainly, “NONE of A are B” and the other says, “Some of A are not B.”

This kind of widely-spread lack of sense in writing and speaking says to me that those who use these formulations have a logic circuit that’s broken, or firing only intermittently. This sort of widely-spread butchering of sense in language is a definite indicator that popular culture is, simply and bluntly put, stupid.

Where to Go From Here

Romney’s message was fine. It was not as conservative or hard-hitting as I might have liked, but it was good, strong and put forth ideas that would have been seriously beneficial as first steps to restoring some sort of sensibility in the federal machine.

It was widely and loudly misrepresented by Barry Soetoro’s unofficial campaign (the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind), which is where most people–especially those who don’t really do their own homework but rely on the media to do their thinking for them–got their view of his message.

Romney was “out-messaged” almost 10-to-1 by the steady drumbeat from “Bylines for Barry”–the so-called “legacy media” which served Barry by unrelentingly lying, obfuscating and distracting from anything of substance, anything true and just and worthy and praiseworthy in those opposed to Barry’s policies and actions and by incessant lies and obfuscations about Barry’s policies and actions.

And then there’s the “Stupid Factor”. Face it: America is NOT Lake Wobegone. The electorate is NOT “all above average”. In fact, if multi-year, well-designed surveys run by ISI have any validity at all (and the actual data in the NALS from the fedgov Dept of Ed are useful for anything) and multiple other metrics, surveys and even just common observation by well-informed and literate individuals, Americans, on average, are virtually illiterate as to civics, economics and current events–let alone simply NOT understanding the printed word.

Add to that the massive, pervasive voter fraud and blatantly illegal activity almost entirely engaged in by Dhimmicraps alone, and it’s almost miraculous that Romney/Ryan came within a hair of winning, let alone that Republicans held the House.

The only way to win against such massive odds against is to seriously improve the ground game, turn out a vote that is so large it doesn’t matter that they cheat and (metaphorically) BURN DOWN THE HIVEMIND’S HOUSE.

All that said, I am going to be much, much more gracious in defeat than the Dhimmicraps were in 2000 and 2004. In other words, I will unceasingly hammer every single damn*d lie issuing from leftists’ organs, NEVER shut up about Benghazi, Fast & Furious, et al, encourage everyone I know to hammer at these through their congresscritters, etc. And… encourage LOCAL involvement to begin NOW to get the ground game going for 2014 and exert as much influence on local, state and national nomination procedures for ALL elective offices.

The People CAN take back their government, but with the deck stacked against them, it’ll take a lot more work than it might have 60 years ago when Robert Heinlein wrote the book on how to do it (“Take Back Your Government!” bundled here in ebook formats with the Sharon Cooper and Chuck Asay book, “Taxpayers’ Tea Party: A Manual for Reclaiming Our Government”. Highly recommended.)

N.B. Edited out some typos. You’re welcome.

I Just Wanna Dope Slap Some Folks

On FB I told someone who related a conversation with an Obamanoid she had a good four word response when the Obanaoid’s first paycheck next year reflected the increased grab by the feds, “I told you so.”

One dope responded, “Isn’t ‘I told you so’ three words?”

I swear. Some folks can’t even use the fingers on one hand to count, or…

“I railed against the innumerate who couldn’t even count to four on the fingers of one hand, until I met a man who only had three fingers… “

No, apparently he wasn’t kidding. And I bet he even voted.

*profound sigh*

(Yes, I think these things so you don’t have to.)

Dog Bites Man–Yeh, Yeh, Tell Me It’s News…

…and I’ll still think you a slow-witted master of the obvious. What’s that you say? All the blowhards, pompous pundits and twits going on about how the country is “no longer culturally cohesive”–the so-called “two Americas” talking point for today.

*yawn* This is news only to people who’ve lived under a rock for the past 25 years and spent most of that time experimenting with their do-it-yourself lobotomy kits.

OF COURSE the country is “no longer culturally cohesive”! The Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind, Academia Nut Fruitcake Bakeries, public schools (A.K.A. “prisons/brainwashing camps for kids”) and politicians, bureaucraps and all the gaggle of leftist NGOs have spent decades dividing us, Balkanizing us, brainwashing us… and we (collectively, as a people) have been complicit in their chicanery, even if only by our lack of forceful, continual, unremitting resistance.

And so-called “conservatives”? R.L. Dabney’s trenchant observation still applies:

American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward towards perdition. It remains behind it, but never retards it, and always advances near its leader. This pretended salt hath utterly lost its savor: wherewith shall it be salted? Its impotency is not hard, indeed, to explain. It is worthless because it is the conservatism of expediency only, and not of sturdy principle. It intends to risk nothing serious for the sake of the truth, and has no idea of being guilty of the folly of martyrdom. It always, when about to enter a protest, very blandly informs the wild beast whose path it essays to stop, that its “bark is worse than its bite,” and that it only means to save its manners by enacting its decent role of resistance. The only practical purpose which it now subserves in American politics is to give enough exercise to Radicalism to keep it “in wind,” and to prevent its becoming pursy and lazy from having nothing to whip.

Not news. Dabney would recognize the same sort of division so obvious to twittering pundits today as little different to the division he witnessed in his own 19th Century America.

“Now I lay me down to sleep… “

As I head off for bed, the Hivemind is calling it for their candidate. “Bylines for Barry” has worked tirelessly to re-elect the monster, and they’re saying it is so. *shrug* It may well be so. If so, the margin of victory for The Zero in each so-called “battleground state” has been… the votes for Gary Johnson. “Principled” voters who hate the way the country is headed have assured that the 120mph speed at which the Dhimmicraps are running the country toward a precipice and utter, complete and absolute ruin will continue unchecked, not slowed but more likely speeded up (after all, what checks on overweening exercise of executive orders, illegally withheld EPA agendas, etc. will there be on a lame duck presidency?). Or to use another analogy, “principled” voters have decided the country’s house deserves to be burned to the ground and hope their own strange bird will rise from the ashes.

Thanks, asshats. I wish you the joy of your achievement.

And for all those who actually voted directly to burn America’s house to the ground, you may well rot in hell. Not wishing you there, but those who actively support evil have no assurance that it will not devour them as well.

(I will note, as the graphic below illustrates, that as of 10:55 CT Ohio is still very, very close… A guy can at least dream, with numbers like that, you know?)

Note: As of 6:55 a.m. November 7, Ohio still hasn’t reported all precincts and the count remains close there, but… it’s still just as close–and within the “asshats with so-called principles” margin nearly everywhere that would have counted. Oh, well. Anyone want to “go Galt” with me?

One Final Appeal

One last appeal to anyone who may be considering a “protest” vote today: Bill Whittle’s “Falling on Principle”

Consider carefully who and what you vote for today, from local races all the way to DC.

Here in America’s Third World County™, polling places were open at 6:00 this morning, and parking places at our polling place were thin on the ground. All the voting “booths” were filled when we walked in, but there was almost no waiting (apart from having our drivers licenses scanned and signing the electronic “register”), because people were, for the most part, voting quickly and getting back on the road to work.

Yep. No Odumbo bumper stickers on the cars outside at all, at all.

I know a number of Ron Paul die-hards America’s Third World County™ who were planning on sitting this one out, but the sheer weight of Makers here in the county as opposed to Takers (many of whom around here cannot legally vote anyway, since they’re illegals*) means that I’ll be hugely surprised if Dhimmicraps receive more than 10% of this county’s votes this year. Seriously.

Would that this county were a microcosm of the rest of the country, third world infrastructure and jury-rigging tightwaddery and all…

In a more perfect world, Frank J. Flemming’s views of government–which are more in line with the goals the Founders had in mind (as the Constitution and the Federalist Papers, the Anti-Federalist Papers, et al point to) than those any politician now on the stage declares–his views would hold a strong majority of the electorate, but in our real world, we must fight the fight we have.

If you want to vote against statism, make your vote count. Yeh, the Republicans on your ballot are still very likely drawn from the shallow end of the pseudo-conservative swamp that has, for the most part, given us wannabe elite country club Repugnican’ts since the G.H.W. Bush camp’s slaying of the Reagan revolution lion, but driving toward a cliff at 75mph still gives us more room for maneuver and time to salvage something than driving toward a cliff at the Dhimmicrappic Party’s current 120mph.

Throwing some bubblegum at the vehicle’s tires by casting a protest vote just isn’t going to help anything, and saying, in whatever principled fashion, “All the candidates from the two major parties are scoundrels, so I’ll not vote for any of ’em. Let the country get what it deserves. Maybe when it all crashes down, we can resurrect something worthwhile from the ashes,” is just a libertarian/liberal embrace of the socialist Cloward-Pivens principle that Obama and his ilk have instituted with a vengeance.

Seriously. A “principled” protest vote is nothing more or less than an attempt to do the same ruinous things Obama and his co-conspirators, fellow travelers, cronies and useful idiots have spent the last (nearly) four years doing: burn the house down in a belief that YOUR views will emerge from the ashes.