T 13, 1.38: Just Stuff

No theme, just semi-random pseudo chaos.

1.) Freon. Betcha dollars to donuts all the brouhaha was just cos Dupont’s patent had run out. Whadda ya wanna bet?

2.) The world is too much with me. Connectivity is sometimes too much. No more cell phones for me.

3.) Mighty Hunter (Buttons–our son’s dog that nearly died last year) apparently spent all day barking at a

4.) squirrel up our sycamores–although why a squirrel would find our sycamores interesting I dunno. Probably just messin’ with the dogs’ heads.

5.) Did I say it’s hot here? About 103F today, at one point.

6.) Decided I need to put an awning over the upper deck. Got two support posts attached. Needed about a gallon of water.

7.) As of around 10:00 a.m. Wednesday America’s Third World Countyâ„¢ now has a “four-lane” extending through the whole county… *sigh* Well, except for a couple of short transition points where lanes are restricted while folks are being retrained to take the new road.

8.) And about 13 more traffic lights than a decade ago (when there were… none).

9.) I try reading newspapers and just can’t get past the crappy grammar and misused words, nowadays. OK, I can ignore it on most blogs (including sometimes my own–*LOL*), but the people putting newspapers out do it for a living and apparently don’t give a rat’s ass about the nuts and bolts of their profession: words and their proper usage.

10.) I love eBooks. Well, except for not being able to read ’em while I’m taking a nice looooong soak. *heh*

11.) Toilet paper: whoever thought this one up should have a monument in every civilized country in the world (which, of course, excludes all Muslim countries).

12.) Don’tcha just love the REAL “Serenity Prayer”?

“Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people I had to kill because they really ticked me off!”


13.) Who’d you vote for this week on, “So You Think You Can Dance?”?

Linked to the Thursday Thirteen Hub and Trackposted to Blog @ MoreWhat.com, The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary’s Thoughts, DeMediacratic Nation, Jeanette’s Celebrity Corner, Right Truth, Nuke’s News & Views, The Amboy Times, The Bullwinkle Blog, Pursuing Holiness, Right Celebrity, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The World According to Carl, Planck’s Constant, Gone Hollywood, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Riddle me this

Rosemary points to an interesting development at the Public Broadcasting System:

I have news that as of August 14, 2007, the Public Broadcasting System has finally taken their claws off the documentary that was supposed to air as a special with “America at a Crossroads.” However, the Oregon Public Broadcasting is being very sneaking about this situation.

It is going to air in Arizona without any publicity, and it will be after prime time. The name of this documentary is “Islam vs. Islamists.”

(More at the link above)

All well and good if Islamics even seem to be divided, but riddle me this:

How can anyone who reveres Mohammed (pedophile, rapist, mass murderer, slaver, etc.) and seeks to emulate him differentiate themselves from Islamic terrorists except by saying, “I have not engaged in acts of mass murder, rape, pedophilia or slavery, etc. in my reverence for and discipleship in following The Butcher of Medina… yet.”?


Just asking…

Tilting At Windmills?

At Ponder the Maunder (about 3% of folks will pause to go “Huh?” at the title while 0.005% of folks will “get it” immediately; 99% of AGW folks will start foaming at the mouth), a high school student from Portland, Maine, takes on the Anthropogenic Global Warming folks, gives Algore a much-deserved spanking and holds NASA’s James Hanson’s feet to the fire.

A Very Good Read. Highly Recommended.

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