Brew Report

Mr. Beer 3-Beer Mix Variety Pack

Mr. Beer 3-Beer Mix Variety Pack

OK, right up front, I confess I am a tyro, a beginning home brewer of the most elementary class. Sure, I’ve made one batch of experimental “Georgie Porgy” molasses small beer from scratch using a fermenting “keg” I made from odds n ends (“Kitty Litter Beer”–*heh*) that turned out to be more than just drinkable, but the other four batches I’ve made to date (well, the other four drinkable batches–I did make another experimental batch I ruined, but more about that later) have all been from Mr. Beer kits.

A word about the Mr. Beer mini-micro-brewery. I’ve read comments on several lists that diss the Mr. Beer kits and the brews they output. I can unequivocally state that the naysayers were full of crap. Every single kit batch I’ve sampled has been up to the standards of some of the best micro-brews I’ve bought from the package store, and better than most, frankly.

The key? RTFM! That’s ab-so-de-lute-ly THE key. Read the directions and follow them to the letter. Seriously. Oh, I did a few things (like actually measure the temperatures of the water, the wort, etc.) that weren’t included, but only to check myself against the temps mentioned in the directions. I guess the Mr. Beer folks thought an adult would be making the stuff and so left out the simple things like that.

My failure batch? Not a Mr. Beer kit batch, an “experimental” variation on the molasses beer recipe I had previously made. What did I do to screw things up?

1. I opened the fermenter to check on floating floculant (since that fermenter’s opaque).
2. I let the airlock go dry.

Yep. Introduced something nasty that spoiled the batch. My fault. And it wasn’t a kit batch and not in the Mr. Beer keg, so no connection to the kit at all.

So, of the four different (kit) brews I have made to date, which turned out best, has been my fav?

The one I had last. *heh* Really, all of them have been excellent. But as a point of comparison, Son & Heir is quite fond of Grolsch lager. One batch (the third) was “Octoberfest’s Vienna Lager” (a Mr. Beer not-quite-lager beer, using an ordinary ale yeast, not a lager yeast). Son & Heir pronounced it better than the Grolsch, and I agree. It’s a deeper amber, is fuller flavored with a much more flowery hops presence. Very, very nice.

Of course, I have NOT used the minimum “one week in the fermenter, one week in the bottles” instruction set but allowed each of the brews adequate (maybe ten days) time in the fermenter and about the same time (or more) in the bottles before refrigeration. It’s allowed for in the kit instructions, but I imagine most folks are as impatient as I am but don’t have the impulse control I have been trying to develop, and so take the shortest time in fermenting and bottle conditioning the instructions allow. If that. *heh*

All-in-all, the Mr. Beer kit has been a very good intro to brewing. I will continue to use it–and the ready made beer ingredient kits–even as I branch out and make more “from scratch” beers.

Passing Shots

Saw this some time ago. Can’t remember who to credit with a hat tip:


On the road the other night. Saw a semi with a company logo with a motto that read, “Employee owned; customer driven.” Huh! They send the customers out driving those big rigs? That explains some things…

And while I’m on the road, did you ever notice that the idiots are really thick at night? Don’t believe me? Next time you’re out at night, just count how many folks can’t find their dimmer switch.

Anyone ever tell you, “Practice makes perfect”? If that were so, politicians would get it right at least once in a while.

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Just another one of those days…

Some days, I mourn for a once-sharp mind and able body. *heh* Already this morning I have:

  • lost my hat (it was on my head)
  • been unable to find my glasses (they were where I put them, but I couldn’t see that without my glasses, now could I?)
  • lost my coffee cup (with warm coffee still to drink–and yeh, it was where I’d put it, no gremlin-coffee-hiders stalking me)
  • and something else I forget… *heh*

Ain’t life grand?

Need. More. Coffee. (Now, where’d I put my cup?)

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America’s NEW Drug Problem

Gee, I wonder why the statists who are all over The Soccer Mom’s Prohibition (AKA, “The ‘War’ on Drugs”) have let this one slide… *heh*

(Yeh, yeh, I know it’s fake and I know it’s been around since May of 2007, but when Faithful Reader Hugh sent it to me, how could I not post it? Especially given the Hildebeast’s recent slide in polls. *heh*)

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Adam’s Blog, Right Truth, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Shadowscope, Pirate’s Cove, Blue Star Chronicles, Celebrity Smack, The Pink Flamingo, The Amboy Times, Big Dog’s Weblog, Wake Up America, Conservative Cat, Adeline and Hazel, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Read the FairTax Book, Fred!

By now, both readers of twc *heh* know that I’m pretty much a “Fredhead”–that I believe Fred Thompson’s the only sane, adult human candidate running for the presidency. *heh* Yet still, there are a couple of things I’d certainly like to sit down and have a long discussion with him about, things I think he ought to address seriously in some way. One involves his reasoning for a couple of his senate votes. Oh, I understand his reasoning; I just disagree with him. The other is his inexplicable lack of support for the Fair Tax (and his own proposed tax plan).

Neal Boortz‘s article yesterday (January 7–by the time you read this, he may already have shifted it to his “archives” section, h.t., Hugh, a regular reader) touches on one of those things talking heads always–always–get wrong about the Fait Tax, either because they are too stupid to understand these things (or too lazy to do their homework) or because they have a specific agenda and are simply lying by omission or comission: imnedded taxes in the current plan and how the Fair Tax eliminates them. In yesterday’s article, Boortz takes one such Mass Media Podperson to task for getting this massive benefit wildly wrong… by simply not mentioning it.

There are several core principles of the FairTax, and one of them is that the new national retail sales tax will replace the federal taxes that are already embedded in the price of everything we buy. We didn’t make the embedded taxes up. The study was done by Harvard economists. I thought the left loved Harvard. These economists determined that, on the average, 22 percent of the cost of everything we buy represents the total embedded tax burden of every person or company responsible for bringing that product to the marketplace. Those taxes disappear under the FairTax, and when they disappear competitive marketplace pressures will drive that tax component out of the price. Then along comes the 23 percent FairTax to replace it. Result? The item costs pretty much the same. Now any reporter who wanted to do any research at all would be able to figure this out … yet Redburn makes absolutely no mention at all of embedded taxes in his article.

Why? Sloppy reporting? Or an agenda? This is a concept that hundreds of thousands of waiters and waitresses, truck drivers, construction workers, electricians, retail and service workers, farmers, hotel housekeepers and yes, even accountants understand .. but a New York Times reporter can’t?

But wait! There’s more! Redburn, of course, repeats all the fake talking points of Fair Tax opponents (except the political expediency talking point: the Fair Tax is gaining such broad based support that that lil point is starting to drop off the boards *heh*), including the old fake, “But most analysts say the tax rate necessary to replace current federal revenues, under any likely plan, would actually need to be much higher,” argument. The “most experts” referred to there are either the ones on or twice-removed, self-proclaimed “experts” citing the President’s Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform, which was forbidden to review the Fair Tax plan! So, such “experts” are talking “peaches” to the Fair Tax “apples” and any observations they made/make are invalid, period.

Let me repeat myself: every single critic of the Fair Tax plan that I’ve read or heard has either lied or through a lack of actually doing their homework repeated the lies of others in their attacks. Kinda makes one wonder just what their agenda really is, eh?

Oh, it’s simple, really: any tax plan that deposes the political power of Washington politicians *spit* and bureaucraps to meddle in folks’ lives is anathema to these statists. The Fair TAx plan is the ONLY plan that’s been floated that

a. returns the Federal government to the consumption tax principles, though not the exact model, of the Framers
b. puts the power to actually pay taxes back in the hands of the ones who pay and
c. removes that bureau of Satan, the IRS, from the electorate’s back

Each of these things gives statists the willies, which is why, absent any substantive arguments against the Fair Tax, they lie.


But that still doesn’t adequately explain to me why–while not openly opposing it–Fred Thompson hasn’t jumped on the Fair Tax bandwagon with all he has… and that’s something I’d dearly like to have a sit-down with him about.

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The Second Amendment Can Too Be Cute!

To see it is to believe it (but the post and comments are the real eye-openers!):

h.t. Dyspepsia Generation

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Let’s Hear From “That Other Nut” Too!

Nota Bene:

When Fox News hosts its Republican candidates forum Sunday night, one of the leading candidates won’t be invited.

In the campaign for the presidency, it goes without saying (not that that will stop me *heh*) that I view Billary “Whitewater” Klintoon, Barack Hussein Obama-Winfrey, Prancing Pony (AKA, The Breck Girl) and The Plagiarist as ranging from dangerous loons to marginally human creeps (The Plagiarist–lousy cheat).

But on the Republican’t side of the campaign for the presidency, the situation’s a little more complex. That The Android That Will Say Anything to Be Elected (no matter how stupidly he contradicts himself) is in the running at all is evidence that the electorate is as dumb as a bag of hammers and lazier than a sloth on a qualude-prozac cocktail. Can anyone say, “Do your frickin’ homework!”?

Ditto for the wannabe bentnose from Neeoo York City: copping a few unethical (and still under investigation–does he have friends in high places or what?) perks and bunches of backdoor bucks from his last office doesn’t bode well for his creds, and that’s not even counting the fact that the only street cred he has going for him is his hawkishness on terrorists.

Micky Huckacon? Gee, The Governor from Tyson Foods suddenly wants to be hard on illegal aliens (as long as they are from Pakistan; he still wants to give illegals who turn the crank at Tyson Foods ALL the benefits of citizenship–and more!), suddenly discovers within him a desire to build the fence (as long as Arkansas and other places can remain sanctuaries for alien invaders, that is). His kind of cant sells well to subliterates who believe that his heart’s in the right place. Yeh. Those are the folks who gave us Dhimi Kahtah…

John “Look at me! Look at me! I’m a hero, and the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind loves me for my embrace of socialism and alien invaders!” McCainiac. He lost me forever when he embraced and loudly proclaimed the lie that President Fifi Bush’s amnesty for alien invaders wasn’t amnesty for alien invaders. He’s still spreading that bullshit and the media is still lapping it up and serving it back uncritically. I wouldn’t hire him as a garbage man.

Aside from Thompson (who you might have gathered by now I think is the only sane man running who isn’t all lies from one end to the other), that leaves… Ron Paul.

Now, I’ve dismissed Ron Paul as a nut in the past without expanding on that comment, and that’s not fair to him. Frankly, were it not for his delusional personality, I’d as soon vote for him as Thompson. But. He’s deluded about the danger of Islamic terrorism and Islam in general. He’s embraced an utopian delusion that if we simply fled Iraq and embraced complete isolationism our problems with the world would be at an end. His idea that we ought to throw the Federal Reserve system in the ashcan and return to a gold standard is pie-in-the-sky utopianism. Sure, it’d be nice in a perfect world to simply upset all the applecarts at once and return to a simple agrarian society.

Riiiiight. Gonna happen. Not.

He’s a nut. A nut with some very, very attractive ideas (none of which are his own–a fact that adds to their luster, IMO) and who does believe as I do that we are no longer the republic of the Constitution. His prescriptions for retuirning to Constitutional government are so wildly out of sync with reality that they border on psychotic, though.

Nevertheless, the decision by Fox to exclude Ron Paul from the Fox News-hosted debate tonight is appalling. Even a nut–a nut who’s raised $20 million for his bid for the presidency and polls strongly, even trounced such leaders as Rudy-the-wannabe-bentbose Giuliani in Iowa–deserves a hearing in concert with the other candidates. Excluding him proves that Fox’s “fair and balanced” slogan is just that: a slogan and nothing more.

While I’d not vote for Ron Paul on a bet, simply because I am convinced his hold on reality is tenuous at best if for no other reason, he deserves to be heard.

Shame on you, Fox!

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Adam’s Blog, Right Truth, Global American Discourse, The Pink Flamingo, Big Dog’s Weblog, The Amboy Times, Cao’s Blog, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, Conservative Cat, and Stageleft, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

A Reminder About the Law of Unintended Consequences

Something We the People ought to remember and (figuratively, unfortunately) tatoo on politicians’ *spit* foreheads (backwards, so those who can read are reminded when they are adoring their reflections in a mirror):

“The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men
Gang aft agleigh.”

So, while our political masters are tilting at (politically-manufactured) windmills in their attempts to “solve” problems (more likely, create more problems to “solve”), we need to remember just why Murphy so loves politicians: they are a staple in his arsenal of making things go wrong.

Just a friendly reminder. Oh, and don’t forget: it’s the stupid, illiterate, greedy, lazy electorate that has given us our political masters. Pogo was oh so very right in more ways than he knew:

“We have met the enemy and he is us.”

Sheeple Without a Shepherd

Call this an editorial, an opinion piece with a twist: I leave Mike Huckabee twisting in the wind of his own bloviation, as recorded in the YouTube piece below. “Mike Huckabee for Dogcatcher: the stray dog packs’ best friend!”

Well, the Republican’t sheeple of Iowa have adequately demonstrated that they are either

  1. too stupid to be out without a keeper (or, alternatively, as an old cowpoke I once knew was wont to say, too dumb to pour piss from a boot)
  2. or

  3. fully on board with the move to surrender U.S. sovereignty at the behest of The Governor from Tyson Foods

Personally, I’m going for the (kinder, gentler, more) charitable interpretation: dumber than a bag of hammers. (On that note, I will say I had a conversation with an elderly gentleman just last night who was really sold out for The Governor from Tyson Foods… until I played the following Youtube video for him… )

Trackposted to Nuke’s, Diary of the Mad Pigeon, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Right Truth, The World According to Carl, Shadowscope, Blue Star Chronicles, Celebrity Smack, Big Dog’s Weblog, Cao’s Blog, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.