Could I Support Juan “Snake” Mexicain?

Jerry Pournelle has outlined a scenario that might allow me to support, however reluctantly and distastefully, a McCain candidacy, even a McCain presidency.

What we need is a good negotiator to get a pact with McCain: what he will promise the conservative movement in exchange for our enthusiastic — and I mean enthusiastic even if we must fake some of the enthusiasm — support.

In particular we want a reiteration of promises already made: strict constructionist judges both on Supreme and lower courts; secure borders before any comprehensive immigration reform; and a bit more enthusiasm for tax cuts.

We can get all that, and it is far better than we will get from any Democrat. We should take it, and get to work.

PS: If we can get Fred Thompson for VP, it will certainly make it easier to generate some zeal.

OK, I won’t say that the very idea of voting for Juan Mexican wouldn’t still nauseate me to the point of spewing, but were the scenario Pournelle outlined above to come to pass, I could still–maybe–vote for the snake. Especially if Thompson were on the ticket. I could still pray for God to to strike Juan Mexican with a debillitating illness (say, something like Nebuchadnezar experienced as noted in Daniel 4:25 Now that would be fitting indeed *heh*) and feel much more comfortable knowing a better man was in the wings to take the reins… Well, a guy could hope, couldn’t he?

Obama Supporters Fans of Terrorist?

Yep. It’s so.

Check out this YouTube video of a report from the Houston Fox affiliate. Look at the banner flag behind the woman sitting at a desk in an Obama campaign office. Recognize the icon of leftist terrorism?

Nothing was said in the bland Fox affiliate report about an Obama campaign office prominently displaying a fan-banner featuring Che, but it’s there and should be noted: Obama supporters–at least in Houston–are fans of leftist terrorism and Obama doesn’t give a damn.

And neither does the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind.

(Yeh, yeh, I know this is all over the place, although I’ve not read the posts at lgf, Captain’s Quarters and all. I stumbled across this at Chaos Manor, generally the most reliable place I know for solid info/discourse.)

Update: See this Newsbusters article for more information on Maria Isabel, the person who is apparently responsible for the Cuban flag with Che’s face superimposed on it displayed in the Obama campaign ofice in Houston. A real piece of work is Maria Isabel. *heh* Don’t miss the YouTube video linked at the site, either. Woo-hoo! We have a live loon here! Yeh, and the Obama camp is still weenie-ing around about this… tepid “Oh my!”s and such like. *pfui* Weenies.

Trackposted to Right Truth, The World According to Carl, The Pink Flamingo, Oblogatory Anecdotes, Big Dog’s Weblog, Wolf Pangloss, Adeline and Hazel, Right Voices, Stageleft, and Pursuing Holiness, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Throwing Your Vote Away?

This brief article, at Credenda Agenda, transcribed from the print-only issue of 1996, says some powerful things to the 2008 election while speaking of the Dole-Clinton contest back in the day. For example,

Just so you know, not “throwing your vote away” is accomplished by voting for someone who solemnly covenants with us to destroy the nation slowly, rather than wickedly doing it right now.

I’ve been thinking about this observation while contemplating the possible matchups:

Juan Mexicain v. The Hildebeast

Juan Mexicain v. Barry Hussein Obama-Winfrey

…and it seem to me that there’s no possible way to avoid “throwing away my vote” in any possible matchup for the presidency.

My only route through this thicket seems to be to concentrate on lower, state and local and even Congressional, races and let the presidency just go to hell in a handbasket.

Unless… unless None of the Above were on the ballot.

Trackposted to Diary of the Mad Pigeon, Nuke Gingrich, Woman Honor Thyself, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

What’s the matter with kids today?

From a wide array of socially destructive interests affecting youth today, one stands out as the 500-pound gorilla: prisons for kids, AKA public schools. While I have some arguments with some of his sub-points, John Taylor Gatto’s The Underground History of American Education is a book every American should read… those that are able to, that is. *sigh*

Why, in the face of readily, easily, available source information, free courseware (here and elsewhere, as well), tutorials, literature and direct interaction with Wise Men is the electorate of our democratic republic ever more stupidly uninformed (as can be inferred from the candidates it votes for)?

I think I can assuredly assert that at least a major part of the reason is our nation’s prisons for kids, AKA public schools.

As Gatto asserts,

Exactly what John Dewey heralded at the onset of the twentieth century has indeed happened. Our once highly individualized nation has evolved into a centrally managed village, an agora made up of huge special interests which regard individual voices as irrelevant. The masquerade is managed by having collective agencies speak through particular human beings. Dewey said this would mark a great advance in human affairs, but the net effect is to reduce men and women to the status of functions in whatever subsystem they are placed. Public opinion is turned on and off in laboratory fashion. All this in the name of social efficiency, one of the two main goals of forced schooling.

Gatto’s book, linked above, is available in full on the web. I’d like to reorganize his website to make it easier to read, but if you stick with it (and do open links on the TOC page in new tabs–that’ll help) and read the whole thing, you’ll soon be foirwarding the link to everyone you know… especially those in your addressbook who are teachers.

Don’t expect politicians to read the thing. They don’t have the time or inclination to read things that would tell ’em how to actually fix what they’ve broken (and the record shows they do not have to fear an electorate holding them accountable for the child abuse they encourage–and in cases outright dictate–in the classrooms across our country). You’ll have to read it, spread the word and build a grassroots groundswell of “take your damned hands off my kids!”


Trackposted to Nuke Gingrich, Faultline USA, Allie is Wired, Woman Honor Thyself, Shadowscope, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, Leaning Straight Up, Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

RCOB-health tip

“RCOB”–“red curtain of blood”–is a term I was first exposed to by Kim duToit referring to a spike in BP (near berserker rage? :-)) usually brought about by exposure to obscene assaults on liberty by statist goons (mostly leftist statist goons, to be sure).

I’ve been trying to avoid confronting such things for the past month or so.

But, there are other things that can bring the RCOB about that are even less pleasant in some ways. This monster cold I’ve been fighting has robbed me of much sleep and exacerbated my tinnitus, a sure sign that my BP has been negatively affected as well. This a.m., upon waking, the ringing in my ears was a shapr “pinging” such that with every step or movement, a sharp stab of sound was impinging on my hearing.

Not good. Sure enough, BP was stratospheric.

Took a page from relaxation techniques of years gone by: slow breathing for about 15 minutes. By “slow breathing” I mean just under two full breaths per minute.

Sure enough, by the end of 15 minutes, I was back down into prehypertension range on the systolic and normal range (OK, high normal) on the diastolic.

Most folks may only be able to handle going as low as 6-7 breaths per minute, but the next time you feel a RCOB moment coming on, try concentrating on your breathing for a minute.

I may have to do that for about 15 minutes an hour come Fall, though, if things like this keep going on…

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“Super” (disgusting) Tuesday

Well, I’ll cast my vote a little later today in my state’s participation in the “Super” (disgusting) Tuesday event. Don’t worry about my vote; I’ll find some way to cast it for “None of the above”…

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It’s a rope, maybe a tree, perhaps a kazoo…

Ever listen to a politician *spit*, Mass Media Podperson, or Academia Nut Fruitcake a talk about a “problem” (usually caused by their interference)? They all seem to sound like the proverbial blind men attempting to describe an elephant. Nothing they say seems to have anything but the slightest, almost fantastical relation to the actual facts, but they are rock solid certain (or rock solid liars pretending to be rock solid certain) that what they describe is real, real I tell you!


The sad thing is that so many self-made idiot sheeple stupidly nod their heads, “Baaah, baaah, baaah,” in agreement with these talking heads of cabbage.

And that, my friends, is why we have both the Dhimmicrappic and Republican’t parties acting together as the Uniparty, fighting over how quickly to tear this country down and salt the earth it sprang from.

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Pray that God does indeed “watch over fools, drunkards and the United States… “

Trenchant comment of the week:

Today both parties seem to subscribe to the notion that we have social problems — lack of medical insurance, bad education — that can be fixed by the Federal Government. The notion of local control and states rights, transparency and responsibility, the idea that the people most affected by policies ought to have some control (such as local school boards controlling both education and its finance) is pretty well considered ludicrous by nearly every academic intellectual and political leader in the nation. Fascism has prevailed, and we hardly notice it.

Yet the conservatives, who want to allow local control and to limit the power of the greater government to interfere in people’s lives, are thought to be the fascists. So it goes.

Yep. The Uniparty (call e’m Dhimmican’ts or Republocrats or whatever) is the modern Fascist Party in drag. Limp-wristed fascism. And so the dream of the Founders ends; not with a bang but a whimper. (With semi-sincere apologies to T.S. Eliot. ;-))


Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, The Virtuous Republic, The World According to Carl, The Pink Flamingo, Big Dog’s Weblog, Cao’s Blog, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, A Newt One- blog talkradio show tonight, A Newt One, Stageleft, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

“Mugger” Pledges: Will Give Money Back

…just not all of it and not exactly to the people it was taken from.

Yep, the Congress is promising an approximately $150B bill to return a portion of what it has ripped from productive citizens’ pockets, just not necessarily to those it took the money from (the aforesaid productive citizens), of course.

So, if the train stays on the track, expect perhaps as much as $600 per person in “beer money” to be distributed in a purely socialist fashion sometime this summer.


Big stinking deal. We’d be better off were that amount of “mugged” funds spent in a WPA-like investment in energy infrastructure: nuclear plants (MIT has placed the plans for a modular pebble bed reactor in the public domain–set up an assembly line and tell the Saudis and Chavezes of the world to go suck a sour lemon); new, more efficient, oil refineries; biomass to oil or methanol plants, etc.; conversion of railroads to electicity (with enough PBRs, that’d be a real step toward energy independence).

All that could be funded out of congresscritters favorite pork, without raising a dime of taxes. HEck, use ONLY pork and we could probably start paying down the national debt, too…

With the $100+/barrel oil now being held over our heads dealt with, other steps to really help the economy in substantive ways”

1. Abolish the IRS/16th Amendment in favor of the FairTax
2. Institute a 10% across-the-board import duty on ALL imports, no exceptions.

Those two things alone would make American products much, much more competitive in the international markets and start rebuilding America’s manufacturing capabilities, providing even more jobs, over and above the “jobs” (government funded jobs are parasitic on the economy–OK, a few offer some symbiotic benefits) that building new energy infrastructure would provide.

And it’s jobs, not government handbacks (or handouts, for those who didn’t pay in) that would be the real economic stimulus we need.

Of course, expecting something sensible from Congress is like expecting fairy dust to make pigs fly. First, you have to find the fairy dust (No, you can’t get any from homosexual activists. They don’t even pollinate). Then you have to catch the pig. Then you have to get clearance from the FAA to conduct fairy dust-flying pig experiments, an environmental impact assessment from the EPA, an OSHA evaluation of risks to the flight crew, etc., and an ASPCA/PETA signoff on the plan…

Come to think of it, that sounds a lot easier and more likely to happen than Congress growing some brains and then finding the balls to actually do the right thing.

BTW, I blame Rosemary for getting my crank turning on this topic. ๐Ÿ™‚ She talked about the Fed cut, its possible effect on the housing market, and pressure on congresscritters to bail out irresponsible home “buyers” (who really, for the most part, just went into more debt than they could afford to “buy” a house they hadn’t earned and couldn’t afford to maintain).

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, The Virtuous Republic, Shadowscope, Leaning Straight Up, Big Dog’s Weblog, Cao’s Blog, A Newt One- The Truth Surge, Diary of the Mad Pigeon, Woman Honor Thyself, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, Wolf Pangloss, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, CORSARI D’ITALIA, and Dumb Ox Daily News, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

T-13, 2.03: 13 Things Off the Top of My Head

13 Things Off the Top of My Head… some from the dregs of my soul. *sigh*

1. My hat. Only on my head when I’m outdoors.

2. Why is it that when I clean things up–my desk for example–within 15 minutes, whatever I’ve cleaned is messier than it was before cleaning? Is it some universal law of the universe… or just my lil pocket of it?

3. I may as well write this day off as eaten by locusts. From the gitgo, “Whatever can go wrong [has gone] wrong.” Looking for silver linings. Any help here? ๐Ÿ˜‰ Comments from Murphy not allowed.

4. The thing about growing older is that I don’t feel as old as I am. Until I wake up. Still tired, as usual.

5. Ever notice that some things proliferate beyond all reason? Ragweed, politicians *spit*, bureaucraps. All part of the Curse of Adam, I suppose…

A short string (could easily have become a T-13 of its own, but I’m in full ADHD mode today and short on coffee. Blame Murphy) of related items:

6. IF (and despite the Chicken Littles the jury is out, hung only by the paltry few scientists who owe more to politics than to science) AGW were a fact, we’d have more to be thankful for than to bemoan. After all, the earth is overdue for an ice age…

7. So, despite the fact that it appears that Anthropogenic Global Warming is a crock (it appears global climate change is largely due to solar influence, mediated or exacerbated by orbital mechanics and a few other factors beyond man’s ability to influence), and we nevertheless seem to be in a very minor uptick in global temperatures, who’s unhappy with slightly warmer winters besides ski resort operators? Who’s sorry to see slightly longer growing seasons and slightly larger growing areas? Oh, right. Socialist tinkerers and nannystaters who want to use “global warming” to restrict capitalism and your freedoms…

8. Another benefit: maybe–just maybe–the sheeple who’ve been gulled by the lies of AGW Chicken Littles will wake up and smell the coffee when the doom and gloom doomsday scenarios do not come to pass. Maybe. But I don’t hold out much hope. After all, if they weren’t self-lobotomized dummies, they wouldn’t be sheeple to begin with, now would they?

9. On a cheerier note (and leaving AGW behind for now), the cold snap that’s been around for a few days here in America’s Third World Countyโ„ข seems to be on its way out, and warmer weather is in the offing for this weekend. Nice. Gotta love that global warming… (Oops. Slipped there.)

10. What is it with trifocals? Some days, I feel like one of those bobbleheads.

11. If Mass Media Podpeople and politicians *spit* could all be dosed with an effective truth serum… they’d be out of work the next day. Heck, they’d likely all (or as darned close as to make almost no difference whatsoever) find engraved invitations to necktie parties hosted by Dr. Tarr and Mr. Fether in their hands.

12. Well, with Fred Thompson out of it, there’s no longer anyone worth voting for in the presidential election. The offerings all come down to, “How fast do you want to drive the country off a cliff?” *sigh* (“American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward to perdition.” Preach it, brother… *profound sigh*)

13. I truly believe that, since States control what actually goes on their ballots in elections–or should–we as a country need grassroots movements in every state of the (dis)Union to get state constitutional amendments enacted to place “None of the Above” as an option for every elective office, such amendments to provide that if “None of the Above” recieves a plurality of the vote then ALL listed candidates should be disqualified from running for that office and a new election with a completely new slate of candidates offered to the electorate. Ditto for the federal Constitution, just to cover the bases. For presidential races, keep the electoral college, but allow it the same option.

Noted at the Thursday Thirteen Hub and Trackposted to Pet’s Garden Blog, Outside the Beltway, Blog @, The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Allie is Wired, Right Truth, Shadowscope, The Pet Haven Blog, The Pink Flamingo, Big Dog’s Weblog, A Newt One, Conservative Cat, Pursuing Holiness, Adeline and Hazel, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.