Guard the Borders (Monday’s post… today :-)

I recieved some disturbing, but not altogether unexpected, news from an aquaintance in email the other day. It seems the Loony Left Moonbats/Mass Media Podpeople/Hate America First crowd are setting up a straw man argument against immigration control via an ad hominem attack on Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo.

As I said, it’s not unexpected. The Loony Left Moonbats/Mass Media Podpeople/Hate America First crowd have no real arguments to counter genuine legal, security, economic and even moral arguments in favor of genuine immigration control and cultural assimilation, so they have now begun attempting to tar the Congressman who is most visible and vocal in his attempts to Guard the Borders with the “racist” slur.

Here’s Glenn Greenwald’s take on the matter (a TWCâ„¢ Recommended Read). A sample:

“All in a single one-line post, Oliver Willis manages to perfectly illustrate the cheapest, most intellectually dishonest — and, for those who wield it in the immigration debate, the most self-destructive — form of argumentation.”

Read the whole thing.

What ought we to do? I’m all for a combination of efforts: Jerry Pournelle’s suggestion that we institute a bounty for illegals (with appropriate controls to curb abuses); Dafydd ab Hugh’s “Walls and Gates” (my paraphrase-scroll way down on the linked article) idea-create strong, well-policed, barriers to further illegal immigration and means for those who want to visit/live here legally to do so as well as for those who want to become AMERICAN citizens to do so.

But those who want to circumvent our laws, form their own little enclaves of non-American mini-states (like France has allowed Muslims to do) must be brought to heel.

UPDATE: Fixed the link to the Greenwald article]


This has been a production of the Guard the Borders blogburst, brought to you every Monday by Euphoric Reality. The purpose of Guard the Borders is to raise awareness about the illegal immigration problem. If you care about our borders and want to join the blogburst, send your blog name and URL to kit.jarrell at gmail dot com.

Blogs Already on Board:

The Magical Talking Head! (A Free Kerry’s 180/Open Post)

Open Post. Do your thing. Link to this post and track back at will.


The amazing thing is this thing still shows signs of pseudo-life! But the “Grows new feet and tail”? Not so amazing… What great feat is it for Jean Fraud sKerry to grow a new tale? His life is a string one unbelieveable tale after another. From “immaculate conception” (of at least one Purple Heart), through consorting with, giving aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war (while still officially an officer in the Navy), slandering ALL those who served in Vietnam, and flip-flopping his way through a Senate career and Presidential race. Why should every new tale about releasing his records be considered anything new?

What is amazing is that he gets a bye on every lie from a media that will have a feeding frenzy whenever President Bush does not lie (calling honest statements lies when they are not–hmm, sounds familiar. In another context such behavior was attributed to satanic influence… )

A simple question for Senator Jean Fraud sKerry: where are the records you promised 310 days ago, on national television, to release? Still tied up and held “in confidence” at the Boston Glob (not a misspelling), the LA Slimes and with your biographer, all of whom say they do not have release from you to reveal their entire contents? Indeed, none of them indicate that they yet have the entire contents of the records you said you released 200 days ago.

General aside: will someone please set this liar’s [figurative] pants on fire? heh. Maybe then he’d be moved to actually-gasp!-keep his word.

Nah. Then besides a feet and tail he’d also have to grow some integrity. And that’s much harder for something like Jean Fraud sKerry to do. Something on the order of a camel passing through the eye of the needle.

From TMH’s Bacon Bits (Hey! like the graphic, dude! *VBG*),


This was brought to you by the Free Kerry’s 180 Blogroll. If you want to join, visit Cao’s Blog for instructions. The blogburst is every Tuesday. All you have to do is encourage Kerry to set his 180 records FREE. The more, the merrier!

Blogs already on board:

Aaron’s cc
And Rightly So!
Atlas Shrugs
Balance Sheet
Big Dog’s Weblog
Cao’s Blog
Christmas Ghost
Civil Issues
Conservative Friends
doubleplusgood infotainment
Euphoric Reality
Every Man
Flight Pundit
Fundamentally Right
Furry Press
GM’s Corner
Gribbit’s Word
House Of Wheels
Infinite Universe
International House of Conservatism
Jackson’s Junction
Jay Howard Smith
Kender’s Musings
Knight Simplar
My Vast Rightwing Conspiracy
Oblogatory Anecdotes
Pirate’s Cove
Pooklekufr: The Kafir Constitutionalist
Power and Control
Private Radio
Progressive Conservatism
Publius Rendezvous
Ravings Of A Mad Tech
Reasoned Audacity
Reverse Vampyr
Right in Philly
Right Track
Rottweiler Puppy
Something…and Half of Something
Steve’s Blog
Stop the ACLU
Sweet Spirits of Ammonia
Tall Glass of Milk
The Babaganoosh
The Creative Conservative
The Dark Citadel
The Neo Con Blogger
The Neocon Blogger
The Paragraph Farmer
The Pulpit Pounder
The Sunnyeside Of Life
Think About It
Third World County
TMH’s Bacon Bits
Truth On Iraq
Uncle Jack
Villainous Company
What Attitude Problem?
Where’s Your Brain?*******************************

As Shamelessly promoted at: Choose Life!, Jo’s Cafe, Adam’s Blog (be sure to submit something to his Carnival of Christmas, ‘K?), Those Bastards! and maybe one or two others later today.

A question of intelligence

I made comment earlier today that most of my readers seem to be from the right side of the bell curve (in terms of “g” potential), and in fact, I suspect that a goodly many are a tad further right of center than I am on that old debil IQ score. So, I have a lil non-scientific test for ya. View the video below and ascertain what you think the nature of the interaction is between

a.) the questioners and Donald Rumsfeld

b.) Donald Rumsfeld and General Pace (the other person answering reporters’ questions).

Then CLICK HERE and read material quoted in the report that accompanied the video on the site where I found the video and answer the questions found at the link back here in comments.

Yeh, I know it’s overly cumbersome. That’s part of the “test” silly… 🙂

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(Off-topic: Congrats to Ferdie for passing the 100,000 mark! That’s one smart cat! CLICK on over and leave your own congratulatory note, ‘K?)

Shamelessly promoted at Committees of Correspondence.

Funny, but disturbing

This from a reader/correspondent at Chaos Manor:

According to the research firm The Gartner Group:

“What makes the Sony BMG incident even more unfortunate is that the DRM technology can be defeated easily. Gartner has identified one simple technique: The user simply applies a fingernail-sized piece of opaque tape to the outer edge of the disc, rendering session 2 – which contains the self-loading DRM software – unreadable. The PC then treats the CD as an ordinary single-session music CD, and the commonly used CD “rip” programs continue to work as usual. (Note: Gartner does not recommend or endorse this technique.) Moreover, even without the tape, common CD-copying programs readily duplicate the copy-protected disc in its entirety.”

Please note that under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, this makes a “fingernail-sized piece of opaque tape” an illegal circumvention device, and under the Act, possession of this device is punishable by a fine of up to $100,000 and up to five years in jail!

Anarcho-tyranny: We are all criminals. Note that the activity the DMCA and Sony’s DRM copy-protection scheme are mdesigned to prevent is perfectly legitimate use for say, tapes of music or videotapes of shows and was-up intil DMCA-perfectly legitimate use of CDs, etc.: the archiving of legally-owned copies of music or video, or the trtansfer of their contents for use on other devices. This whole “let’s make criminals of people for fair use of copyrighted material they have paid to use” ploy is a violation of our legitimate use of property designed… to make crimiinals of us all.

Ferdy has a post, “Notes from Ferdy – The Sony Question,” that touches on this as well. What are YOUR thoughts?

Shamelessly flogged* at: Is it Just Me?, Macstansbury, Bloggin’ Outloud and NIF

(*To avert those who’ve been exposed to recent pejorations of the term from gasping in dismay: flog-Informal. To publicize aggressively: flogging a new book. 🙂

Wish I’d said that…

Responding to an email from someone very obviously on the left end of the bell curve, Jerry Pournelle said,

“I presume that just about all of my readership is on the right hand side of the bell curve, although I sometimes get messages indicating that is not an absolutely justifiable assumption.”

I have justifiable reason to assume much the same, at least based on comments and the growing number of visitors who are non-Internet Exploder users. *s*

But, yeh, I’ve had to deal with one or two folks dropping in here from the left (sometimes called the “low”) end of the bell curve. Gotta love ’em. Cos they aren’t smart enough to know when they’re stupid, of course.


(Of course, I’m somewhere toward the left end of Chaos Manor readers, but given the quality of his usual correspondents, that’s quite a good group to be in.)

Do pop on over and read the whole thing. You’ll have to page down a ways to get to the commentary and the e- that inspired it. Worth the time and effort, though.

Another reminder+

Just so this isn’t just another reminder to head over to Romeocat’s Cathouse Chat for her daily Advent post, here’s a little instrumental accompaniment to go along with the lyrics to the song she quotes today. Feel free to sing along. The music’s already started below (just CLICk to stop/restart if you want), and the words are here.

Do consider submitting something to Adam’s Carnival of Christmas, too.

Note, for quicker loading, this time I chose a midi file. The quality of the reproduction will depend entirely—apart from your speakers :-)—on your synth/patches. This midi file was originally written as a demo of Roland’s Soundcanvas products.

Adverts at Bloggin’ Outloud and NIF

Open Post/Catchup Monday Featured Blog

OK, what a mishmash. 🙂

Open Post. If you know what to do, do it, and I’ll try to do a roundup later. If you don’t know aht I’m talking about, see here.

Featured blog? I mentioned over the weekend that All Things Beautiful had a significant (and very long, detailed) post “The Jihad Apocalypse” that is more than simply worth reading; it is an important read. But All Things Beautiful is also more than just one or two great posts. It is one very good post after another with exceptional posts liberally distributed among other worthwhile reads. Going in my Regular Reads section as soon as I get A Round Toit. DO drop over and spend some time. You’ll be very glad you did. But plan on spending time. It’s a very content-rich blog. Fluff? Need not apply at All Things Beautiful.

Playing catchup: I missed this exchange between Jerry Pournelle and a Marine Colonel who served as Governor of Wasit Province, Iraq. It makes a good complement to “The Jihad Apocalypse“. My very minor observation: It’s sad that they both seem to agree that exporting America’s “slacker” culture is probably one of the best long-term methods of defeating Islamic jihadism… since by the time that’s accomplished, slacker culture may have allowed the Chinese to overcome us…

Stuck on Stupid found an interesting story: WW2 Vet Awarded Medals 60 Years Later. Man! That’s worse than the line at the DMV!

Freedom Folks has a chuckle in A Jury Of Thier Peers. heh

Ar Cathouse Chat, Romeocat continues her daily Advent posts. Seasonal must-reads, IMO. Today’s post will have me searching for an appropriate mp3, again.

Guard the Borders later today will feature a tip I got in email. Gotta love sharp readers.

Oh, and have you visited iHillary recently? Lotsa good Photoshop snark. Check out the “Dr. Soros” book. *snirk* And “Donkeysaurus”? heh

Outside the blogosphere, two very different pieces of news: Seven League Boots? And Kimchi defeats asian bird flu? Finally, a use for kimchi. Wonders never cease.


Link to this post and trackback.

Plugged at NIF_2_ (heh), Bloggin’ Outloud and maybe others later, if I make the time.

Almost an Advent Post

If you want the Advent post, go visit CatHouse Chat’s Sunday post “The King of Heaven, born on Earth”. Well said, Romeocat!

But before you click the link, fire up this Excerpt of a CD by The American Bach Soloists Choir. (Good stuff Maynard.) Then listen along and read Romeocat’s “The King of Heaven, born on Earth”.

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And don’t forget R’Cat’s encouragement to participate in the Carnival of Christmas,

Don’t forget to think of submitting something to Adam’s Carnival of Christmas. I hope and pray he has a huge Carnival, full of all the joy and light and wonder of this blessed season!

Finally blogging Saturday: playing catchup

Well, I didn’t advertise it as a “free linkpost” as I did with the “real” Open Post on Friday, but there were some interesting links pinged in anyway, so I’ll cut some slack for folks who have trouble with directions. Lord knows, I have enough trouble following directions myself sometimes…

This came in while I was piecing this together (in raw html, since WYSIWYG editors seem to all be playing “gotcha” today): All Things Beautiful has a powerful, powerful piece up in “Jihad Apocalypse: I asked the Professor for views on the pressing subject of Jihadists, and how we as Christians can hope to feel safe in the ever growing aggressive Jihad environment which seems to be viewed by some on the left side of the political spectrum as unsubstantiated conservative hype, verging on warmongering hysteria… The short answer is that we can’t, and here is why.”

[Just go read it. Read it all.]

*sigh* Tel-Chai Nation reports: “More terrorist attacks took place this week. As Ariel Sharon puts together his new party called Kadima, he simultaneously neglects security requirements.”

[Sharon just ain’t sharin’ all the best, is he?]

Peakah’s Provocations wants everyone to party on, dudes (and dudettes) Open Bar All Weekend! I usually do an Open Post on Sunday but this weekend is full of fun and activities.”

[Have a most excellent adventure, folks!]

A rhetorical question from freedom folks in:Mehlman Blasts When did being an idiot with a reality disconnect become a prized quality in party leadership? Never mind. Don’t answer that.”

[Darn it. And I had my hand in the air already… ]


Finding blogbuddies, freedom folks: “Shut Up & Sing We made a new friend in the blogosphere!”

[Now that really is special!]

Don Surber waxes polysci-philosoph-solon all over: “Prosecuting the Culture of Corruption President Bush’s legacy will be forged in the sandbox of Iraq. His vision of a democratic oasis in the cradle of civilization overshadows the other accomplishments of his administration.

[But let’s not forget that his legacy here at home may have an even farther reach.]

Tidings of comfort and joy from Adam’s Blog *sigh* “ACLU Names New Chairman Washington-The ACLU named a new chairman today as it enter into its annual “war on small towns with limited budgets” season… The new chairman, former Congressman “The Grinch” (D-Mount Crumpit) pledged to continue the ACLU’s attack on Christmas with renewed vigor…”

[Two words: coal, stocking.]

More doom and gloom from Don Surber: Global Earthquaking “Yesterday, the Guardian of London told us Global warming is causing an Ice Age! IF the Gulf Stream became a Gulf Trickle, in 20 years, Europe would be 4C or 6C colder, which translates into normal temperatures as 10 degrees or so.”

[Not quite so bad as the LIA/Maunder Minimum temps. What’s to worry about? Earthquakes? That’s what feet are for: move to places they’re not as likely. Gee. Of course, coulda told the doofs caught in N’Awlins the same thing about hurricanes, but do people think about these things? Nah. The gummint (somewhere) will handle it, handle it… ]

The Right Nation has another place to advertise your blog AND some other good news: (Open Trackback) Weekend Round-Up Good news from Pakistan: the No. 3 official of al-Qaida, Hamza Rabia, was killed early Thursday morning by a CIA missile attack on a safehouse.”

[For these and many other blessings, Lord, we give You thanks…]

Let’s all go to the party! Stop The ACLU Weekend Party for the Politically Incorrect Political correctness is one of America’s worst enemies. It is opposite of freedom… What Is Political Correctness? Political Correctness (PC) is the communal tyranny that erupted in the 1980s.”

[Party! Party!]

Belaboring the obvious, Clark Mountain Musings: “Wanted terrorists returning to Gaza through Rafah……..DUH!

[Be nice if this were a ploy to sucker them into position for the kill… ]

Committees of Correspondencehands out a grammar lesson… and more: “I Took, You Took, He Tookie Which Is Out of Place? If you choose Tookie as the word out of place, you would be correct as far as the grammatical rules of English Verb Conjugation are concerned. As to the individual (I don’t call rabid dogs that brutally murder innocent people a…

[I’m making hopeful bookie that Tookie shuffles his cookie off this mortal coil soon. Hopeful.]

S’all for now. Freely advertised at Oblogatory Anecdotes, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, Point Five, NIF, Macstansbury.

Around and About on Friday

A few posts that’ve caught my eye around and about:

Put down the coffee/hot cocoa. Woody’s News and Views brings us You Might Be A Liberal If…


Praise be! Bloggin’ Outloud reveals “How to Shave the Yetis
Shave the Yeti Open Post & Link Party on one condition: If you leave a trackback, you have to use the clippers!

[Lyn asks, “Once shaved always shaved?” I suppose he’s going all Jn 10:19-30 and all that, NTV (New Truckers’ Version) ]

The Florida Masochist tries to stay up with the workload:The Knucklehead of the Day award Today’s winner is Democratic Senator Byron Dorgan from North Dakota.

[Need a Knucklehead of the Hour Award. Anybody wanna help TFM out with that one? It’d keep you in blogposts from now through 2010 just working through the Loony Left Moonbats and Mass Media Pospeople… One an hour for the next four+ years, 24/7/365… Then, for a change of pace, Republican’t politicians…]

Here TFM notes what happens when Academia Nuts are allowed to stay in the shell too long: Academia gone overboard….again All three students in this affair are wrong. The Univ. of PA though has a warped Politically correct view of the world. Or do warped and PC go together? As my wife often says- The World has gone insane.

[Nah. They’re not crazy. Nah. Not much.]

Hey, Dude! Leave some for the fish! TFM: I scooped the MSM! The Florida Masochist did just that. It wasn’t till yesterday that any of the local media outlets finally acknowledged the massive screwup concerning hurricane foodstamps here in South Florida.

[It’s a “beat” man. 🙂 ]

Freedom Folks wants to get something off the ground-without a “W” or whatnot: Conservative Songmeisters Unite! The Right Brothers are trying to get thier video on MTV.

[Yeh, well I type that way alla time.]

Freedom Folks being oh, so gently snarky: Arabs: We (heart) France
Oh no, they don’t like us. I’m crushed, really

[Hmmm… Ayrabs and Frogs. Who’da thunk it?]

More from Freedom Folks: Hawaii Crosses Dangerous Line The Hawaii Supreme Court has overturned the conviction of a woman whose drug abuse led to the death of her 2-day-old son.

[Yeh, overturned on the grounds that the baby wasn’t human until it was born. Demonstrating that the members of the Hawaii Supreme Court still need pre-natal care… upside the head.]

Showing quite a bit of her cognomen’s sense, Liberal Common Sense: Scissor and Screwdriver Carriers Rejoice! No more having to leave that favorite pair of cuticle scissors or that handy dandy screwdriver out of your carry on bag. Alas those of you who have Swiss Army type knives will still be forced to either check your bag or leave your implement of choice…

[Never last. This is a Thousands Standing Around operation, after all. Remember, they need no excuse for stupidity. “When a stupid man does something he knows is wrong, he always claims it is his duty.”]

IRIS Blog: Hard-hitting-Prediction Confirmed: Israel Admits Rafah Security Deal was “Worthless” I have been detailing how the vaunted deal to protect Israel’s security regarding the Rafah crossing between Egypt and Gaza was a “charade” rushed into because of pressure from Condaleeza Rice:The Rafah deal was a complete capitulation by Israel.

[Again, well, duh. ONLY Israel is held to account for its side of any “deal”-never the Palestinian thugs. This is news? *sigh*]

I followed every link in this story, and… I’m gonna do more horse tradin’! Stuck On Stupid From A Paperclip And Beyond Open Link Fest Kyle started with a paperclip and is trading up to his dream of acquiring a home. So far he is up to a snowmobile. Not a bad return since July. Getting a job might help him to reach his goal. But maybe that is asking too much……One Red Paper Clip is…

Sidebar: Whadda you think of this?

And last but FAR from least, Romeocat lends Cathouse Chat to Advent with The Promise For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.