Stop the ACLU–voter fraud edition

Here’s a lil treat from “Gribbit” while Jay, of Stop the ACLU, is occupied “out of town”…


In recent days we have been bombarded with news concerning the Bush Administration and its troubles with the Valerie Plame idiocy. And as tempting as it is to talk about that and Rep. Tom Delay’s victories in Texas, this is a subject oriented blog and this is Stop The ACLU BlogBurst Thursday.

It seems from my email alerts that the Most Dangerous Organization in America is concerning themselves mainly with voter ID requirements in various states and prayers being said in local council meetings. Don’t these idiots have a life?

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From the ACLU:

ALBUQUERQUE –The American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico filed a lawsuit today asking a federal court to declare Albuquerque’s recently passed Voter ID Amendment “unconstitutional, illegal, null and void.”

The new law requires people who vote in person to present a “current valid identification card containing the voter’s name and photograph.” Among the acceptable forms of identification are a driver’s license, a credit card, and a voter identification card issued by the City Clerk. Absentee voters are exempt from any photo ID requirements.

“If you’re poor or homeless, there’s a good chance you don’t have any of the permissible forms of identification,” said ACLU Executive Director Peter Simonson. “Wealth shouldn’t determine your ability to participate in democracy. Americans shouldn’t have to jump through unnecessary hoops to exercise their constitutionally-guaranteed right to vote.”

Why are people traveling around without identification in the first place. At minimum ID should be carried in the event of an accident. It is a no brainier to require an ID to vote. How else would the elections officials be able to tell if you are who you say you are?

Across this nation we hear stories of people registering their dogs and dead relatives. This is voter fraud. And the simplest solution to combat voter fraud is requiring ID to vote.

The ACLU’s contention that this is an effort to suppress the poor vote which is heavily Democratic is nothing more than a political temper tantrum. The ACLU would like voter registration to remain as is because it allows people to vote more than once.

In other news, the ACLU of Tennessee is asking the 6th District Court of Appeals to uphold a ruling by a lower court which barred “Choose Life” license plates. Excuse me… But didn’t a case like this in Ohio just get settled? And if I’m not mistaken, the Choose Life plates won out.

From the ACLU

CINCINNATI – The American Civil Liberties Union today asked the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals to uphold a lower court ruling blocking an anti-abortion specialty license plate in Tennessee, saying that the plate discriminates against opposing viewpoints.

“When the state of Tennessee approved an anti-abortion license plate and failed to do the same for a pro-choice plate, it effectively cut off public discussion,”” said Julie Sternberg, Senior Staff Attorney with the ACLU Reproductive Freedom Project, who argued the case today before the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. “The lower court made clear that the state cannot open up a forum for public debate on abortion without allowing both sides an equal opportunity to express their position. We are hopeful that the appeals court will do the same.”

The law in question makes a “Choose Life” license plate available to motorists for an annual fee of $35 over and above the basic costs of registering a car in the state. Fifty percent of all funds raised, after expenses, go to a private anti-choice organization called New Life Resources. The legislature twice rejected an amendment that would have authorized a “Pro Choice”” specialty plate.

This is the same old argument against the right of a state to govern themselves. The members of Politburo take every opportunity to trample on the states’ 10th guarantees by getting a panel of black robed Kings by Committee to make decisions as to what is best for the citizens; taking away the power of guaranteed them through the system of representative government.

The people have representatives to their state governments to make decisions like these. And when necessary, the people themselves take a popular vote on issues. But God forbid if the people or their elected officials make a decision which differs from the ACLU’s agenda. Ooops, I’m sorry, we can’t mention God. But we can mention Satan, Allah, the Spirits of the 4 winds, or any other Deity just as long as it isn’t God or mentions the name Jesus.

Specialty license places are used to raise money for various charities. >From protecting the wildlife of a state to private organizations, people select these plates to show their support of the cause. This is the vary argument made in the Ohio case.

Moving on we get to the Cobb County prayer case. The ACLU has their panties in a twist over a prayer being said using the words, “in the name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.” Oh no! A town dares to challenge the ACLU over religion! Savages… Don’t they know that rules of PC tolerance forbids the mention of the Judeo/Christian Deity?

Cobb County is fighting the ACLU suit by filing a 50 page brief. In the brief, the County makes a point of fact, “As a matter of historical fact, the exact prayers given in the first Congress explicitly referred to Jesus Christ.”

As we have seen in this past year if a historical context can be attached to a religious reference it is permissible. The US Supreme Court ruled in July that a memorial containing the 10 Commandments could remain in front of a court house citing its historical context.

So if it is permissible for the House of Representatives of the United States to refer to the Christian savior in its first session, what right has anyone to tell a local government that they cannot follow that tradition? None.

It seems to me that these idiots can be pursuing cases where real civil liberties are being violated. Wait, that is over with isn’t it. The government of the United States no longer discriminates against anyone regardless of race, creed, national origin, sex, sexual preference, or handicap. So they haven’t any real horse in a race. So they remain relevant by prosecuting legal actions against local governments. And in this way, they put forward their founder’s vision for America. “Communism is the goal.” – Roger Baldwin 1935.

This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please register at Our Portal, or email Jay at You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 115 blogs already onboard.

A Civics Lesson?

I found this over at GM's Corner, posted by Woody, and just followed the bread crumbs and…

I started wondering about civics knowledge of the typical American citizen. Googling provides a superficial infoset about the topic that nevertheless supports a day-to-day impression formed by exposure to my fellow citizens, especially whenever political topics are being discussed.

"In the wake of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and the wave of patriotism that has followed, there has been renewed concern about the state of civics education, citizen formation, and national character in the United States. Yet according to the most recent National Assessment of Educational Progress test in civics, only 24 percent of high school seniors were "proficient" in their knowledge of American government and civics.[1] Study after study since then continues to suggest that historical literacy is at a similarly abysmal level.” [Federalism and Fiscal Responsibility: A Lesson in Civics Education]

In fact, as I drilled down deeper into the information at the source of the statement above, I found… a lot of mush and obfuscation hiding the core data. And a lot of euphemistic interpretation of the data.

Not a good sign. When educrats bloviate (when do they not?), it’s a sure sign they’re trying to hide or twist bad news.

Well, I decided to take the "citizenship quizes" that Woody linked to in a post he mentioned in the one that started this lil wander through the web. (Convoluted enough for you, yet?) Here's what resulted from the first lil quiz:

You Passed the US Citizenship Test

Congratulations – you got 10 out of 10 correct!

Sadly, I know high school-and college!-grads who would definitely miss some of those very easy quiz questions, but I wasn’t satisfied, so I took the other two quizes mentioned. The results of those quizes are below the fold (if it works right this time-heh).

But here’s another lil quiz that’s perhaps a better indicator of whether or not a person should be allowed to vote (yeh, I said that, and I meant it). It’s an online practice quiz offered to help immigrants prep for a citizenship test. I'm thinking that if a person born a citizen in these United States can't pass this test, they should be given a Green Card and be treated as a resident non-citizen. *sheesh* Seriously, if I weren’t able to pass a 100Q quiz as easy as this one by seventh grade, I would have flunked my seventh grade civics class. And NO ONE lacking such basic knowledge of civics American style ought to be allowed in a voting booth. They’re too stupid and ignorant to exercise the franchise.

(Linked at GM’s Corner’s Open Trackback Wednesday.
Read more…

Here are the results of two other simple “citizenship quizes” Woody linked that I took (simply copied and pasted the text of the results. And note that I do know Rhenquist is no longer Chief Justice of the SCOTUS :-):


You might be surprised to learn that immigrants usually know more about our nation than most born-and-bred Americans! Want more? Try the sample citizenship questions posed by the Immigration & Naturalization Service.

Your Score: 10 out of 10 — Congratulations! You’re a model citizen.

1. What country did we fight during the Revolutionary war?

a) Great Britain
b) France
c) Germany
d) Italy

You chose: a
The correct answer is: a

2. Why did the Pilgrims come to America?

a) to flee colonization
b) for religious freedom
c) for the right to vote
d) for a better life

You chose: b
The correct answer is: b

3. Who helped the Pilgrims in America?

a) the slaves
b) the Native Americans
c) the British
d) the Dutch

You chose: b
The correct answer is: b

4. Which list contains three rights or freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights?

a) Right to life, Right to liberty, Right to the pursuit of happiness
b) Freedom of speech, Freedom of press, Freedom of religion
c) Right to protest, Right to protection under the law, Freedom of religion
d) Freedom of religion, Right to elect representatives, Human rights

You chose: b
The correct answer is: b

5. Who is the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court?

a) George W. Bush
b) Janet Reno
c) Colin Powell
d) William Rehnquist

You chose: d
The correct answer is: d

6. How many changes or amendments are there to the Constitution?

a) 10
b) 13
c) 27
d) 9

You chose: c
The correct answer is: c

7. How many voting members are in the House of Representatives?

a) 50
b) 100
c) 435
d) 535

You chose: c
The correct answer is: c

8. Who becomes President of the United States if the President and the Vice President should die?

a) the Speaker of the House of Representatives
b) the Senate Majority Leader
c) the Chairman of the Joints Chief of Staff
d) the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

You chose: a
The correct answer is: a

9. Who has the power to declare war?

a) Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
b) the Supreme Court
c) President
d) the Congress

You chose: d
The correct answer is: d

10. What are the first 10 amendments to the Constitution called?

a) Articles of Confederation
b) Manifest Destiny
c) Bill of Rights
d) Declaration of Independence

You chose: c
The correct answer is: c


U.S. Citizenship Test: Could You Pass?
Way to Go!
(Note: In the actual test, answers are given in sentence format; here we’ve changed the format by offering multiple-choice answers.) You got 11/11 correct.

The correct answer: A They represent the 13 original colonies
Your answer: A They represent the 13 original colonies
The stripes on the American flag represent the 13 original colonies; the 50 stars represent the current states in the nation.

The correct answer: C 27
Your answer: C 27
Over the years, there have been 27 amendments to the Constitution–the most recent one was ratified on May 2, 1992.

The correct answer: A Legislative, executive, and judicial
Your answer: A Legislative, executive, and judicial
The three branches of the United States government are the legislative, executive, and judicial.

The correct answer: B It ordered that slaves in rebel territory be freed
Your answer: B It ordered that slaves in rebel territory be freed
The Emancipation Proclamation ordered that all slaves in rebel territory be freed. It was issued on January 1, 1863, by President Abraham Lincoln.

The correct answer: C The Speaker of the House of Representatives
Your answer: C The Speaker of the House of Representatives
The Speaker of the House of Representatives becomes president of the United States if both the president and vice president die. During the country’s history, the line of succession has changed several times.

The correct answer: C United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, and China
Your answer: C United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, and China
The United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, and China were principal allies of the United States during World War II.

The correct answer: A Alaska
Your answer: A Alaska
Alaska was admitted as the 49th state of the Union on January 3, 1959.

The correct answer: A 9
Your answer: A 9
Nine justices sit on the Supreme Court of the United States: eight associate justices and one chief justice. The president of the United States appoints them to the Court for life terms, but the U.S. Senate must approve each appointment with a majority vote.

The correct answer: C “The Star-Spangled Banner”
Your answer: C “The Star-Spangled Banner”
“The Star-Spangled Banner” is the national anthem of the United States. Francis Scott Key wrote the text in 1814, and it later became popular as a song, sung to the tune of a British drinking song. Congress approved it as our national anthem on March 3, 1931.

The correct answer: C 1787
Your answer: C 1787
The Constitution was written in 1787 and ratified in 1788.

The correct answer: B Mayflower
Your answer: B Mayflower
The Pilgrims came to America aboard the Mayflower. A good way to remember this one is the old joke: If April showers bring May flowers, what do Mayflowers bring? The Pilgrims. Originally, the Pilgrims intended to take two vessels, the Mayflower and the Speedwell, but the latter proved unseaworthy.


Whenever I have a visit from one of the Demoncrapic Underpants genetic experiments gone terribly wrong (think: loony left moonbat troll), I allow myself a small grin and think, “Loser.”
It’s easy on this day of the year to let that grin grow a little larger. Why? (Slap yourself upside the head, silly!) One year ago this lil accomplishment made it muuuch easier to grin and think “Loser” whenever a moonbat troll began barking nonsense:
h.t. for the link, Carol Platt Liebau
(Still, it’d be nice if the Republican’t congresscritters and the Bush White House would act as though they’d like, you know, won an election or something. As though, I dunno, they had a majority in both houses or some such… )
Linked at MOTWOT at Stop the ACLU and NIF’s Morning After.

“Once More, With Feeling”

I saw this musical episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer when the show was in re-runs (well, I guess it still is, somewhere) and thought it was… surprisingly good. In fact, I wouldn’t mind owning a video/DVD of just this episode. Very, very good musical parody/compilation that served the storyline well. A good thing since the story was a tad lame—though not as lame as some opera. *heh* I’m not all that cranked up about the rest of the series, but this episode is a lot of fun. Now, the book’s out: script, sheet music, notes on dialog/musical references (although I do think I caught ’em all).

“Once More, With Feeling”: The Script Book

Fun stuff. Wanna get it for me for Christmas? *VBG*
BTW, a tip o’ the hat to Lovely Daughter for cluing me in on this. 🙂

“…out of the mainstream…”

Just caught Charles Schumer commenting that “[Alito] is considerably out of the mainstream on a number of cases…”


Cluebat #1 for Chuckie: that’s why federal judges/justices have life apointments, you know, so they won’t feel pressured to decide cases according to the latest poll but rather according to that strange thing you apparently never consider (except, perhaps, in the “what can I get away with” sense), you know, the law.

Cluebat #2 for Chuckie: ya ever think that YOUR “mainstream”… isn’t? No, of course you haven’t. Why would I even ask…

Glad I wasn’t physically present when Chuckie was proving his stupidity, cos I am constitutionally unable to suffer a fool gladly.

Experimenting on myself…

Chai Latte-esque


Lately, I’ve been drinking some chai latte drinks. (For those who need a translation, “chai” is just the latest faddish way to say “tea”—yeh, I know all the linguistic gobbledegook. It’s still just a faddish way to say “tea”). And “latte” is the la-di-da way to say “milk”.

But the chai lattee drinks I’ve been introduced to by Lovely Daughter are a tad more complex than the old milk-in-tea (or cream-in-tea) I used to drink. Kind of a “la-di-da” version of my mom’s old spiced tea recipe with a few twists.

But the mixes and pre-mixed liquids all seemed just a little too “not me,” if you will . So, I’m sipping my first effort at approximating a chai latte drink from scratch.


  • 6 individual serving bags of green tea
  • 12 cloves of, well, cloves
  • 6 cardamom pods
  • 1 stick of cinnamon, ground finely (about a tablespoon or a little less)
  • milk
  • honey
  • water (12 “coffee cups” or 12X 6-oz~ Just 2 quarts and an 8-oz measuring cup)

Doing the deed

  • Opened the bags and dumped the tea into the filter basket of our drip coffee maker. Added the ground cinnamon on top.
  • Crushed the cardamom pods to release the seeds; crushed the cloves.
  • Tied (well, stapled) the cloves and cardamom in some of the emptied paper tea bags and dropped them into my coffee carafe.
  • Brewed as for coffee.
  • When the brewing was done, I let the cardamom/clove bags steep a bit (5 minutes?) and removed them.
  • Nuked about 4-oz of milk in a mug for 30 seconds
  • Added a tablespoonful of coffee creamer (I like the texture of CoffeeMate, and its no-fat version is as smooth as the regular, so… )
  • Topped off with spiced tea from the carafe, sweetened to tste with honey.

Not bad. Needs something citrus, though.  Maybe dried lemon peel or dried orange peel. Maybe a tad more or less on the spices. It’ll be fun experimenting.

As it is, though, good enough for a warmer-upper on a fall day/evening. It’s not coffee, but it’s… nice.

Update: Second cup tried no milk, just creamer. Hmmm, a tad better. Maybe I should try it with cream sometime. Still needs some dried lemon or orange peel, I think.

Update #2: Oops. Forgot. Added just a pinch of nutmeg to the top of the tea leaves before brewing. Nutmeg just seems to enhance the high notes the cardamom adds.

Kerry: When’s the next 180?

(Talk about amphibolous… )

We all know as much of Jean Fraud sKerry’s history as he’ll let us (where are your records, John?), so recounting it here would be a dizzying task that contributed little to answering that mind-numbingly throbbing question: will he actually release his records before the Twelfth of Never? Let’s see… he was against the Vietnam War before he enlisted, then against it again after he returned. He was loyal to his “band of brothers” before he “proved” that loyalty by slandering them viciously. Jean Fraud then discovered he’d been a “hero” in Vietnam and had the (re-enacted) videos and scars (“See? See that scar right there? No not that one. That was when I nicked myself on a rose bush at age 5. This little bitty one here. See? Ya have to look real closely now… “) to prove it.
Besides his personal history, he’s been on every side of just about every political issue that there is… before he took the other side.
Hmmm…. since he voted to confirm Sam Alito’s nomination to the Federal bench in 1990, that means this time around he’ll probably vote against him. Before he votes for him… then votes against him again.
Kerry: the Platonic Ideal of the modern politician.

No More sKerry BS_button

Note the announcement from Cao, below.

Join the blogbursts to help FREE Kerry’s 180 every Tuesday!

We’ve formed a blogburst group and here are the bloggers who are contributing so far. If you want to join the blogroll for Free Kerry’s 180, click here to email me, include the url for your blog. The blogburst is every Tuesday, so don’t forget to blog about it. All you have to do is encourage Kerry to set his 180 FREE, I’ll send you the code for the blogroll.

The more people we have, the merrier!

Aaron’s cc
And Rightly So!
Atlas Shrugs
Balance Sheet
Big Dog’s Weblog
Cao’s Blog
Christmas Ghost
Civil Issues
Conservative Friends
doubleplusgood infotainment
Euphoric Reality
Every Man
Flight Pundit
Fundamentally Right
Furry Press
GM’s Corner
Gribbit’s Word
House Of Wheels
Infinite Universe
International House of Conservatism
Jackson’s Junction
Jay Howard Smith
Kender’s Musings
Knight Simplar
My Vast Rightwing Conspiracy
Oblogatory Anecdotes
Pirate’s Cove
Pooklekufr: The Kafir Constitutionalist
Power and Control
Private Radio
Progressive Conservatism
Publius Rendezvous
Ravings Of A Mad Tech
Reasoned Audacity
Reverse Vampyr
Right in Philly
Right Track
Rottweiler Puppy
Something…and Half of Something
Steve’s Blog
Stop the ACLU
Sweet Spirits of Ammonia
Tall Glass of Milk
The Babaganoosh
The Creative Conservative
The Dark Citadel
The Neo Con Blogger
The Neocon Blogger
The Paragraph Farmer
The Pulpit Pounder
The Sunnyeside Of Life
Think About It
Third World County
TMH’s Bacon Bits
Truth On Iraq
Uncle Jack
Villainous Company
What Attitude Problem?
Where’s Your Brain?

Just pull the plug: they’re educrats, therefore brain dead.

Jerry Pournellediscovers that “educators” in California think they can do better than King Canute.

“…the State of California officially insists that all children in the public school system be educated to above average. I will explain and do a short essay on that, but I am not making it up. The D.Ed. types in Sacramento apparently were so deficient in their math education that they do not understand that this is impossible.”
