Modern Living

Ordering from Amazon. Placed order w/”2-day shipping” option. Received notice of shipping w/in an hour. By noon, the item was listed as having shipped from a Fedex location about 70 miles from me. Next a.m.? Scanned in at a Fedex location 370 miles from me, though it’d travel more than 400 miles to get here from there via Fedex.

If I’d had direct access to the Amazon Marketplace seller, Imight well have simply driven up and gotten the product, but in that case, paying the extra $3 or $4 (I forget which) for next day delivery… nah, wouldn’t have speeded things up, since item was ordered on Friday. Would probably still have been Monday. And yes, I know Amazon said it’d be here by Tuesday, but it’ll be Monday, if my experiences w/Fedex are any guide.

Still… it will have traveled almost 800 miles to get here from 70 miles away. Something’s just wrong there. It’s almost as if it were coming via the Post Office.* Continue reading “Modern Living”

Texas Is a Bastard?

“They say that Virginia is the mother of Texas. We never knew who the father was, but we kinda suspected Tennessee.”–Tex Ritter (so don’t blame me, OK?)


Too Kind by Far

The kindest I’d have been in his place would have been, “Urm, dude, your pants are on fire.”

Next time, take the mittens off, mmK? Bare knuckles would be fine with me.

“More? You want MORE?”

OK. The debate, summarized by Jim Treacher, with metacomment by moi:

0bambi vs. Godzilla

Aaaannd, Tweet of the Night:

“Some people eat when they get depressed. I hope Michelle put Bo outside for the night.”


(No, I don’t know who made the graphic. It appeared on FB and I’m just too butt lazy to spend the time and effort tracking it down. If someone sees this and says, “Hey! That’s mine!” then fine, you’ll get the credit. Until someone else says the same thing. *heh*)

Confessions of a Pop Drinker

Yeh, yeh, I drink pop. Soda. Whatever. Not so much as I used to, but I drink the stuff. At least I no longer drink Pepsi, long my preferred cola (never really did develop a taste for Coca-Cola; it always came across as too sweet to me, for one thing). I stopped drinking sugar and corn syrup sweetened pops long ago, and in fact even went off carbonated soft drinks entirely for a while, since artificial sweeteners just didn’t make the grade for me, although I’d partaken of them for some time under a mistaken impression they’d help me control my middle age spread (they didn’t seem to).

A couple of years ago, though, I discovered a cola that’s not only sugar free but tastes better to my palate than my old fav, Pepsi: Continue reading “Confessions of a Pop Drinker”

I’ll Never Tell…

(Say it sing-song style. Go ahead. I’ll never tell. *heh*)

For all the (One? Maybe) Democrat reader of this blog (if one there be):

Oh, Why Not? Let’s Just Finish the Job and Get It Over With


Yeh, finish the job of turning the US into a third world country hell hole run by a kleptocratic kakistocracy building their own “golden Solyndrachutes” off the blood and toil and sweat and tears of the slaves on the “gummint plantation”–slaves who were once citizens, now in chains. Yep. By all means, let’s just finish that job with The Zero.


Compy Dreams

With the advent of Wintel tablets approaching, the tablet for factor may actually start to appeal to me for doing things other than just media/info-consuming. Sure, I’ve seen–and tried out–some of the office-type productivity app attempts on various tablets, and I’ve shuddered at Garage Band being touted on the iPhad (Garage Band and its ilk are represented as music content creation applications; they are “music content creation” apps as garbage collection–not even disposal–is to yard waste: a way to get the junk collected in one location). *meh* At best such things are kludgy. Of course, no tablet that come w/o included physical keyboards would be worth much to me for anything but media/info-consumption, either.

Yeh: might as well just look for a convertible touch screen notebook for me.

Unless… (and until) voice (and music) recognition advances would allow reasonable data input w/o a keyboard/mouse (or touchpad/screen) combo. Ideally, a wearable computer with a system that allowed projection of a virtual screen (while I continued to wear my prescription lenses) and could reliably translate subvocalized commands/data input into actions/content. Oh, yeh, music recognition capability that’d allow vocal or instrumental input and transcribe music played/sung with reasonable accuracy (as is now only reasonably done via direct midi input, although folks are working on decent transcription from live input). And an OS that allowed me to continue to use a music transcription software that can perfectly read my archives of scores already written. Combined w/decent ear buds and perhaps some motion-sensor gloves or wrist bands, such a system would be pretty much ideal for a portable computer for someone like me.

*sigh* Maybe such a system will be available before I’m too feeble-minded to be able to use it. (Some may say it’s too late for that already. *heh*)