Quick! Spread the ‘Karl Rove IS Machiavelli’ meme…

[Throw some sand in various moonbat gears, eh?]

So, Alito’s next. The big question: will Republican’t Senators do a pants check and find—to everyone’s amazement—the stones to carry the nomination through?

For those who aren’t familiar with “Scallia Lite” try the Wikipedia entry for Samuel A. Alito Jr., which includes this comment in a section on opinions he’s authored”

Alito wrote the opinion for ACLU v. Schundler (1999), holding that a holiday display on city property did not violate the Establishment Clause because it included secular symbols, such as a large plastic Santa Claus, in addition to religious symbols.

(There’s more, of course)

I have several problems with the opinion, but at least it has the virtue of slapping the ACLU in the face (even while giving it a “mini-win” in framing the argument about religious expression in the public square*).

Alito’s nomination may well be the raw meat some on the Right have wanted. Donnybrook coming? Or tempest in a teacup (dunno: if Teddy slurs in with something,  it may become a dark and stormy night in Chappaquiddick. Mary Jo Kopeckne could not be reached for comment)? Expect some attempt to spray metrosexual demoncrapped Republican’t Senators with some artificial testosterone so that they’ll uncharacteristically attempt to act like a majority party.

Will this nomination demonstrate that Karl Rove really is channeling Niccolo Machiavelli? No, but it may fuel that sort of speculation among the Demoncrappic Underpants, the Daily Kosoverians and other podpeople, moonbats and speech-impaired piscines (Oh my!).

*Allowing the ACLU to have their “mini-win” by framing the religious expression in the public arena as a “religious v. secular” cultural balance issue is problematic. And not at all within the Framers’ thinking. Less of an originalist than I’d ideally want on the court, but then aren’t all the viable options in that vein? *sigh*

Open Trackback/Linked at Euphoric Reality’s comments at DROP ZONE Open Post: Samuel Alito Is Next, Stop the ACLU’s Bush Nominates Samuel A. Alito for Supreme Court and TMH’s bacon Bits’ grinning WaPo: Alito To Get SCOTUS Nomination.

Guard the Borders—Fences and Gates II

“There are probably about 12,000,000 illegal immigrants in the U.S. How do you round up this many people? How many cops would it take?”

Dafydd ab Hugh makes some troubling observations… and talks some hard sense about how we need to Guard Our Borders. On some minutiae, I can find points to quibble with him (processing 12 million illegals—or 20 million—for deportation need not “take more than 37 years” for example… still, I’d hate to entrench the bureaucratic army it’d take to do it more quickly *sigh*), but he has the broad picture roughed in well. Unless the U.S. does first stop the flood of illegals and then make a way for those who want to enter our country (or are already here, in some cases) for otherwise lawful and decent behavior to do so—and be assimilated into our culture!—we are in very serious trouble.

A fence and gates. Get rid of those who are here to wreak havoc in our society; expel those who refuse to actually become Americans and contribute to a healthy American society. Let me modify that to “Get rid of those illegal aliens… ” since otherwise the statement above could as easily apply to Teddy Kennedy, Jean Fraud sKerry and their ilk. heh.


This has been a production of the Guard the Borders Blogburst. It was started by Euphoric Reality, and serves to keep immigration issues in the forefront of our minds as we’re going about our daily lives and continuing to fight the war on terror. If you are concerned with the trend of illegal immigration facing our country, join our blogburst! Just send an email with your blog name and url to kit.jarrell at gmail dot com.

Blogs already on board:

Pastor electrocuted while peforming baptism

“Testing… testing… 1… 2… “

Lovely Daughter just brought me this. She’d been checking a friend’s Xanga notes (the friend attends the church noted in the article below) and found this.

A good argument for having trained sound techs and better mic-ing.


The site linked above requires registration, so here’s the meat:

WACO, Texas – A pastor performing a baptism was electrocuted inside his church Sunday morning after grabbing a microphone while partially submerged, a worker at the church said.

University Baptist Church Rev. Kyle Lake, 33, was standing in water up to his shoulder in a baptismal when electrocuted, said Jamie Dudley, wife of UBC community pastor Ben Dudley and a business adminstrator at the church.

Hmmm… another contributing factor:

“…doctors attending the service did chest compressions for 40 minutes before Lake was taken to Hillcrest Baptist Medical Center.”

Looks like I’m glad I live in America’s Third World County™ instead of Waco, Texas. When my own Wonder Woman’s heart stopped one day seven years (three weeks and six days) ago, the EMTs were HERE in well under 15 minutes, and by the time 40 minutes had gone by, she’d already had another episode of SCD in the hospital… 15 minutes away.

He leaves a wife, three children and a grieving congregation behind.

“…we know that all things work together for good to them
that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose…”

Update: In comments, a virulent, pustulant leftist spews some hate, offering himself as an example for an expanded version of Michelle Malkin’s new book, Unhinged: Exposing Liberals Gone Wild.

God must be punishing him. He must have been gay. (toad734)

I’m not giving the hatemonger any front page linkage… and if he wants to play this kind of game, he may discover that what he wants will give him a rash…

Yes, the left really is populated by people who openly slander and rejoice in the death of someone just because they are a Christian. Sounds kinda like an Islamic jihadist murdering savage, eh? At the very least, it seems “toad734” shares the values of those who celebrate whenever an Islamic jihadist murdering savage SOB kills someone who doesn’t share their moon god religion. Islamic jihadist murdering savage.

Sick bastard.

You’ll do better betting on the horses…

…than betting on the Republican so-called “majority” in the Senate being able to show some backbone.

Taken from a comment made at TMH’s Bacon Bits


I’m still on the fence as to whether the Miers nomination/Loony RIGHT Moonbat flap/withdrawal was a Machiavellian plot to trap Republican’t Senators into faking some testosterone… or Divine intervention to accomplish the same end.

I don’t think Karl Rove is Niccolo Machiavelli re-incarnated, but ya never can tell, the way this is now shaping up. Republican’t Senators who let Demoncrap Senators push them around over the Brown nomination in 2002 (and just barely found enough synthetic testosterone to get the job done with her nomination this year) are now thumping their (hairless metrosexual, Demoncrap-inspired) chests to a degree that perhaps GWB can slip Janice Rogers Brown into the SCOTUS.

But I fully expect the Republican’t Senators to fully embrace their “We’re the Stupid Party, and we’re determined to follow the Demoncraps’ game plan!” model of recent memory.

It’s a crap shoot: can the Eunuchs of the Republican’t Senate actually stand up to the Demoncraps? Time will tell. (And what it will tell is, “Probably not.”)


OK, so what’s with all the traffic I’m getting to this post over the last month from people searching for “swedish pants”?

What’s that all about, anyway? People all over the world searching for “swedish pants” and ending up here.

I dunno. Some people are just stupid, I guess…

(Make of that what you will. 😉

Elitism, Boccaccio-style…

I get flashes of Giovanni Boccaccio’s Decameron as I read Peggy Noonan writing about “…Our elites, our educated and successful professionals, are the ones who are supposed to dig us out and lead us….” in her article titled “A Separate Peace” from yesterday’s Opinion Journal.

A thoughtful read. It may have you studying survival manuals and heading for the hills, though.

I suspect, though, that Noonan is being too kind in her assessment that there are two groups of the elite, one that’s made ‘a separate peace” with the fact that our society’s off track and veering for a crash and one that’s working diligently to get it back on track and steered to safety. No, I suspect the first group is made up largely of those who have worked diligently to destroy our society and are now enjoying the fruits of their anarcho-tyranny. Or are still working feverishly to hasten America’s crash.

If Noonan is right about the direction our society is headed, I suspect the self-appointed deconstructionists (like the ACLU) are beginning to celebrate their anticipated victory in the 80-plus-year war of subversion they have been waging to destroy America.

(Yeh, feeling a bit disgruntled today. Not full-blown curmudgeonry, yet, but that may well yet come… 🙂

Linked at Cao’s Blog Friday Open Trackback party

Further thoughts on Miers/SCOTUS

Commenting over on Liberal Quicksand

…where a neat “guess who” game’s being played out on some intriguing quotes. It struck me, “Hmmm… there’s a blogpost in this somewhere.”


Sooo… here is an edited reproduction and (very) slight expansion of those comments.


Janice Rogers Brown?

When Republican Senators whimped out the last time her name was brought forward (2003)*, they taught GWB a lesson: most Republican Senators have no stones… and no sensible philosophy of “advice and consent”—best to play without counting on their support. Two years of stalling by Dems aided by whimps on the Republican side of the aisle.


[Brown w]oulda been on my VERY short list for the SCOTUS. Would have preferred her to Miers, but Republicant Senators and hypocritical whines and screams from ill-qualified pundits like the egregious David Frum have pretty well settled the deal: everything will be played by the Democraps’ rules from here on out. Brown is now a very dark horse…

[Next day]

Slept on this one. Were Machiavelli pulling the White House strings, I might suspect the Miers nomination to have been a stalking horse, effected to stiffen the spine of some single-celled Republican Senators.

But surely no one in the White House—not even Karl “Satan Incarnate (to Demoncraps)” Rove—is that Machiavellian… are they?


*Yeh, yeh, I know Brown was “brought forward” in the “Snooty Boys’ Club” again this year and FINALLY she was given her proper place.

Updating Aquinas…

Excerpted from “Letter from A Young Jacobin”

From grade inflation…

Deliver us, Oh Lord

From the depredations of sports-besotted administrators

Defend us, Oh God

And remember education departments, their fads and empty promises

Smite them, Sweet God, in your mercy


PS—from the “Young Jacobin’s” own postscript:

“…if I were the head of a Committee of Public Safety for a day I would let lose the guillotines on every dept. of ed in this country (both faculty and grad students just to be sure) and burn every book ever written by someone with a PhD in education. It wouldn’t solve all of our problems I know, but a) damn it would be fun and just, a thousand times just and b) it would be a good start, esp. since I would only have a day.”

Preach on, brother, preach on!

(And were I Emperor of America, I’d appoint this “Young Jacobin” as “head of a Committee of Public Safety” for as long as it took to erradicate the breed of pestilence he rails against.)


edited to close that darned parentheses… *sigh* 😉