Of “Snips and Snails and… ” Locusts

Olde Phartes can be “little boys” too. *heh*

Tuesday was eaten by the less creative side of ADHD. Details, details, details. Oh. Well. Wednesday is another day, eh?

What have we in the public square today?

An ex-presidential press secretary demonstrates that if one associates with Mass Media Podpeople long enough, one almost inevitably, in a nowadays not-so-remarkable display of reverse peristalsis, begins to spew shit. Dog bites man. *yawn*

The Hildebeast–SHOCK!–actually knows the chronology of the 1968 presidential race (or at least some of it). What an amazing, “newsworthy” thing! Again: dog-man-yawn. Of course, she does still have a tin ear for off-the-cuff remarks.

Meanwhile, Michelle Obamamama is just hunky dory with Barry Hussein Obama-Winfrey going out to the gas station while black. (Again, as someone who’s witnessed “up close and personal”–as in, “standing between the participants” *heh*–black on black gunfire, dog-man-yawn.)

Juan Mexicain reneges on border control before amnesty (not that that was a decent stance to begin with). Dog-man-yawn… What?!?! You thought he was at least an “honorable man”? He’s a 100%, dyed-in-the-wool politician *spit*, dummie.

Scratch that: he’s a He’s a 100%, dyed-in-the-wool American politician *spit*, dummie. Here’s some REAL news from the world of politics, grownup style; “Man bites dog” news! *heh* Czech President Vaclav Klaus has thrown down the gauntlet to Algore and his lying loonies:

Czech President Vaclav Klaus said Tuesday he is ready to debate Al Gore about global warming, as he presented the English version of his latest book that argues environmentalism poses a threat to basic human freedoms.

Well, dress me up as flabbergasted and fry me in lard. A politician with balls and brains. Let’s amend the constitution to allow intelligent, principled people to run for president. Yeh, the amendment will be required, because we’ll apparently have to import them from Czechoslovakia.

I can just see that Cowardly Liar (or Lying Cowardly Dog) agreeing to debate a grownup on his lies. Not. (“Cowardly Liar”? Well, the liar part’s a given, just on the public record. Cowardly though? What else would you call someone who will not allow any questions he hasn’t approved in advance and who refuses to allow actual recordings of his speeches? In my book that makes him an intellectual chickenshit.)

Future News: Newsflash! Gore ducks debate!

Nah, the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind would never report that.

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Prisoners of Stupidity

An argument about America’s prisons being “too full” seems perennial, no matter what perspective one takes. Patterico takes on a dimwit New York Slimes columnist in a recent post, and while I agree with much of Patterico’s argument, I have to agree in principle with folks who assert that as a nation we have far too many folks in prison–including violent offenders.

Quite aside from the stupidity of incarcerating nonviolent offenders (thieves for example and such like should be required to repay court costs and many multiples–truly punitive amounts–of what they stole to their victims, and drug users and so forth should instead be given a lockup where they can have all the drugs they want, as long as they want until they waste away in a Darwinian solution… or make a different choice).

We could substantially lower the number of violent offenders in prison by selecting from the population of murderers, rapists, pedophiles and such like a significant number (something around 100%) and simply executing* them. Heck, I’d include–especially–drunk drivers who kill someone. Diminished capacity? Not when they chose to be drunks. The “helpless victim of disease” defense? In a pig’s eye. I don’t care if someone chose to become an alcohol adict; if they kill someone else as a result, they ought to be served fairly: execution is fair in such a case. If they killed themselves while drunk, well, that’d just be Darwin winning a round. In all cases where someone is executed, their entire worldly goods–including any assets they attempted to hide via spouses or in lawyers’ pockets** or whatever–ought to first be forfeited to victims and survivors.

As for many of the other violent and non-violent offenders, that population could be reduced as well by compelling them, upon conviction of their crime, to either pay punitive damages to their victims–harsh enough to beggar them if necessary, and if they have no means, then forced labor at (sorta-semi-almost) fair (slave) wages, with all but their room n board to go to victims. Yeh, we have the technology to effectively keep ’em “on the reservation”.

Those beggared by their crimes’ punishment ought also to be denied ALL public assistance in the future.

These kinds of approaches (financial punishment aimed at recompensing victims as much as possible) would work for some, perhaps enough to lower the prison count substantially. (Heck, those deemed to dangerous for society could still have their total worldly goods confiscated for victims and be compelled to work at something productive).

Squeamishness at such “slavery” is stupid. Instead of simply simmering criminals in a stewpot of advanced criminality to be eventually released as “better” criminals, at least some good might be reaped from them. Victims at least partially recompensed and penalties that touch the criminals where they hurt the most: their material possessions. (Heck, if a few families of murderers were thrown into poverty, perhaps more folks would look out for themselves by keeping track of the creeps in their own households).

Oh, and executions ought to be very, very public. Like presidential speeches, preempting public broadcasts; heck, overriding cable. If we as a society are going to kill killers, we ought to do it out in the open.

*Execution ought to serve two legitimate functions:

1. Punishment for the crime that is harsh enough to give those who are contemplating the same errors in judgement second thoughts and

2. Removal of corruption of the gene pool, corruption of society, a cleansing process if you will.

**“lawyers’ pockets”–yeh, a murderer who’s convicted? Seize his lawyer’s fees as forfeit to the victim’s family. Greedy sonsabitches who defend murders ought not to profit. Oh, you think that’d lead to lawyers refusing to take such clients? Tough. Let ’em eat cake. I do not flippin’ care.

What Politicians (ALL of Them) Do Not Want You to Think About

There is one dirty little fact of life that no politician (well, vanishingly few, OK?) wants you to think on:

Consider the fundamental fact that a statement cannot be literally ‘taken back’. Once said, it’s there. More so, of course, if it has been recorded, less if it is just quoted by some journalist. The idea that a statement can be ‘retracted’ is largely rubbish. Statements can be admitted to be wrong, regretted, abandoned or contradicted, but it cannot be retracted. It just exists on record, and, if not contradicted, will continue to have some kind of validity, and can be returned to at a latter opportunity if so desired.

To truly and effectively annul a political statement, the person who made the statement needs to admit that it was wrong, have sincere regret for his mistake, abstain from making similar remarks in the future, and actively work for the opposite point of view.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s Obama’s Philadelphia Racist Speech or Juan MexiCain’s “It’s not an amnesty bill!” lie speech on the floor of the Senate, once it’s said, it’s in the record, and unless the politician is willing to “…admit that it was wrong, have sincere regret for his mistake, abstain from making similar remarks in the future, and actively work for the opposite point of view,” it will forever after qualify any remarks on the topic by said politician.

Obama’s “denunciation” of the man he defended in his last seech on the topic? Well, obviously, either his Philadelphia speech or his most recent denunciation (or both) are filled with outright lies. Juan MexiCain’s recent weak sister pronouncements that we ought to defend our borders before offering amnesty (though he doesn’t use the word, just the same weasel words he did before)? Absent admitting he was outright lying before about offering amnesty BEFORE taking any steps to secure our borders, any pledges or comments now can be taken with a grain of salt. If that much.

Politicians really, really do not want you recalling their past words and deeds and holding them accountable, which is all the more reason why we ought to.

Oh, the quoted material above? It’s from a piece at Jihad Watch that is well worth reading, dealing with a situation in Turkey.

THE Cure for “Global Warming” Supposedly Caused by Human CO2 Emissions

It’s simple, really. If it is really the problem believers in Anthropogenic Global Warming insist it is, and IF they are sincere in their alarm, then they can easily reduce CO2 greenhouse emissions by one simple step: stop exhaling.

That ought to cut off a lot of hot air.

This solution to a vexing world problem has been brought to you by the world class research group (me, myself and I) of third world county central.

Donations to support our think tank gratefully accepted.

Trackposted to Right Truth, The World According to Carl, The Pink Flamingo, Big Dog’s Weblog, Cao’s Blog, The Amboy Times, Democrat=Socialist, and Stageleft, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Epitaph: Dulce Et Decorum Est, and All That Jazz

Kat, of Cathouse Chat, tagged me with a blogosphere meme pool tag game that seems worth playing (note: worth playing or not, I’d play anyway for two reasons: the tagger and the fact that this is just a blog, you know, something to mollify the voices in my head, which is why most bloggers blog whether they admit it or not).

The Rules:

1. Write your own six word memoir (mind if I call it my epitaph? ;-)).
2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you want.
3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post and to the original post if possible so we can track it as travels across the blogosphere.
4. Tag at least five more blogs with links.
5. Leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.

I hope my epitaph might read,

“Truth to power, regardless the cost.”

Tagees: Beagle Scout, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Maggie’s Notebook, The Random Yak and Soliloquy, all blogger’s whose “memoir” quote I’d be interested in seeing, just not carved in stone any time soon. 😉

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Who Needs School?

I’ve mentioned MITs OpenCourseware before (somewhere–I’m not looking for it right now). Such things are widely available all over the web. For example, THE work on systems analysis, Herman Kahn’s Techniques of Systems Analysis, is available as a free download from the Rand Corporation.

With such sites as Project Gutenberg and many other organizations and universities making literature and courses available for free, anyone with the mental horsepower, the desire and access to a computer or a public library (most have computers available now) can have not only the usual library resources available but a world of educational enrichment at their fingertips.

I used to haunt the public libraries where we lived when I was a kid. School libraries all the way through grad school , most definitely ALL the school libraries I could reach–collections varied. *heh* I needed “The Second Sex” for a research paper once and the ONLY copy available in five college libraries (and two public) consulted was Le Deuxieme Sexe. Right. In French. Thanks to a good French prof, that was OK. (Of course, it was also fun when the prof asked me to translate material I cited. *heh* What? Didn’t think I’d actually read the horrible book? Simone de Beauvoir was one kinky, twisted woman. Still, I’d probably have been less critical of the book had I not known her history.)

Anywho… off the rabbit trail, now and back on track. If you’ve not learned anything new today, you’ve wasted your time so far. Go. Learn. Grow.

(OK, I’ll admit that formal schooling has its uses, but the way public schools (AKA, “prisons for kids”) are going and the manner in which colleges and universities have become low-class diploma mills for sub- and illiterates, the value of such things is rapidly approaching large negative numbers. Trade schools and such like: great for training, not so much for education–and yes, the two are very different things.)

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Obama’s “Yo-yo-yo-yomama race card” speech

I have not previously commented on Obama’s asociation with his church and his spiritual mentor, “Reverend” *spit* Wright. Yeh, I view the use of the term “reverend” in association with the racist bigot whom Barry Hussein Obama-Winfrey NOW calls his “former pastor” to be an abomination. His actual statements of bigotry and hate-filled spews from the pulpit need not be reviewed further here. By now, you’ve probably viewed them on YouTube.

But Barry Hussein Obama-Winfrey’s speech excusing his association with Racist Bigot Wright is a piece of work I can’t pass up. Read it. [h.t. Right Voices]

OK, back, now?

Now we (“…few, we happy few, we band of brothers”? *heh*) know what Obama’s book, “The Audacity of Hope,” is really about: the audacity of lies, bigotry and arational emotional appeals.

This speech. *sigh* Finally, Obama unequivocally playing the race card, implicitly making himself the “affirmative action” candidate he swears he is not.

Obama, take a listen: the outcry against the bigotry of your pastor, against his damning of America in broad strokes, against his blanket condemnations of whitey and imagined widespread oppression of blacks by whites in America is the point (the simple facts point to widespread oppression of blacks by blacks–including racist hatemongers such as Wright who manages the con by faking that he is helping blacks while inciting even more separation from American society as a whole). It is his racist bigotry and your bland acceptance–nay! “audacious” excusing!–of it that is the point. Saying you condemn what you falsely characterize as rare, isolated comments while explaining them away is not condemning them nor does it explain why you sat idly by and said not one word of opposition to such things until it blew up in your face.

BTW, “TedintheShed’s” comments at Right Voices in a pointed indictment of a central lie in Obama’s “Yo-yo-yo-yomama race card” speech:

“Did I (Obama) ever hear him (Wright) make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes.”

Doesn’t this directly contradict what was said before? In the interview with Major garret on Fox, didn’t he say he never heard these contraversial remarks while in church?

Well, yes, as “TedintheShed” points out, it does:

“None of these statements were ones that I had heard myself personally in the pews. One of them I had heard about after I had started running for president, and I put out a statement at that time condemning them”

And that’s yet another reason Barry Hussein Obama-Winfrey is unqualified to be president: he can’t bluff worth a damn. Gee, I’d love to play poker with the guy. Of course, any winnings of mine would probably be condemned by Racist Bigot Wright as whitey oppressing the po’ black man.

Obama, you had better major on hope, because blind, irrational hope is all that can shield you from the consequences of your audacious lies.

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Right Truth, The World According to Carl, Miss Beth’s Victory Dance, The Pink Flamingo, Stuck On Stupid, Leaning Straight Up, Right Voices, Gone Hollywood, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Why, they could almost be stupid enough to be congresscritters…

“MPs investigate Catholic influence on schools”

Why! The effrontery of those Catholics! Trying to influence schools! Oh, wait,

A Commons select committee is to investigate evidence that the Roman Catholic Church is pursuing a more fundamentalist approach towards religion in its schools. [emphasis added]

British Parliament. Trying to be as stupid as the American Congress. Making it, in this case. Perhaps, Son & Heir suggested, they should investigate the influence of Parliament on government schools…

Dumbasses. They keep this up the dumbass American electorate will be drafting them to be congresscritters. Can’t let the Limeys have the talented dumbass politicians *spit*, now can we?

h.t. Harry Irwin’s Letter from England, Chaos Manor Mail

Change is good?

We have all heard the mantra, “Change is good,” and probably let it pass with a polite nod, all the time knowing that it is simply a verbal plastering over, an attempt to make palatable the truth underlying the lie: “Change is inevitable.”

Let me prove to you that “Change is good” is a lie.

Ask your parents or grandparents (or if you’re old enough, yourself *heh*) whether the physical change from a vital, active healthy 25-year-old body to a vital, active, arthritic, as-healthy-as-can-be-expected 65-year-old body is a good thing.

How about a change from $1.00/gallon gasoline to $3.00/gallon gasoline? For most folks, the change hasn’t been a Good Thing.

How about the change that occurs when a hurricane or tornado sweeps through your home?

What about the change you might experience when a dumbass driver thinks he can make it through a red light and t-bones your car?

Good things? Oh, with effort and with careful thought (and sometimes lots of outside help from friends, family, healthcare providers, etc.), we can make silk purses from sows’ ears, but does that make the change events good?


Think about that the next time you hear B. Hussein Obama-Winfrey or his wife, Michelle “…for the first time in my adult life, I’m proud of America” Obama declaim for change.

What kind of change?

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Petition: Berkeley v. Marines, an issue of free speech/association

By now, most readers of this blog have heard that

…the City Council of Berkeley has declared that United States Marine Corps recruiters are “uninvited and unwelcome intruders” within city limits and applauds those who choose to “impede” the Marines in their recruiting mission…

Take a few moments to visit

A Petition in Support of the U.S. Marine Corps Against the 29 January 2008 Resolutions of the Berkeley City Council

…and perhaps sign the petition, before forwarding the information to everyone you feel should view it.


Trackposted to Right Pundits, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Woman Honor Thyself, Right Truth, A Newt One- Shared News!, The World According to Carl, DragonLady’s World, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, Dumb Ox Daily News, and Stageleft, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.