Lies, Damned Lies and The Zero’s “SOTU” Lies

(Titled with insincere apologies to Twain.)

After perusing the text*, I think summing up all the lies The Zero’s phony “State of the Union” address (more like, “State of the Election” campaign speech?) would simply, for the most part, be a repeat of the text. Is there any substantive portion of the text that could stand as an example of an honest reflection of actual fact? No.

And this is what we have come to as a society: this bald-faced liar is viewed by 40% or more (in many polls, a majority!) of those polled as someone worthy of re-election. If such polls are to be believed, then America deserves to be placed on the ash heap of history.

Second thought… the text presented at the link is presented as, “Full text of President Obama’s State of the Union Address, as provided by the White House”–something that doesn’t necessarily inspire any confidence that it really is an actual transcript, and in fact almost assures that it is not, given the serial deceptions this administration is infamous for. But still, I have no desire to watch a video of it and be simultaneously bored to tears by the typical lackluster, lame, awful lack of oratorical skills The Zero genuinely possesses in place of the myth of his oratorical genius, AND infuriated by bald-faced lies issuing from his pie hole.

BTW, before anyone cites The Zero’s credit-hogging on the matter of the Bin Laden execution operation as a truthful statement, I’ll just flatly state that his claim of credit for Bin Laden’s death is so highly exaggerated as to make a lie of the thin facts it depends upon. And that, as any thinking person well knows, is how one constructs “competent” lies: out of a few facts comprising thinly applied lipstick on the pig the liar wants idiots to miss seeing.

I’ll Scan a Transcript Later

Who, me? Watch the State of the (Dys)Union Lies? Nah. The lies will be much easier to spot reading a transcript. For one thing, confronting the lies that way is less likely to result in vomit on the floor and a RCOB* evening.

*RCOB=”red curtain of blood” referring to what would likely descend over my eyes as I went berserker. Just sayin’. I am able to be a wee tad more dispassionately analytical–or at least able to almost fake the dispassion–when confronted with lies in print.

Earthy Common Sense…

bowdlerized, is actually sometimes more accurate. Smitty, at The Other McCain, opines in a recent post,

Jerry Sandusky Is To Joe Paterno As. . .

. . .Eric Holder is to [analogous parallelism: The Zero–ed.]

They told me that if I voted for John McCain, executive accountability would be for the little people. So far, they’ve been proven quite correct, no thanks whatsoever to that craven sack of a Senator from Nevada.

Nice to see someone making a clear, if elliptical, link between “Senator”–especially that one, and by implication, all his ilk–and “shit”.

I Just Hate This Kind of Stuff

Got an email from a politician. OK, I don’t mind that so much, since I solicit comments from politicians. What I disliked so intensely was the subject line:

Can I send you my book?

*feh* This is a politician who will not get my support. Of course someone on this pol’s staff actually wrote the email and that stupid subject line, but the pol’s responsible for the stupidity of “its” (my fav “gender neutral” pronoun *heh*) staff.

My answer, should the pol or its stupid staff care to read my reply email is, “Of course you CAN send me your book. You already have my contact information. You don’t NEED to ask if you CAN send it, dumbass. But since you ask such a stupid question, I’ll answer the question you ought to have asked instead. You MAY NOT send me your book, and if you do I’ll burn the thing rather than read something written by (or for) such a dumbass.”

Ask Not…

…on whom the greedy socialistas prey; They prey on thee.

Elizabeth Warren suggests–nay! blatantly proclaims!–that the greedy capitalists OWE the proceeds of their labor and risk to society (as if, as a “class” [group] they do not already pay a larger share of taxes, both in gross amount and in percentage of income, than other classes).

Readers of Jerry Pournelle’s Chaos Manor blog (and Pournelle himself) point out a few obvious flaws in Warren’s pronouncements on so-called “fairness”.

UPDATE: Although many other sites go into great detail demolishing the sugar-coated toxic proclamations Elizabeth Warren
is making, Roxeanne, over at Datechguy’s Blog has a very readable version of the major arguments. Good reading. A sample? Sure:

According to Elizabeth Warren, the moment you first flip a switch in that factory and start producing a good, you are an evil rich person who needs to “give back”, because building that factory just sort of happened, without effort, intellect, financial risk, or the employment of others. Had this chickie even run a lemonade stand, she would understand the fallacy in her thinking.

Glenn Reynolds suggests Elizabeth Warren do some remedial reading (below the fold)

I would suggest we start by confiscating all of Warren’s assets to go toward achieving the social ends she seeks. I mean, it’s not as if she’s ever done anything substantive to “give back” to society. Lawyer? Law professor? We have too many of those already.

And another UPDATE, this from Jerry Pournelle on 09/28/11:

As to Ms. Warren’s viral speech about how others paid for the roads and the schools and the police force, I would have thought those are mostly paid by local property taxes, and if the factory owner has got away with not paying those he’s pretty clever. I would have thought that factory owners paid a lot of property taxes. How much of that is fair is, I would presume, a matter for local communities. Raise them too much and the factory moves elsewhere, as Massachusetts has long ago discovered. Of course the remedy for that, according to liberals, is to eliminate competition – make the taxes national so they can’t be escaped. Oddly enough that was all debated as part of the Convention of 1787, but you’d never guess that from listening to this Harvard Professor, who doesn’t seem to have read The Federalist Papers or Tocqueville. But then that’s not too surprising.

Indeed. (BTW, you’re up pretty late, Jerry, “Get some rest. If you haven’t got your health, then you haven’t got anything.” ;-))

And do not neglect Ms. Warren’s remedial reading, below.
Continue reading “Ask Not…”

Use The Appropriate Word, Please

A reader at Jerry Pournelle’s Chaos Manor makes an appropriate observation. Concerning baboons,

They are the loudest, most dangerous, most obnoxious, most viciously aggressive, and least intelligent of all primates.

What is the proper collective noun for a group of baboons?

Believe it or not, a Congress!

So, our own tribe of baboons in D.C. are known by the appropriate collective noun after all.

I Have No Problem With Snake Oil

…as long as it’s packaged, promoted and sold as snake oil and is actually oil squeezed from real snakes. But the idea that “stimulus” money taken FROM the economy and then passed through the “feddle gummint” money laundering system and passed out to *wink-win-nudge-nudge* “create new jobs” would in any way, shape fashion or form actually BE a stimulus to the economy is a lie that has been openly displayed as such time and time and time again.

For that, those who spout this shit (yes, I mean that what is coming out of their mouths is verbal fecal matter–toxic verbal fecal matter at that) would, in a sane society, be tarred, feathered and set afire to light the way to a brighter tomorrow.

Sadly, the Eighth Amendment outlaws “cruel and unusual punishments” even for the political filth that spread such toxic sewage on the public.


Couldn’t we have another amendment carving out an exception for this filth?