Throwing Your Vote Away?

This brief article, at Credenda Agenda, transcribed from the print-only issue of 1996, says some powerful things to the 2008 election while speaking of the Dole-Clinton contest back in the day. For example,

Just so you know, not “throwing your vote away” is accomplished by voting for someone who solemnly covenants with us to destroy the nation slowly, rather than wickedly doing it right now.

I’ve been thinking about this observation while contemplating the possible matchups:

Juan Mexicain v. The Hildebeast

Juan Mexicain v. Barry Hussein Obama-Winfrey

…and it seem to me that there’s no possible way to avoid “throwing away my vote” in any possible matchup for the presidency.

My only route through this thicket seems to be to concentrate on lower, state and local and even Congressional, races and let the presidency just go to hell in a handbasket.

Unless… unless None of the Above were on the ballot.

Trackposted to Diary of the Mad Pigeon, Nuke Gingrich, Woman Honor Thyself, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

5 Replies to “Throwing Your Vote Away?”

  1. OK, Boy’s ‘n Girls,

    I gwynna quote (a good Old South term) a very intelligent person I know quite personally — ME! πŸ™‚

    Just so you understand, sometimes I’m a republi-tarian; sometimes I’m a liber-publican. For me my libertarian views are definitely lower case “L” — ya know kinda like the “founding fathers.”

    The following comment that I’ve chosen to post is one made to a LP’er weird dentist friend in Tahoe, within last 24 hours.

    OH … BTW — Bob “give it up” on “limp dick” Ronnie Paul. NO ONE (with any common sense) has any respect for this lisp voiced character, AND he would certainly NOT garner any respect on the “World Stage!”

    ONLY LP’ers have any interest in him. AND, if LP’ers had their way the U.S. would be in total ANARCHY within six months. Believe it or not . . . that’s the way it is!

    In answer to your next comment, as things stand today, come November, I fully intend to “write in” Fred Thompson. If I had more than a dollar in my pocket [& were more politically astute in the mechanism (& if Fred is wiling) I go bonkers over promoting a “write in” campaign for Fred. He has that quality usually known as “presence” which Paulie totally LACKS!

  2. I like your idea, Hugh. Write-ins are kinda problematic here in America’s Third World County, given the way the Great State of Misery formulates the ballots and tabulating machines. *sigh* But a guy’s gotta try, doesn’t he?

  3. In 2004 and 2006 I voted for the “less of 2 evils”. in hindsight, I was wrong. This is somewhat like chosing to be shot (voting Democrat) to get it (the destruction of America: PC, open borders, appeasement of radical Muslims)) over with quickly or choosing to be stabbed and slowly bleeding to death (the same destruction of America: PC, open borders, apppeasement of radical Muslims).

    Whether they blow your brains out or slit your throat, the result is the same. Could Jimmy Carter’s quick betrayal be much worse than George Bush’s profession of waging a war on terror while leaving our borders wide open? Both destroy America.

    Finally, it seems to me that Obama and Hillary are as bad as Carter and McCain is as bad as Bush. Shoot me or stab me? Hobson’s choice indeed.

  4. The Democratic Party has a crisis of monumental proportions:

    They don’t know whether to vote for the ‘Nut’ with two Boobs

    OR, the ‘Boob’ with two Nuts.

    The above is in response to LomaAlta. πŸ™‚

    I’ll have to admit, I actually voted for that little swamp boat — “Pee-rot” — to fire Bush #1. Alas, 20-20 hindsight, NOT GOOD! πŸ˜‰

    That which we got wuz wors’n Bush #1’s tax lies.

    To quote me (again) & a few other intelligent people I know: Who be POTUS ain’t nearly as important next time around as what we do about congresscritters.

    Two here in my own state I’m working to “dump” — Bob Inglis & “Flim-Flam” Graham. (Anyone ever see Lindsey at a function with a date, or is it always his sister “on his arm?”

  5. Perot always kinda grated on my nerves. He remided me more of a Chihuahua than anything else.

    That was an easy thing to overcome in order to listen to his ideas, though, since I had previously read “On Wings of Eagles” (Ken Follett) and was predisposed to want him to make enough sense to actually vote for. Alas, he did not. *sigh*

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