A Quote for a Friday

Well, this quote won’t be exact, because I’m substituting one word. Another “light reading” book (I must go through four or five of those a week or be stupified by my other reading *heh*), Hell’s gate, by David Weber and Linda Evans.

“[English] doesn’t borrow from other languages. It follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them on the head, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar.”

And that’s one reason I love the rapscallion language. And a reason why it’s the ONLY language worthy of being the official tongue of Americans. *heh* Well, at least of the Americans that once made this “the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

As another Voice once said,

“In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the man’s becoming in very fact an American, and nothing but an American…There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile…We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language…and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”

Theodore Roosevelt 1907

Yes, I added the emphasis. And I mean it.

Contributions of Islamic Culture

And a Bonus Re-Run at the foot of this post!

Eric, an email contributor to Cahos Manor Mail, in a discussion about “I.Q. and evolution” noted, in passing,

“While Islamic culture has not, I believe, kept up with the West in terms of their contribution to the species, their early contributions in terms of mathematics, philosophy, law and art were flowering when the inhabitants of Paris and London were picking at fleas.”

Perhaps not the best example. Indeed, I’m tempted to throw the bullshit flag on this comment. Islamic culture has contributed little that it did not acquire (steal) from other, conquered, peoples. Algebra, trigonometry and so-called “Arabic numerals”? Hindu contributions (although algebraic principles were known and used as early as Babylon and a Western treatise, written by Diophantus of Alexandria in the 3rd century AD predates the rise of Islam by a couple of centuries), swept up by Muslim kleptocrats and falsely claimed as Islamic accomplishments. Similarly, most of the scientific “contributions” of Islamic culture were acquired (stolen) through conquest of the folks who really developed them, and when Islamic culture did acquire (steal) some neat new toy, it was likely, as the case with algebra’s use in astrology, to be more likely put to use serving Islamic superstitions than anything useful. (Granted: some of the medical and engineering discoveries Islam acquired in conquest were put to some practical uses. In fact, I’ll admit Averroes as a nearly unique outlier in the otherwise bleak landscape of Islamic “scholars”. Nearly unique. There were a very few others over the centuries. Very, very few.)

Oh, and BTW, algebra has been independently discovered/developed–genuinely discovered/developed, not simply picked up from a conqured people–many times throughout history. Islamic scholars simply played around with mathematical concepts stolen from somewhere else and have been falsely credited with creating algebra. Heck, even “Arabic” numerals were in use by Western mathematicians before they “escaped into the wild” from Islamic astrologers and merchants who had stolen acquired them from their Hindu inventors.


In the Arab World—until modern times—the Hindu-Arabic numeral system was used only by mathematicians. Muslim scientists used the Babylonian numeral system, and merchants used the Abjad numerals, a system similar to the Greek numeral system and the Hebrew numeral system. Therefore, it was not until Fibonacci that the Hindu-Arabic numeral system was used by a large population.ref

The Western world, however, while still using such things to serve superstitious ends (such as today’s Anthropogenic Global Warming superstitions), has mostly used such discoveries to advance knowledge as a whole. Hanging onto relatively advanced concepts gleaned from Islamic conquest for centuries without making any significant use of them doesn’t really qualify as making “contributions to the species”.

[Note: Fibonacci, of course, was not Islamic. *heh* Typical. Magpie Muslims hoard and only accidentally “drop” an occasional jewel of knowledge stolen acquired elsewhere. Western scholars, like Fibonacci typically spread their knowledge much more widely and used it to much greater effect.]

Islamic culture today is esentially the same as it has always been: its only “advances” are what it can steal or buy (theft from the unbeliever always being preferred to purchase). I suspect much of the blowhard puffery about the superiority of Islamic culture spouted by imams and the common Muslim stems from the fact that Muslims are simply lying to themselves to cover their culture’s inherent inferiority to the West.

Note this list of Nobel Prizes and note the number awarded to putative Muslims (and the exceptions noted in the text below the list) for “creative” Nobels–3–as opposed to Nobels awarded in creative endeavors to Jews–131. As the author notes in the post,

No wonder Muslims hate Jews: It’s so embarrassing to see what Jews have accomplished compared to a population 100 times larger.

And that’s just Islam vs. Jews in terms of creativity, “contributions to the species”. A culture, such as Islamic culture, that enstupiates its people, that can only–or at least by a huge majority– “advance” by stealing acquiring new things from others, is hardly a culture worth celebrating, now is it? Of course *sigh* that’s the kind of autocratic, thought-stifling culture leftists, multiculturalists, educrats, Mass Media Podpeople and their ilk are all attempting to create here in the U.S…. *profound sigh*

BTW, “…their early contributions in terms of mathematics, philosophy, law and art were flowering when the inhabitants of Paris and London were picking at fleas,” deserves a further response:

“[P]icking at fleas”? During the 8th-15th Centuries, the supposed “flower” of Islamic culture (where “flowering” means “greatest period of magpie aquisition from conquered cultures”), Europeans in Paris and London–supposedly spending their time “picking at fleas”–included such “flea pickers” as Robert Grosseteste, Roger Bacon, Albertus Magnus, William of Ockham and Duns Scotus. Gee, how in the world did they ever stop “flea-picking” long enough to give us the scientific method (now completely ignored by such as The Church of Anthropocentric Global Warmists–*heh*), among other inconsequential “flea-pickings”? Sure, many of these were inspired by Islamic works describing the many advances Muslims had acquired from other cultures (do note the exception above concerning Averroes and a very few other Muslim scholars, and do note also that Averroes’ most inspiring–to Western scholars such as Bacon–works were his commentaries on… Aristotle *heh*).

“[P]icking at fleas” indeed. *pfui*

Overall actual “contributions to the species” of Islamic culture: slim to none. On balance, that The Religion of Hate is a negative contributor to world culture there can be no doubt, as the following attempts to demonstrate, with slightly dark humor, comparing THE unique “contribution” of Islamic culture to Redneck Culture in these [dys]United States demonstrates.

And now for a repost (3rd re-run!) of a fav of mine from several years ago, a multi-cultural post for you, a blast from the past rerun of a long-ago Precision Guided Humor Assignment, celebrating the one true, genuine, authentic “contribution” to Western Culture made by Islam, the splodydope:

The Third World County’s Politically Incorrect Guide to Detecting an Islamofascist Murdering Savage SOB Terrorist.

See a suspect? Maneuver to get the wind ’em. (Scent The stench of rotting camel–or other–dung may be your first clue apart from the fact that the guy looks like an Ay-rab.)

Step 1.) Does the goober smell worse than–well, Goober? If so, he’s either a Loony Left Moonbat or a Islamofascist murdering savage SOB. Bag ‘im either way.

Step 2.) When you perform a “cranial echo test” (whack ‘im on the head with an axe handle) does a “thunk” or no sound at all procede from his pie hole? If a “thunk” then it’s a Loony Left Moonbat and good for catfish feed or for bait for wild boar. If no sound at all issues, then there’s nothing inside (sound doesn’t travel in a vaccuum, you know) and you have a splodydope. Remove any useful explosives and see uses for Loony Left Moonbat, above. If the critter attempts to bite the axe handle, it’s an osama and should be doused with gasoline and burned (after removing any useful explosives for later use fishing or blowing stumps).

Do bury any remains of an osama in pig manure and turn the compost frequently. Use this compost to kill kudzu.

There. Wasn’t that all warm and fuzzy, multi-culti?

(Oh, and before someone charges me with dehumanizing or demonizing Loony Left Moonbats or terrorists, please note that Loony Left Moonbats and terrorists have beat me to the punch and either dehumanized or demonized themselves before I could get in on the act. I’m just calling the cards that are already dealt.)

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Conservative Cat, Kodera’s Korner, The Yankee Sailor, and DragonLady’s World, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Liberty? What’s That?

About all that multi-culti hogwash (read, “poisonous bullshit”)that’s been going about making hash of political freedom all over the Western World for a couple of decades now, Samuel Francis had this to say,

“Political freedom relies on a shared political culture as much as on the oppositions and balances that social differentiation creates, and when the common culture disintegrates under the impact of mass migrations, only institutionalized force can hold the regime together.”1 (PDF file)

Erasing the common culture is resulting in the situation that forms this blogpost title. “…[O]nly institutionalized force can hold the regime together…” And so we have the TSA’s endless harrassment of citizens to achieve security theater2, 3 (and avoid even the appearance of “profiling” by ethnicity, culture or even typical signs of terrorist behavior) that does little, if anything, to enhance the safety of citizens while doing much to turn citizens into subjects; the embrace by our political masters of an alien invasion sponsored by a foreign state; the criminalization of political speech as “hate speech”; all fostered by the goal of erasing the benefits of Western Civilization in favor of embracing the “benefits” of a third world outlook on life.

After all, what did Western Civilization ever do for you, anyway?

Oops! A comment by Perri Nelson reminded me that I’d not provided a link to obtain a t-shirt of your own. You can get your own here.

Thanks Perri.

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Apple iMac PC? *yawn*

Just checked out a PC Magazine article featuring the Apple iMac PC with the Intel dual core. “Setting the Intel chipset free!” is the silly Mac commercial airing, now.


Let’s see… ~$1,800 for a decently configured INTEL computer running the Mac OS X…


~$1,200 for a similarly configured (or slightly better–and including a 20″ LCD screen as the Apple iMac PC does) regular ole ordinary PC running Windows XP. LESS if one wanted to use Linux.

Sorry, Apple. Macophilic Macultists will get a buzz on. Everyone who understands that the extra $600 is just money wasted on a name (and an OS that is still the most rigid, frigid, controlling lil piece of eye-candy out there) will find better uses for the extra cash. Heck, the pics at the PC Mag article show it shipping with the assinine Apple one-button mouse with two awkward “side buttons”! Only a masochist could love the thing…

But you can count on it: there are plenty of pervs out there who will go ape wasting $$ on an imitation PC.

One inexplicably stupid comment made by the PCMag writer was this paragraph:

Aside from cooler cases, another benefit of running dual-core on Mac OS X over Windows is that in a Windows environment, you must run security software (such as antivirus, antispyware, and a firewall). Though dual-core processing helps speed up general performance even with such software running in the background, you are still diverting processor cycles. With Mac OS X, such security software is not necessary, so you’re getting more processing power dedicated to apps you’re actively using.

Yeh, right. Pull the other one. “…such security software is not necessary…” At the very least every knowledgeable Mac user/guru (you know: the ones who actually know how the OS woks) I know of recommends at the very least having a decent firewall—software and/or hardware. And sales of Mac-only anti-virus software haven’t slacked off all that much despite the claims that all the virus writers are targeting Windows and simply leaving macs alone. What? Just because your neighborhood has never been hit by burglers you decide locking yuour door is unecessary? Let me know where you live. I’d be glad to hock your Mac. (Really funny thing? While checking on Mac security products, I saw a Mac Security site that had been hacked. It’s front page was “owned” by the hacker who had taken it down. *LOL* Saved a screen shot for future laughs.)

Then there’s the “diverting processor cycles” comment above. Silly ass. The price comparison I made above was between the iMac Intel PC clone in the article with a 2.0 Ghz INTEL processor and a brand-name PC using a 2.8 Ghz processor—the only brand-name Wintel computer I could find spec’ed down enough for a comparison. Computing cycles to burn, baby. (And isn’t it interesting that Apple’s starting with a processor that’s about 1.5 Ghz behind the curve for most other current Intel machines? Their code’s not all that svelte.)

Gee. Want the advantages of a more secure, robust OS (but one that’s genuinely flexible) AND really hot hardware, you could buy an off-the-shelf regular old PC (with the latest, not the next-next-next latest, as with the iMac PC clone) hardware, pop a Mandriva CD set in, boot and have a really slick Linux comp. Loads more stable and secure than either a Windows or Apple OS. And have money left to burn, as opposed to the over-priced iMac PC clone.

Yeh, but it has the really cool look, right?

Uh-huh. And NO expansion slots. Wanna add peripheral components? Fine, snake a buncha USB wiring and clutter your desktop with boxes and other junk. with the PC I spec’ced above, lotsa that kinda thing can go inside a slick-looking box, with 5 PCI slots available.

Nah. The iMac in its current reincarnation as a PC clone is the same old, same old Apple ploy: eye candy at excessive prices. Funny that to get a favorable price comparison to the iMac, the writer of the PCMag article had to compare the iMac “pony” to a Sony Vaio “dressage competitive thoroughbred” with a faster processor, full media computer capabilities, a 50% larger hard drive, all-wireless remote keyboard/mouse/remote control, etc. All among the many things the Vaio cited comes with which are lacking in the Apple PC clone.

*feh* That was a review? A puff piece written by someone who expected only subliterates to read it.

[Let me be clear: the Mac OS is fine… for Great Aunt Tilly. After all, since it is the ultimate “training wheels” OS, it does prevent people from easily messing about in its innards and doing wild things to screw it up. Which also means it is inordinately difficult to get anything done any way EXCEPT “the Mac way”. Amusing—and true—story. Was once part of a small office where each of us used our own computers at work. Right. Very small office. I had a coworker—a devoted Macrophile who had run the all-Mac computer lab in college—who was constantly coming to me and asking to borrow the use of my computer to do things he was unable to do with his Mac. Yeh, largely the result of being the only Macuser in the office and needing to manipulate PC files, a task never quite as easy as Apple claims. He also continually complained that my PC was too hard to use because it didn’t do things the way he was used to… on his Mac. Each time, I’d show him how to do things: “See? Just push this little button on the CDROM drive. You don’t have to drag the CD to the trash bin… ” “Your CDROM drive has a button?!?!? Amazing!” etc. *sigh* Inflexible, almost unteachable. Mac user. Needed his “training wheels” OS. Never “got” it that I liked doing some things at a command line (still do). Windows ain’t all that great, but at least it’s not like using a computer while wearing a straightjacket.]

Is it still Christmas in Cambodia?/OP

I figure I’d better hold this post open for trackbacks in case anyone knows when Jean Fraud sKerry’s gonna get back from his Christmas in Cambodia… Maybe that’ll be around the time he finally keeps his word on such matters as, gosh, I dunno, releasing his records?

(BTW, I’ve actually got that release date. Inside information. 12th of Never.)

Meanwhile, If you don’t understand what a trackback is go here for a good explanation. If your blog software doesn’t generate trackbacks use this form or this one.

Short shrift again today. A few links up later. DO hit the “Treatment Time Open Trackbacks” over at The Uncooperative Blogger. Note other linkfests in my left sidebar, too, ‘K?

Cya at Choose Life! (Just wanted to link to a blog! with! an! exclamation! point! 🙂

UPDATE: The MaryHunter noted in comments that DL’s trackback from Teddy Lied, Mary Jo Died failed. A shame, really. Otherwise, how are y’all ever going to find the piece? Oh. OK. And TMH’s trackback of Realizing UN/NGO Tsunami Aid… Someday disappeared into the aether as well, apparently. And do note his commentary on the hubris of modern genetic tinkerers.

Still short shrift. Will update later… possibly.