Guy Fawkes Night

Think about it. While I don’t advocate violent overthrow of government, the Gunpowder Plot is exactly what happens when unjust government pushes people too far. (It’s not advocacy of violence to simply note history and the fact that those who do not learn from history… etc.)

Leaving, Not on a Jet Plane

twc central has been largely silent this week, and will continue to be so for a couple of days. Heading out to put some sweat equity into someone else’s house *heh* today and tomorrow (‘S’all right. I “sweated” some into our home earlier this week *heh*).

Read some back posts for a while. Yes, that link is to a whole category of posts, Mending Walls, for a reason. Coming soon to a twc blogpost: a Take Back Your Government/An Ordinary Citizen’s Guide to Our Government push.