(*tink-tink* Psst–yeh, you…)

(… wanna put one-a these in my stocking?)

Saw this over at The English Guy’s What’s Hot blog and I started drooling over just how cool it is… yeh, a physiological reaction to a too-cool technotoy:

Ion iTTUSB Turntable with USB Record

“…the world’s first USB turntable allowing you to convert your old vinyl collection directly to CD or MP3 with the included recording software. (NO SPECIAL DRIVERS NEEDED) The ION USB turntable includes Audacity software for Mac/PC for recording as well as a trial of Bias Soundsoap 2 for cleaning and restoring vinyl. This turntable also has line level output for connecting to any home stereo with CD or auxiliary (AUX) inputs. This product is compatible with any software that supports USB audio input sound cards.”

I’ve been good. No! Really I have! Santa! Hey, you: fat guy! Where you going?


Surrendering Christmas

Why is the move to secularize Christmas entirely out of the public arena going so well for the allies of Islamic jihad (ACLU, the usual suspects among the Loony Left Moonbat Brigade, the Mass Media Podpeople’s Army, et al)?

Because all too many Christians have no faith at all, just a “country club” association with the fashoinable church du jour or a tepid connection to a weak-kneed “traditional values” concept. Witness:

Megachurches cancel services on Christmas

Huh?!? Yep “Churches” (big, successful, ever more secular and image/marketing-conscious Willow Creek prominently featured) are backpedaling on… Christmas.

“This is a consumer mentality at work: ‘Let’s not impose the church on people. Let’s not make church in any way inconvenient,’ ” said David Wells, professor of history and systematic theology at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Hamilton, Mass. “I think what this does is feed into the individualism that is found throughout American culture, where everyone does their own thing.”

I think perhaps some of these churches have lost sight of some central principles.

“I beg you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, [which is] your reasonable service. And do not conform to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Romans 12: 1-2

Or, if reading from their Bibles is too taxing, pperhaps counsel in a book written in the popular vein might help…

Brothers, We Are Not Professionals: A Plea to Pastors for Radical Ministry

Contra to the “conform to the secular world” ideas of “marketing the Gospel” and “targeting and audience” that leads to… canceling a Sunday service because… becuase it’s on Christmas day???-Piper offers this model:

“We pastors are being killed by the professionalizing of the pastoral ministry. . . professionalism has nothing to do with the essence and heart of the Christian ministry. The more professional we long to be, the more spiritual death we will leave in our wake. For there is no professional childlikeness, there is no professional tenderheartedness. There is no professional panting after God.”

Nah. They’d need the video. “Books are too haaaaard.”

Yep. The more Christians-churches-try to emulate pagans, the more the pagans win. “Here, let me put just a drop of poison in that glass of milk. How about another drop? More?”

Crossposted at Cathouse Chat

Shamelessly flogged at Cao’s Blog Mid Week OTB. 🙂

Take a left turn…

…to Keep the Coffee Coming. Kat has an unusually ecclectic mix of Christmas music (well, unusually ecclectic for anywhere but her place, perhaps 🙂 that will brighten your day.

How about Christmas is a Joyful Day: Lord Executor or Cherry Tree Carol: Judy Collins? Good stuff, Maynard.

Oh, and after you visit Kat’s place for a while, plug this link into your fav media player. My fav classical station is slowly working its way toward the Christmas season, a lil bit at a time.

Lastly (for now, at least :-), while there was only one “Christmas” song—oops! Forgot “In Dulci Jubilo” and I think one other?—in last Saturday’s Celtic Heartbeat, you might as well have the link and listen to some cool music, anyway. 😉

“Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming”

My daily referral to Cathouse Chat’s Daily Advent Meditation. Today, Romeocat meditates on the beautiful Christmas/Advent song, “Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming”. Listen to it here as you read her meditation.

Kathleen Battle singing “Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming”. Press the play button to listen.

Or an instrumental version by Joel Mabus:

(Yes, I am playing around with three or so different media players. Eventually I’ll settle on one of them or find a different one I like well enough to standardize on. Eventually.)

Shamelessly flogged at Bloggin’ Outloud.

A Day That Will Live in Infamy

President Roosevelt’s address December 8, 1941

Text of the address:

President Franklin D. Roosevelt: Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of American was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.

The United States was at peace with that nation, and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with its government and its emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific. Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in Oahu, the Japanese ambassador to the United States and his colleague delivered to the secretary of state a formal reply to a recent American message. While this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war or armed attack.

It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time the Japanese government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace.

The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian Islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. Very many American lives have been lost. In addition, American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu.

Yesterday the Japanese government also launched as attack against Malaya.

Last night Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong.

Last night Japanese forces attacked Guam.

Last night Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands.

Last night Japanese forces attacked Wake Island.

This morning the Japanese attacked Midway Island.

Japan has, therefore, undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the Pacific area. The facts of yesterday speak for themselves. The people of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implication to the very life and safety of our nation.

As commander in chief of the Army and Navy I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense. Always will we remember the character of the onslaught against us. . .

[From History Matters, a U.S. history survey course on the web offered by George Mason University. The audio and text are from the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, New York and are public record.]

See The MaryHunter’s post at TMH’s Bacon Bits for more references—and more bloglinks— to “A Day That Will Live in Infamy…”

(And yes, I know the correct quote is “A Date Which Will Live in Infamy…” I just bend, in this case, to the common misquote, because it is more euphonious. So sue me.)

OTA Wednesday Post—with a wee dose of UN-PC talk

“What’s OTA?” you may ask. OK, I said you may ask. Asking, now? ‘K.


OTA is essentially a group of folks who are too lazy (or too busy, have let their blogrolls get too large to read through in a day, etc.) to go out and hunt up all the interesting posts they wanna read and simply “let” suckers do their work for them other folks bring interesting posts to their doorstep. So, go ahead and link to this post, then trackback here. It’ll show up below, I’ll have an easy time finding good stuff to read and then I’ll round ’em up and comment on ’em later.

Meanwhile, let me leave you with this lil politically incorrect thought: evil white man shoved “the first Americans” off “their” land? Poppycock. The “first Americans” weren’t the first. Not even the second. Check this out: for some strange reason, people-NOT of current “native American” stock-were living in California (of all places) at least 135,000 years ago.

Void all those deeds, folks! We need to go out and hunt up these people’s progeny and pay reparations! (Right after we hunt up the folks who supplanted them and have them pay and then the current stock of “native Americans” and have them pay… get in line. It’ll be our turn toward the end. heh)

Shamelessly flogged at Diane’s Stuff, NIF and TMH’s Bacon Bits.

Honor our troops!

Just yesterday, I saw an article over at Michelle Malkin’s place which sent me into a complete rage:

According to Kilmeade, who visited Walter Reed on Friday, a US Army soldier named Joshua Sparling received the death wish while recovering from a gunshot wound he received in Ramadi, Iraq. It’s the only Christmas card he received.

I don’t think that David would mind me saying that this is an absolute, obscene atrocity!The story was originally reported by Two Babes and a Brain

During our visit to Walter Reed, we all piled into a room of a young soldier who had just come out of surgery. His parents were there to take care of him. His room was decorated with autographed photos…one from Stevie Nicks of Fleetwood Mac who had visited the previous day…others of professional football players. There was also a card from a child…a get well card…

..or so one would think.

FoxNews has carried the story, and has put out a call for people to send cards, notes, encouragement, and support to Joshua Sparling, who recieved that hateful letter, as well as his comrades-in-arms who are recuperating at Walter Reed Army Medical Center:

Capt. James Ollinger
Sgt. Zavian Simspon
Specialist Brian Radke
Specialist Jason Braase
Sgt. David Nevins
Sgt. Jose Ramos
Cpl. Todd Bishop
Sgt. Ryan Donnelly
Sgt. Eva Diane Cochran

Please address your cards to the servicemember at this address:

C/O Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20307-5001

Thank you so much for your support of our brave and honorable troops; let us all make sure that they know we are greatful for their service, and greatly honor their courage and sacrifice!

Flashback! Is it 1971?!?!?

In a weird flashback to 1971 (when he testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and uttered his now infamous slander of soldiers serving in Vietnam), Jean Fraud sKerry utteres these words on national television (Face the Nation), Sunday, December 5, 2005:

JOHN KERRY: I don’t agree with that. But I think what we need to do is recognize what we all agree on, which is, you’ve got to begin to set benchmarks for accomplishment; you’ve got to begin to transfer authority to the Iraqis, and there is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, uh-uh-uh, you know, women, breaking sort of the customs of the — of — of — of — historical customs, religious customs, whether you like it or not. Iraqis should be doing that. And after all of these two and a half years, with all of the talk of 210,000 people trained, there just is no excuse for not transferring more of that authority.

That’s right, Jean Fraud sKerry said American soldiers are terrorists. What other construction can one put on it? “…there is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children…”

What is even more bizarre is that he then goes on to say that Iraqi soldiers should be the ones “terrorizing” Iraqi citizens. Parse the sentence. it’s what he actually said.

And this idiotic, traitorous, slanderous son of a bitch wanted to be President? Why is he still a Senator and not impoverished for his slander and executed for his treason?

There’s a very special place in hell for you Jean Fraud. May nature and nature’s God escort you there with all due haste.

This has been a bonus “Jean Fraud sKerry where’s your damned 180?” post. toodle on over to Cao’s for less virulent fare.

[This post has been redacted to remove my true feelings as unfit for public view.]

BTW, I’d give a hat tip to someone on this but I had a RCOB descend when I saw this during a rare visit to Rush Limbaugh’s site. I guess it goes to Rush. Don’t know exactly what led me there. Whatever.

Around and About–120605

Around and about for the last coupla days (so far)


Texas politics with national repercussions from freedom folks: Artfully Drawn Districts Tom DeLay has been in the news again recently regarding the redrawing of political districts in Texas. I’ll be honest — I haven’t been following that closely, so I’m not up on all the facts…

[Well, you just knew I’d have a perspective… My take? Republicans took advantage of their first chance to correct Democratic gerrymandering and other abuses of the past 30+ years in Texas. But that’s just me… one man, one vote, and all that.]

IRIS Blog notes more political correctness over-riding free (and honest) speech on campus: Princeton Censors Ex-PLO Speakers; Likely to Hire PLO Professor Princeton U. Says Campus Event Against Terrorism is “Too Inflammatory” Princeton University has cancelled a speaking event by three former Middle East terrorists because it says that the use of the word “terrorist” in the promotion for the event …
[yep. Can’t have people calling a spade a spade, even if their first name is Sam or David… Academis Nuts strike again: “Oooo! ‘Terrorist’ is such a loaded term. let’s call them ‘poor, misunderstood members of the [*spit* *gag*] religion of peace”]

The Florida Masochist offers a lesson in semantics and common sense: Bogus Excuse #2 That the person means something entirely different. Case in point here. Judith Miller is no longer working for the NY Times, Scooter Libby is under indictment and now Valerie Plame is leaving the CIA. My view on this entire story remains unchanged.
[Can’t have people say what they mean and mean what they say, now! No! Politicians, Mass Media Podpeople and Academia Nuts would all be out of work and loony Left Moonbats would all be in therapy (well those that aren’t already)!]

The Florida Masochist asks a question that’s been keeping folks awake nights (or not): Are Howard Dean and Frank Rich the same person? So its been done before. The Democrats claim Republicans live in the past, when it so often is them in reality. I wouldn’t give much credence to anything Governor Dean says, he is either small minded or don’t know what he is saying more often than no…

[OK, I have to know. Are they? ;-)]

And again, from The Florida Masochist (who’s leaving no electrons for the WindowsXP fish): The Palm Beach Post is going to the dogs For the second time in a month, The Post is featuring people fighting over a pet dog. As amusing or dumb these stories are, the paper is still delinquent on covering the missing Food stamp card story. The real priorities of my hometown newspaper are …
[But the pressing question is: did anyone BITE the dog?]

DL, posting at TMH’s Bacon Bits, celebrates the lack of tree-abortion clinics 2,000 years ago: Thank God Its Mother Didn’t Practice “Choice” Cut down a tree, and get howling from the eco-worshiping left. Yet, a daily occurrence of cutting down future gems is exactly the madness of our abortion industry.
[heh. Droll, DL… hit ’em again, harder]

And, again at TMH’s Bacon Bits,  DL rolls right on with what might appear to be a rhetorical question… but with DL’s substantive answer, isn’t: Why Do Liberals Hate Bush? Yes, the party of deceit hates Bush, because they hate truth – and Bush is a refreshingly truthful man. They fear his truth, because they know it can defeat their lies.

[Uhm, DL, I think you got almost all the reasons but one: faux liberals (the ones who hate Bush) are just stuck in a retarded emotional development phase… at about 2 years of age. Crybabies.]

Is It Just Me? notes another “reality-based” fantasist: Impudence To The End
Excerpt: Defiantly, Saddam Hussein and his half-brother Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti are pictured shouting down the court disrupting what little control the judge has over the proceedings. The outbursts have continued throughout the proceedings so far, riddling …

[Yeh, well I still say Saddam had better hope my Baptist preacher grandfather was wrong in his belief in a literal hell. But in his case, I’d say that’s a slim hope indeed.]

More Israeli news from Tel-Chai Nation: Suicide bomber attacks Netanya mall In another blow to Ariel Sharon’s credibility, a sucide bomber attacked a shopping mall in Netanya today. The Islamic Jihad and Al-Aksa Martyr’s Brigade, the latter which is affiliated with Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah gang, both claimed responsibility

[Appeasement never works… ]

This news from The Land of Ozz reminds me of that old saying about gun control being hitting the target… Merry, Happy, Season’s Greetings from Target
Excerpt: The fight by some to take Christ our of Christmas is running hot. The American Family Association (AFA) is taking a stand against Target for its policy of not using the term “Merry Christmas”. Focus on the Family reports AFA Founder and …
[Ready… Aim… ]

The Real Ugly American asks, McCain in 08? Major Garret of Fox news was just on the Bill Bennet Show and stated “many many things are moving in John McCain’s direction for 2008”. He cited as evidence this exchange between McCain and Tim Russert on Meet the Press yesterday…

[And my answer is a prayer: Dear God, I hope not! I can see it now: Snake McCain for President. Gag a maggot.]

Now this post from Stuck On Stupid is what I call an “RCOB”* piece of news: A Disgusting Death Wish To A Soldier Joshua Sparling6900 Georgia Ave NWBldg. 2 Ward 57Washington, DC 20307-5001 That is the address of a soldier that received one card. That Card written in a child’s hand wished him death. That card was the only one that he received in the week that he h…

[*RCOB=”Red curtain of blood” for the nearly berserker rage at the filth that would pen such a poisonous missive]

Bloggin’ Outloud notes the essential difference between dogs and cats. Dogs vs Cats They feed me, they love me, they take care of all my needs. What’s the conclusion? Find out at Dogs vs Cats Open Post at Bloggin’ Outloud.
[Hmmm, sounds like a “real person” vs. “reality-based egotistic fantasist” deal to me…]


More later… or not. We’ll see.

O Come Little Children

Once again, Romeocat has yet another beautiful Advent post. Here’s a musical intro for you. Just play the following as an accompaniment to her citation of the lyrics to “O Come Little Children”.

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This mp3 is from a live radio performance/demo of music from an album “For the Love of a Baby” by Martha Gallagher. See/listen to/buy CDs of her music here. The tune is by Johann (Abraham Peter) Shulz, 1747-1800. As far as I know, the author of the lyrics is unknown. Anyone know who the author was? BTW, Martha Gallagher is joined in this piece by Sue Grimm on flute. They play it considerably up-tempo from how I’d have children sing it, but it’s a nice piece, very nicely played.