Hawaii’s Legislators Are Idiots

So, our 50th State (not 60th or whatever as The 0! would have it) has passed a bill to set aside a day in honor of Islam, because of “the rich religious, scientific, cultural and artistic contributions” that Muslims have made to the world.

Pardon me while I throw the bullshit flag.

Muslims are credited (falsely) with so-called “Arabic” numerals invented by folks in the subcontinent of India hundreds of years before The Butcher of Medina raped his first victim. When were they put into use by the Islamic world in general, instead of being merely a toy for uncreative Muslim “scholars” and superstitious astrologers to use? Not until well after the same system had percolated into the West by other means and started being used for real life applications.

Muslims are (falsely) credited with the creation of algebra. Well, in a sense. We use the Arabic word for it, but that’s all. The mathematical principles of algebra had been known for nearly a millennium before The Butcher of Medina ordered his first mass murder. And what, pray tell, did Muslims use this valuable tool for? Scientific purposes? Nope. It was used hand-in-hand with the soi dissant “Arabic” numerals in astrology–more superstition from a people who have never seen a scientific principle they could grasp.

And so it goes. Every single meaningful, positive “contribution” the Islamic world has made has been something it stole from another culture and squirreled away somewhere doing no one any good whatsoever… until Western minds put it to use.

Now, that said, there was one genuine genius Muslim in the 12th century known for his analytical skills. He wrote extensively on Muslim law, Islamic philosophy (such as it is), art and music (if you can call Muslim noises “music” then you probably think rap is music too). But Averroès one great contribution to the world, THE one upon which his fame truly and genuinely rests, was his attempt to explain the thinking of Aristotle to the Muslim world. That’s right. His one truly great contribution was a commentary on the writings of the quintessential Western Civilization “unbeliever”. But make no mistake: his analysis and commentary on one of Western Civilization’s greatest minds is still worthwhile. Nothing really creative, though. Not a “contribution” that, given Aristotle’s surviving writings, the world could not have come to on its own, but still, a nice enough little thing for an academic to publish.

And what else has Islam “contributed” to the world? In emulation–direct discipleship–of Islam’s self-proclaimed “perfect man”, and in faithful adherence to his teachings, Islam has contributed mass murder, slavery, treachery, rape, pillage, pedophilia, and more, consistently, continually, without end from Mohammed’s first order to his followers to commit mass murder to this day.

Hawaii’s state legislators are idiots.

BTW, with a little homework of your own, you can debunk all of Islam’s “great contributions”–and if you do it yourself, you’ll OWN the knowledge that Islam’s “contributions” to the world are a sham, a big zero with the rim kicked off.

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Leaning Straight Up, Allie is Wired, The World According to Carl, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Once Again: How to Detect an Islamic Terrorist

[Continuing a series of reposts.]

Third World County’s Politically Incorrect Guide to Detecting (and Dealing With) an Islamic Murdering Savage SOB Terrorist.

See a suspect? Maneuver to get the wind ‘em. (Scent: The stench of rotting camel–or other–dung may be your first clue apart from the fact that the guy looks like an Ay-rab.)

Step 1.) Does the goober smell worse than–well, Goober? If so, he’s either a Loony Left Moonbat or a Islamofascist murdering savage SOB. Bag ‘im either way.

Step 2.) When you perform a “cranial echo test” (whack ‘im on the head with an axe handle) does a “thunk” or no sound at all proceed from his pie hole? If a “thunk” then it’s a Loony Left Moonbat and good for catfish feed or for bait for wild boar. If no sound at all issues, then there’s nothing inside (sound doesn’t travel in a vacuum, you know) and you have a splodydope. Remove any useful explosives and see uses for Loony Left Moonbat, above. If the critter attempts to bite the axe handle, it’s an osama and should be doused with gasoline and burned (after removing any useful explosives for later use fishing or blowing stumps).

Do bury any remains of an osama in pig manure and turn the compost frequently. Use this compost to kill kudzu.

There. Wasn’t that all warm and fuzzy, multi-culti?

(Oh, and before someone charges me with dehumanizing or demonizing Loony Left Moonbats or terrorists, please note that Loony Left Moonbats and terrorists have beat me to the punch and either dehumanized or demonized themselves before I could get in on the act. I’m just calling the cards that are already dealt.)

Worth 1,000 Words


Addendum: Contrast The 0!s submissive act toward Islam with


Note at about 1:36 the group of people singing (in German) “This is the day that the Lord has made” from Psalm 118:17-27.

Sidebar: my father-in-law, during a church choir tour of a united Germany shortly after the fall of The Berlin Wall/Iron Curtain, was given a piece of The Wall. Touching history… unfortuntely, the “touch of history” we are apparently to see from The 0!’s administration is the subjugation of the American way of life to other, oppressive ways. *sigh*

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, Political Byline, CORSARI D’ITALIA, Stageleft, Right Voices, and The World According to Carl, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Understanding the Difference between Muslim Terrorists and “Plain Old Muslims”

[Another in a series of “worth reposting” screeds from days of yore ;-)]

Charles Brumbelow, in an email published in Jerry Pournelle’s Chaos Maor Mail points to an Opinion Journal (WSJ) snippet listed under, “The Religion That Dare Not Speak Its Name,” that touches on a subject that’s too difficult for “nuanced” thinkers to resolve easily, but which seems pretty darned simple to me:

There is a genuine problem here of choosing language that distinguishes between Muslim terrorists and plain old Muslims. But circumlocutions designed to avoid acknowledging the former’s Islamic nature cannot possibly help clarify matters.

Let me help “clarify matters” a bit.

“Plain old Muslims” claim the Koran (choose your own trendy spelling) is their literal guide to a holy life.

Islamic terrorists claim the Koran (choose your own trendy spelling) is their literal guide to a holy life.

“Plain old Muslims” revere Mohammed and view his life and teachings (of which the Koran, Hadith, etc,) as worthy of emulation in all of life.

Islamic terrorists revere Mohammed and view his life and teachings (of which the Koran, Hadith, etc,) as worthy of emulation in all of life.

Now, THE distinction: Islamic terrorists honestly, forthrightly and openly seek to actually emulate the bloody Butcher of Medina, while “Plain old Muslims” are either just not all that serious about actually following Mohammed or are living lives of lies, decieving the Dar al Harb.

There. Now you know the single most significant difference between “Plain old Muslims” and Islamic terrorists.

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Pulling Some ACLU Razzle-Dazzle on the Left

The (in)Justice Department is trying to get a law firm and public interest group to stand down on its lawsuit claiming the AIG bailout violates the Establishment clause of the First Amendment.

…in December the Thomas More Law Center filed a constitutional challenge to that portion of the “Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008” that appropriated $40 billion in taxpayer money to fund and financially support the federal government’s majority ownership in AIG. Spokesman Brian Rooney says his firm filed suit because AIG has a board that supervises insurance policies for Islamic customers so they will comply with Sharia law. That, says Rooney, violates the Establishment Clause.

The Thomas More Law Center isn’t backing down. Sauce for the goose. the ACLU (and various feddle gummint agencies through the years) have been steadily encroaching on the Free Exercise clause under the guise of enforcing the Establishment clause. Let’s see if stare decisis applies when the shoe is on the other foot.

Trackposted to Rosemary’s Thoughts, and The World According to Carl, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

“Peaceful Islam” “Moderate Muslims” (yeh, MHWA)

So, a so-called “Moderate Muslim” who founded a television station to aid in spreading the “truth” about “the religion of peace”… beheaded his wife.

Yep. Ironic, eh? His intent to practice “holy deception” (al taqiyah), that is, blowing smoke up the skirts of stupid Americans, is shot to doll rags by his own faithful practice of Islamic traditions. So beheading is a tad messier than stoning. It’s still well within the traditions. After all, women–within Islamic tradition, closely following the life and work of Islam’s founder–aren’t really humans, just chattel.

And his wife–as countless others before her–discovered just how effective a “protective order” designed to keep him away from her could be. Yep. Worked just as well as “cease fire” agreements with Palestinian thugs works for Israel, that is to say, not at all. I just wonder how it might have turned out had she gotten a handgun, learned how to use it and had a carry permit, instead of relying on a piece of paper to shield her from a Muslim man intent on faithfully emulating the life and following the teachings of the Butcher of Medina…

(Do I have to “h.t.” Drudge? *heh*)

Trackposted to Nuke’s, The Virtuous Republic, The Pink Flamingo, , and The World According to Carl, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Contributions of Islamic Culture

And a Bonus Re-Run at the foot of this post!

Eric, an email contributor to Cahos Manor Mail, in a discussion about “I.Q. and evolution” noted, in passing,

“While Islamic culture has not, I believe, kept up with the West in terms of their contribution to the species, their early contributions in terms of mathematics, philosophy, law and art were flowering when the inhabitants of Paris and London were picking at fleas.”

Perhaps not the best example. Indeed, I’m tempted to throw the bullshit flag on this comment. Islamic culture has contributed little that it did not acquire (steal) from other, conquered, peoples. Algebra, trigonometry and so-called “Arabic numerals”? Hindu contributions (although algebraic principles were known and used as early as Babylon and a Western treatise, written by Diophantus of Alexandria in the 3rd century AD predates the rise of Islam by a couple of centuries), swept up by Muslim kleptocrats and falsely claimed as Islamic accomplishments. Similarly, most of the scientific “contributions” of Islamic culture were acquired (stolen) through conquest of the folks who really developed them, and when Islamic culture did acquire (steal) some neat new toy, it was likely, as the case with algebra’s use in astrology, to be more likely put to use serving Islamic superstitions than anything useful. (Granted: some of the medical and engineering discoveries Islam acquired in conquest were put to some practical uses. In fact, I’ll admit Averroes as a nearly unique outlier in the otherwise bleak landscape of Islamic “scholars”. Nearly unique. There were a very few others over the centuries. Very, very few.)

Oh, and BTW, algebra has been independently discovered/developed–genuinely discovered/developed, not simply picked up from a conqured people–many times throughout history. Islamic scholars simply played around with mathematical concepts stolen from somewhere else and have been falsely credited with creating algebra. Heck, even “Arabic” numerals were in use by Western mathematicians before they “escaped into the wild” from Islamic astrologers and merchants who had stolen acquired them from their Hindu inventors.


In the Arab World—until modern times—the Hindu-Arabic numeral system was used only by mathematicians. Muslim scientists used the Babylonian numeral system, and merchants used the Abjad numerals, a system similar to the Greek numeral system and the Hebrew numeral system. Therefore, it was not until Fibonacci that the Hindu-Arabic numeral system was used by a large population.ref

The Western world, however, while still using such things to serve superstitious ends (such as today’s Anthropogenic Global Warming superstitions), has mostly used such discoveries to advance knowledge as a whole. Hanging onto relatively advanced concepts gleaned from Islamic conquest for centuries without making any significant use of them doesn’t really qualify as making “contributions to the species”.

[Note: Fibonacci, of course, was not Islamic. *heh* Typical. Magpie Muslims hoard and only accidentally “drop” an occasional jewel of knowledge stolen acquired elsewhere. Western scholars, like Fibonacci typically spread their knowledge much more widely and used it to much greater effect.]

Islamic culture today is esentially the same as it has always been: its only “advances” are what it can steal or buy (theft from the unbeliever always being preferred to purchase). I suspect much of the blowhard puffery about the superiority of Islamic culture spouted by imams and the common Muslim stems from the fact that Muslims are simply lying to themselves to cover their culture’s inherent inferiority to the West.

Note this list of Nobel Prizes and note the number awarded to putative Muslims (and the exceptions noted in the text below the list) for “creative” Nobels–3–as opposed to Nobels awarded in creative endeavors to Jews–131. As the author notes in the post,

No wonder Muslims hate Jews: It’s so embarrassing to see what Jews have accomplished compared to a population 100 times larger.

And that’s just Islam vs. Jews in terms of creativity, “contributions to the species”. A culture, such as Islamic culture, that enstupiates its people, that can only–or at least by a huge majority– “advance” by stealing acquiring new things from others, is hardly a culture worth celebrating, now is it? Of course *sigh* that’s the kind of autocratic, thought-stifling culture leftists, multiculturalists, educrats, Mass Media Podpeople and their ilk are all attempting to create here in the U.S…. *profound sigh*

BTW, “…their early contributions in terms of mathematics, philosophy, law and art were flowering when the inhabitants of Paris and London were picking at fleas,” deserves a further response:

“[P]icking at fleas”? During the 8th-15th Centuries, the supposed “flower” of Islamic culture (where “flowering” means “greatest period of magpie aquisition from conquered cultures”), Europeans in Paris and London–supposedly spending their time “picking at fleas”–included such “flea pickers” as Robert Grosseteste, Roger Bacon, Albertus Magnus, William of Ockham and Duns Scotus. Gee, how in the world did they ever stop “flea-picking” long enough to give us the scientific method (now completely ignored by such as The Church of Anthropocentric Global Warmists–*heh*), among other inconsequential “flea-pickings”? Sure, many of these were inspired by Islamic works describing the many advances Muslims had acquired from other cultures (do note the exception above concerning Averroes and a very few other Muslim scholars, and do note also that Averroes’ most inspiring–to Western scholars such as Bacon–works were his commentaries on… Aristotle *heh*).

“[P]icking at fleas” indeed. *pfui*

Overall actual “contributions to the species” of Islamic culture: slim to none. On balance, that The Religion of Hate is a negative contributor to world culture there can be no doubt, as the following attempts to demonstrate, with slightly dark humor, comparing THE unique “contribution” of Islamic culture to Redneck Culture in these [dys]United States demonstrates.

And now for a repost (3rd re-run!) of a fav of mine from several years ago, a multi-cultural post for you, a blast from the past rerun of a long-ago Precision Guided Humor Assignment, celebrating the one true, genuine, authentic “contribution” to Western Culture made by Islam, the splodydope:

The Third World County’s Politically Incorrect Guide to Detecting an Islamofascist Murdering Savage SOB Terrorist.

See a suspect? Maneuver to get the wind ’em. (Scent The stench of rotting camel–or other–dung may be your first clue apart from the fact that the guy looks like an Ay-rab.)

Step 1.) Does the goober smell worse than–well, Goober? If so, he’s either a Loony Left Moonbat or a Islamofascist murdering savage SOB. Bag ‘im either way.

Step 2.) When you perform a “cranial echo test” (whack ‘im on the head with an axe handle) does a “thunk” or no sound at all procede from his pie hole? If a “thunk” then it’s a Loony Left Moonbat and good for catfish feed or for bait for wild boar. If no sound at all issues, then there’s nothing inside (sound doesn’t travel in a vaccuum, you know) and you have a splodydope. Remove any useful explosives and see uses for Loony Left Moonbat, above. If the critter attempts to bite the axe handle, it’s an osama and should be doused with gasoline and burned (after removing any useful explosives for later use fishing or blowing stumps).

Do bury any remains of an osama in pig manure and turn the compost frequently. Use this compost to kill kudzu.

There. Wasn’t that all warm and fuzzy, multi-culti?

(Oh, and before someone charges me with dehumanizing or demonizing Loony Left Moonbats or terrorists, please note that Loony Left Moonbats and terrorists have beat me to the punch and either dehumanized or demonized themselves before I could get in on the act. I’m just calling the cards that are already dealt.)

Trackposted to The Pink Flamingo, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Conservative Cat, Kodera’s Korner, The Yankee Sailor, and DragonLady’s World, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

You Just Can’t Make This Stuff Up…

but apparently Scott Ott can. *heh*

iTunes Rival iSlam to Offer Muslim-Friendly Fare

…as a counter to the video, Fitna

According to Ott’s “satire” piece, iSlam will counter Fitna with Muslim-friendly fare.

“We have not edited out any of the blood, gore, explosions, beheadings, bodies dragged through streets, execution-style shootings, female genital mutilation, ritual cutting of children and other normal religious scenes,” said one unnamed Dutch Muslim leader. “But we have removed the horrifying cartoon images of the Prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him.”


Droll, Scott.

Of course, given the norm of the Koran, the Hadith and the Sirah (the unholy trinity of Muslim “holy” writings), Scott’s piece, while technically satire (solely cos the Muslim-friendly iPod imitator, iSlam, doesn’t really exits… yet) is of course spot on in its painting of Islam’s normative (by the measure of the Koran, the Hadith, the Sirah and Mohammed’s own documented charater as a hate-filled mass murderer, pedophile, rapist, thief, liar and all-around scumbag) religious practices.

Trackposted to The Virtuous Republic, Nuke Gingrich, Faultline USA, Adam’s Blog, Right Truth, Shadowscope, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, The Yankee Sailor, OTB Sports, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Respecting Islam

Some people with poor reading and reasoning skills might assume from my previous comments on the subject of Islam that I do not respect Islam or Muslims. Silly. I very much respect Islam and Muslims, just as I would respect a pack of rabid dogs.

(Quick aside: anyone accusing me in comments of Islamophobia or racism will be banned as too stupid for words. Islam is not a “race” [update, for the idiot who missed the point: “Muslim” is not a race either] and a phobia is an irrational fear. Besides, “fear” isn’t the word to describe the feelings that result from a rational examination of Islam. Disgust, disdain, revulsion: those are good words to describe rational reactions to Islam.)

Here’s a YouTube video found at The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, that almost captures a completely rational response to Islam. “Almost” because the commenter makes the multi-culti mistake of assuming there are such things as “moderate Muslims” when such a term is a self-contradiction. (Read the damned Koran before you argue against that remark. And yes, I used the word “damned” in its non-profane, theological sense.)

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Trackposted to Allie is Wired, Right Truth, The World According to Carl, Shadowscope, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, A Newt One, Tilting At Windmill Farms, Conservative Cat, Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Continue reading “Respecting Islam”