Well, at least it’s not Detroit

Over at the U.S.S.Neverdock blog, Marc points to this article about Chicago’s murder rate (mostly gang murders) by Annie Sweeney at the Chicago Sun-Times and draws an interesting comparison to American casualty figures in Iraq..

It seems Chicago now expects to end 2004 with 418 murders, down from 599 in 2003.

Hmmm… to restate Marc’s thesis a little, maybe someone should point out to Mayor Daley that with all the violence, Chicago’s not ready for Democracy… (But then of course he knows that… and depends upon it.) Then again, maybe it’s time for Mayor Daley to pull out of Chicago and let the “insurgents” have their way.

Duh! (Products of government schools)

I can’t make up stuff like this.

“Police: Dealers Report Stolen Marijuana To Authorities”

CALLAWAY, Fla. — Help, police, someone stole my pot!

A Panhandle couple is under arrest after notifying police Thursday that their quarter-pound stash of marijuana was stolen and that they needed the weed back, because they were going to later sell it.

More at the linked story.

I bet Dougie and Misty Ann were model “students” in their local Government Institutions of Child Incarceration (AKA Public Schools)…


I ran onto this lil story from The Denver Post in Michelle Malkin’s blog. Seems the city had banned all religious displays from the “Parade of Lights” (formerly Christmas parade). Some 1,000 folks protested the ban by gathering before the parade to sing hymns, etc.

Steve Schweitzberger carried a basket with a tiny baby Jesus doll inside that had a paper teardrop falling from its eye.

The baby came with a sign that read, “It’s my party, and I’ll cry if I want to.”

Schweitzberger said he thought the display was appropriate considering religious groups were not allowed to participate in the downtown Parade of Lights this weekend.

“I thought it was strange that they would exclude the birthday boy from his own party,” Schweitzberger said. “Everybody knows that Christmas is not spelled with an X.”

Sounds cute, eh? Cute and oh, so wrong. Baby in the basket with a paper “tear”—tacky. “Birthday boy”—his own (unintentional, unconscious?) way of belittling the Incarnation? And what’s with the silly, “Everybody knows that Christmas is not spelled with an X.”? Sure, the illiterati may think that the “X” in Xmas is the 24th letter of the English alphabet (if they can count that far). Anyone who’s not a subliterate bufoon knows, though, that in Xmas, the X is the Greek letter “chi” and the first letter in Christ, as spelled in Greek. It’s how we get the fish symbol for Christian, for heaven’s sake! (The first letters in the phrase, Jesus Christ, God’s Son, Savior were arranged to depict a fish.) So, even First Century Christians were using th X to symbolize Christ.

Ya know, it’s subliterates like Schweitzberger who uphold the image of Christians as illiterate redneck goofs.

“Everybody knows that Christmas is not spelled with an X”? Well, I’m glad I’m not “everybody” then.

Showing Compassion for PESTs

Emperor Darth Misha I, the ruler of The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiller, has a great disquisition/deconstruction of those LLM sufferers of PEST (Post Election Stress Trauma). Herewith one very small sample:

[Quoting a “therapist” then commenting]

“More than anything else, people with PEST tremble physically.”

That’s called “withdrawal symptoms”, you bumbling buffoon. Hand them a reefer and a latte and they’ll be right as rain in a second.

There’s much more at the post. Warning, some vulgarity. Well-warranted and wholely appropriate vulgarity, IMO, but may be offensive to some. Let’s all show our compassion for those PESTs by demonstrating the benefits of laughter therapy, shall we?

Pitying Teachers

This time of year can play havoc with teachers’ lesson plans—at least lesson plans of teachers who want their students to continue learning anything of value. And that’s the least of it. Several years ago, when I was in an only slightly curmudgeonly mood, I wrote some offhand verses to the tune of “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” titled, “It’s the Sap-Sappiest Season of All”

Yep. The title above is linked to the lyrics with a midi file playing in the background.

There are other Christmas “things” on that particular website, as well, that are less… curmudgeonly. Such as,

A simple lullaby, a short poem (with a midi background rip-off of a Mannheim Steamroller piece—heh—and a nice graphic) and maybe some other things this year, if I get around to it. It all really kind of depends on whether or not I get around to digging out some old compositions and converting them to web-friendly formats or even (don’t expect it) am moved to write something fresh this year.

Such as these things be, they are simple things, but my own.

For the most part.


The Meaning of Christmas

Just did a lunchtime check of some blogs and ran across a comment by someone calling themseves “Vandal” responding to a post by someone fed up with the LLMB’s PC approach to eliminating “Christmas” (or anything Christian) from the season.

Vandal commented that the best response to such was “Merry Christmas, you filthy animal.” Others were quick to chastise Vandal for such an “unchristian” attitude. I beg to differ. “Merry Christmas, you filthy animal,” really does touch the very heart of what Christmas is all about. I applaud Vandal’s clear Calvinism and want to remind us all that anyone who ascribes to the total depravity of man can’t be all bad… heh

After all, Christmas is God’s gracious response to our “filthy animal” depravity that He demonstrated in the incarnation and sacrifice of His Son…

So, “Merry Christmas, you filthy animal” is kinda God’s loving response to our total depravity. I like that.

It is just as scripture has said,

“There is no just man, not even one;
there is no one who understands,
no one in search of God.
All have taken the wrong course,
all alike have become worthless;
not one of them acts uprightly, no, not one…” (Romans 3: 10-12)


The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6: 23)

So, Christmas is about “Good will [from God] to filthy animals,” if you will. And that’s something we can be very, very grateful for: that God looked upon those who hated Him and chose to reach out to His enemies with love. (Romans 5: 8) “Peace on earth”? Accessible only through Christ. (Romans 5:1).

And that addresses why so many who find the Christmas season depressing or—in LLMB PC conformity, offensive. They do not yet know the Good WIll God has already expressed toward them, nor have they welcomed the Peace He offers through His Son.

Their choice.

So, I wish one and all a Merry Christmas you filthy animals!

A very merry, merry Christmas, indeed.

The mark of the Beast

Folks who avidly study biblical eschatology and prophecies of “the endtimes” generally have pretty definite ideas about what “the mark of the Beast” might be, and all of those ideas I’ve been exposed to orbit around some sort of physical mark imposed upon folks.

Maybe there’s a more important mark: the stain on souls so corrupt that they choose satanic evil so vile as to be unmistakable as their normative “good”.

If that be so, the Netherlands is peopled with folk already wearing the Beast’s mark. Consider the Groningen Protocol, now in effect in the Netherlands, whereby committees of doctors choose whom to kill. As Hugh Hewitt puts it,

“This is either a low point, or a point of no return. The establishment of ‘independent committees’ to dispatch non-consenting humans is nothing but a death penalty committee for innocents.”

Unmistakably sold out to Satan. Surely that must leave a mark…

Ticked off…

Well, Frank J. at IMAO is certainly umm… ticked off.

* The Red Cross is claming that conditions for prisoners at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, are “tantamount to torture”. What! I pay tons of taxes each year, and I want full-fledged torture for my money!

Yeh, well, this is the government that gave us Mineta’s Morons and Ridge’s Retards in the Thousands Standing Around boondoggle. So? You expect a good work ethic among government torturers? C’mon, now! It’s ridiculous to expect anything better than “almost torture” from government workers. The best we can hope for is another four years of tax cuts and dead terrorists.

BTW, Frank J. also reminds us that the leading cause of death among Islamic jihadists is American military. A Good Thing. It really is too much to hope for decent torture of terrorists… unless maybe the feds could outsource the torture to Islamic women? Gotta be a lot of rage built up there…

Always Brush Your Teeth! ALWAYS!

This demonstration of the survival benefits of those little features of Western Civilization: Why our soldiers in Iraq are invincible.

The images load rather slowly, but it’s a worthwhile wait to view all eight images, in order to get the whole story.

(h.t. : John of Argghhh!)

The lesson of this lil story: Our guys are invincible because they brush their teeth and play poker (see slide #2 for the poker lesson). Two benefits of Western Civ: good dental hygiene and poker. Each standing our guys in good stead in Iraq.

Another issue of “Not ‘The Essay’… Again”


Needed to add this comment, again from Pournelle:

Jane Jacobs points out that a Dark Age isn’t when you have forgotten how to do things. It is when you have forgotten that you ever could. French peasants in 650 AD were entirely unaware that Roman farmers could get yields of 10 bushels harvest for 1 bushel planted: they thought it a gift of God if they could get 3 bushels from each bushel planted, and generally didn’t get more than 2. And American educators have apparently forgotten that there was a time when 96% of the people who finished 4th grade could read; we now have 100% attendance at schools and a literacy rate somewhat lower than Iraq’s. But all will be well and No Child Will Be Left Behind, so long as we can juggle the tests and get increasing test scores. The purpose of the education system is no longer to educate but to produce people with certain credentials. Hurrah for the educational reforms of the past three decades.”

And so it goes. Another axe in the hands of the barbarians vigorously hacking away at the roots of Western Civilization…

The MMPA, the LLMB and their partners in crime must thank god for government schools (they do that only while looking in the mirror, you know, since that is where they see their god… ).