I Really, REALLY Need to Get Off My Lazy Butt…

I just wasted a few minutes goofing off over at the Computer Hope website taking a quiz. Yes, I guessed on four or five questions (although since it was multiple choice, even there I eliminated all but two of four answers and only had to mentally flip coins between two options each time). I’m rather disappointed with my score:

I really prefer sauntering to the front of the class and saying to the prof, “Here’s your key,” but oh, well. Better luck next time.

Biden Gaffes Cribbed from Fox

Yeh, yeh: I stole the list from Fox News–stole it, I tell you! (Cos I don’t feel like following Bobblehead Joe around to collect ’em myself, that’s why.)

While everyspore and its maiden aunt in the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind has been spending millions of man uh, person, um, spore hours spinning stories about how dumb that Northern lights redneck chick on the Repug ticket is, Bobblehead Joe has been gong about his business of providing innumerable humorous-were-he-not-a-major-party-veep-candidate schtiks for the public’s amusement:

And he runs the gamut of every kind of gaffe from “Stand up, Chuck” to a guy in a wheelchair to citing to another bobblehead (Katie the Couric-Couric bird) President Franklin Roosevelt’s television speech after the stock market crash of 1929 (when there was no broadcast TV and Roosevelt was still Governor of NY). In between he managed to

*Condemn the Obama ad ridiculing McCain’s computer use (a direct slap at his prison torture wounds)… until slapped down by Obama and gigged to say making fun of McCain’s disabilities is hunky dory.

*Proclaim on video, “We’re not supporting any coal here in America,” and “No coal plants here in America,” before–again–being slapped down by his field boss (right before The One turned around and lied about the McCain ad that accurately portrayed Biden’s statements).

*Admitted that he is a poorer choice than Hillary would have been (still not contradicted by The Obamassiah, who is probably convinced of that truth)

*Forgotten about a certain Tea Party and pushed the idea that paying more taxes is a patriotic duty

But wait! There’s more!

*Renamed The One, “Barack America” (Maybe something’s in the works we don’t know about, though)

*Proved his Defense creds when he demonstrated a complete lack of knowlege of military structure (Hint, Joe: a battalion is not a brigade.

And of course, there’re still more, but I’m bored now. What exactly qualiies Biden to be a heartbeat away from the presidency of a (maybe) ex-smoker like The Obamassiah? Mr. Plagiarism’s original thought processes? His long record of being wrong on every single foreign policy issue of the past 30 years or so? His ability to be comic relief for the serious Marxist?

Ummm, yep. I think that sums it up. Qualified to be the brunt of every late-night comedian’s jokes, and that’s about all Joe Bobblehead is qualified for.

*feh* I know six people in my lil one-horse town who’re better qualified than Biden. And all of them are better qualified than Obama as well.

Buh-bye, Joe!

Sturm und Drang… in a Beer Stein

So, Budweiser’s on the sales block, and the deal’s as good as done eh? Much weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth by those who see this aquisition of an American icon by a Belgian company as a harbinger of American decline.

Horse puckey. We sell America to Middle Eastern terrorist backers to the tune of $50billion/year. What’s so hard about selling a company that makes their beers with a “unique filtration process” (water through horses?) to a company that makes skunky ales?


Just something for the twittering class to yammer about instead of dealing with real issues sanely.

Trackposted to Perri Nelson’s Website, DragonLady’s World, The World According to Carl, Shadowscope, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, Democrat=Socialist, A Newt One, and Stageleft, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Former (I like saying that) President Clinton Flayed for Rare Moment of Truth

Of course, he followed his rare moment of truth with an out and out lie the next day, but give the poor brain-damaged guy some credit will ya?

“The Interview” is all over the web, and even Mass Media Podpeople are following it up (to give as much help to Obama as possible, of course):

“The Denial” is all over the place, as well (again, in order to boost Obama as much as possible–it’s so petty that it adds nothing to the Clinton reputation for lies):

Of course Obama’s been playing the “race card” all along. As has The Hildebeast. Just two separate camps of bigots acting out their racist agendas.

But attacking a mentally disabled guy for speaking the truth (even though he later stupidly denied it–heart-surgery-induced brain damage at work, no doubt) is just not nice.


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Trackposted to Diary of the Mad Pigeon, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Right Truth, The World According to Carl, The Pink Flamingo, The Amboy Times, Leaning Straight Up, and Conservative Cat, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Another “Dog Bites Man” Yawner

You’d think we’d learn our lesson: there is nothing newsworthy in a Dhimmicrappic candidate consorting with terrorists, enemies of the people, criminals, whatnot. No, such behavior is only “newsworthy” if it is committed by a Repugnican’t candidate.

So it is No News At All that the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind is almost completely ignoring the fact that close associates of B. Hussein Obama-Winfrey are still quite proud of their bomb-setting days in the Weather Underground.

I’m shocked. Shocked, I say. It should not be so! Why isn’t this news being trumpeted abroad by the Communist Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind? These terrorists were (are) heros to the Podpeople from the Mothership orbiting Uranus… You’d think they’d want to bring forth that such heroes of the people *cough* are close associates of B. Hussein Obama-Winfrey!

Nope. Not news. It’s such a natural order of events that it’s one big yawner to the Mass Media Podpeople’s Hivemind.

(Oh, for those of y’all who think that it ought to be reported as news news–you know, of importance for the electorate in general to know that B. Hussein Obama-Winfrey is close associates with terrorists–you just need to get a life. That’s not the twisted way the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind works… It’s muuuuuch more twisted than even this twisted presentation of it. “News? What news?” )

h.t., Obama’s Terrorist Friends, STACLU.

Trackposted to A Blog For All, WayWard Fundamentalist Christian, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Right Truth, The Pink Flamingo, Oblogatory Anecdotes, Cao’s Blog, Pursuing Holiness, and Chuck’s Place, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Vista SP1 Available *yawn*

Vista’s not exactly Micro$oft Bob, but it’s vying for position to edge Windows Muppet Edition and DOS 4 out of top spots for Micro$oft’s worst OS offerings.

Oh, yeh, it’s got some nice eye candy and some neat features, but it’s measurably slower than XP and has been plagued by driver issues that have “bricked” more than a few computers. (Which is why many have “upgraded” their Vista machines to XP… even though that is not, IMO, the best of Micro$oft’s operating system offerings. YYMV, of course.)

And here comes Vista SP1 (lately the credo of savvy computer users has evolved from “Microsoft early buyers: shrink-wrap beta testers” to “NEVER buy a Me$$y$oft product before the first service pack!” *heh*)… which some tests show is slower in file copy operartions than pre-SP1 Vista and which “fixes” the driver issues by… making them worse?


Still, if you’re a glutton for punishment, Windows Vista SP1 can be officially downloaded NOW – but don’t do it! outlines how to download the 1.13GB update (only available at this time as a pack including both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions, along with some “fixes” for the installation process–read for “fixes,” “new processes that may well break something else” *heh*)… if you dare.

Oh, what the heck. Here’s the direct download link, but let me repeat, “Don’t Do It!” 😉

You have been warned.

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, A Newt One, Conservative Cat, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

OK, I’m trying really hard to “get” the idea of an iMac

iMacs look cool. And they’re undoubtedly well-made. Heck, getting one with OSX “Leopard” installed is guaranteed to make a computing experience mostly pleasant, no doubt.

But. “On Sale” at MacMall:

iMac 24″ Intel Core 2 Duo 2.16 GHz
24″, 2.16GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 1GB 667 DDR2 SDRAM, 250GB SATA, DVD-R/CD-RW Super Drive 8x, 10/100/1000 BASE-T Enet, Built-in AirPort Extreme, Bluetooth 2.0, Built-in iSight, OS X 10.5 Leopard: Only $1,499.00 $1,399.00

Let’s see: I have no use for bluetooth. I won’t be using any computer as a primary viewing device for DVDs, etc. I do NOT like having to add capabilities via a mess of USB cabling or wireless external devices strung out all over, preferring to add such things whenever possible IN the computer case–and the iMac AIO “feature” pretty much precludes such use. Oh, the “Built-in iSight”? *pfui* The things are regularly available for between $1 and $10 all over the place. I guess “built-in” (meaning non-user-configurable aiming/focusing, or at least highly limited) is soooo much better, eh?

Then there’s the wonderfully low price for the thing. *pfui* I can build a computer (including two 17″ LCD displays–better for my use than one 24″ by far) that has a faster processor (still X86, just like the iMac), has more memory, twice the hard drive space, wireless kybd/mouse, a GREAT (not “Super” *heh*) DVDRW drive, etc. for about $500 or so. (Yes, I have run the numbers, cos I’m looking at building–read “assembling”–another personal box Real Soon Now, anyway.) Plunk in PCBSD or Ubuntu and even a spare copy of WinXP, or just use WINE. (OK, if I were to have to buy another copy of WinXP Pro, it’d cost me about $90 or so.)

Heck, I’d even include a nice floppy drive for backward compatibility and not go above my $500 mark.

All with good quality components and room for expansion and adding more features in the box any time I wanted to.

I can even make the thing use a GUI with a “Mac-like” look and feel if I wish (done it, but didn’t much care for it–strictly personal taste), and with PCBSD even use the same basic UNIX Apple uses with OSX.

So, spend about three times what it should cost just to get something that looks cool but takes up no less desktop space (yeh: sit the ordinary PC “tower” on the floor where it belongs, OK?) and locks the user into the OSX straightjacket.

Sorry, I’m still not “getting it”.


But I’m sure it works really well for folks who need a hand-holding, training wheels computing experience, and that’s just fine; it’s a perfectly good option for folks who are less hands on and feel comfortable throwing money around as though it pours out of a firehose. I’m just too much of a tightwad, and I prefer having my computers do things my way.

Heck, I think that these iMacs are the ONLY thing that should be allowed in “Assisted Computing Facilities”–*LOL*

“Here, dearie, let me make that mouse click for you…”


I’m sure Medicare or some other fedgov thingy would pay for it.

/rant off

Now, what I really don’t get is those folks who buy an iMac… and then immediately install Microsoft Office on it. What’s with that? *heh*