I Have Your Answer Right Here

A commenter at Politico said the following in response to a Santorum ad:

“Seriously, do we honestly believe that the President of the United States is a traitor, a domestic enemy, and doesn’t love our country?”

Well, yes. Yes I do. In fact, calling The Zero “a traitor, a domestic enemy… [who] doesn’t love our country” is tame, IMO. I’d add “Lying S.O.B. piece of usurping trash” to the list.

Here’s the video that has Obamabots and (redundancy alert) Mass MEdia Podpeople in an uproar. Tame by comparison to what Obamaville is aimed to “accomplish”–the utter ruin of the USA.


Note: Obamaville can be averted without actually defeating The Zero in his re-election bid by sensible voting on lower races–Senate, House and even State and local races. A real defeat of the Obamaville scenario would be greatly furthered by a sweep from the top down, though. And the WH does need a powerful dose of political bleach to remove the stench of commie-tainted socialism (as if the extreme degree of socialist stench The Zero emits weren’t bad enough by itself).

Further note: Santorum is still toast, as far as I’m concerned. Even in the face of the Romney communication director’s gaffe (is “communication director” better spelled “commie director”? *heh*), Santorum’s weakly-detracted “Romney=Obama” equation disqualifies him based on its demonstration that he’s really too dumb for words.

From the Horse’s Own Mouth: Santorum Jumps the Shark

On Romney or The Zero:

“If you’re going to be a little different, we might as well stay with what we have instead of taking a risk with what may be the Etch-A-Sketch candidate of the future.”

So, Rick, you think it would be better to have The Zero re-elected than have Romney in the WH? Have you been in the MKULTRA Koolaid again? I’m no fan of Romney, but even a zoned out, blind, deaf and lobotomized meth head can tell that Romney would be better than The Zero. (Of course, the zoned out, blind, deaf and lobotomized meth head would be better than The Zero as president, so that’s not exactly saying a lot, is it?)

The Parable of the Kosher Deli

Before I insert the meat of the post (you may groan now; you certainly will once the pun hits you :-)), a question: has anyone asked about the effect of HHS rulings about Obumascare requirements on Muslim health organizations? Or are they exempt? And who would care anyway?

The Parable of the Kosher Deli, as told by William Lori, the bishop of Bridgeport, CT, in testimony before the House Oversight Committee, February 16, 2012

Continue reading “The Parable of the Kosher Deli”

Lost Treasures

Through the ages, many great treasures have been lost… and sometimes found. Unfortunately, some, like the libraries of Alexandria (yes, plural–for at least two reasons) were lost multiple times in different ways and stand no chance of rediscovery. Others were even lost within the lifetimes of their creators.

One such is François Villon’s Le romaunt du Pet au deable (The Romance of the Devil’s Fart). When I discovered Villon as a high school student, I read his statement dedicating the work to his mentor, Guillaume de Villon, and attempted to find this great masterpiece. Alas! It was not to be, as the work disappeared almost as soon as it was penned. Still, even today, in my dotage, I yearn in vain for the biting wit, the keen insight of Villon’s Le romaunt du Pet au deable.

Oh, well, at least I have the farts of the Devil’s favorite bastard children in Washington to keep me gassed.

Amazingly Talented

I have an amazing lip-reading ability. For example, I do watch Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind “news” programs every now and then, but I mute the sound when I do. That way, when, say, The Zero is featured in a clip, I can amaze others present with my lip-reading ability. For example, in the clip the following graphic was extracted from…

“Lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie.”

See? Amazing.

(BTW, I also have the ability to read minds. I know this because I got absolutely nothin’ from Biden.)

Lies, Damned Lies and The Zero’s “SOTU” Lies

(Titled with insincere apologies to Twain.)

After perusing the text*, I think summing up all the lies The Zero’s phony “State of the Union” address (more like, “State of the Election” campaign speech?) would simply, for the most part, be a repeat of the text. Is there any substantive portion of the text that could stand as an example of an honest reflection of actual fact? No.

And this is what we have come to as a society: this bald-faced liar is viewed by 40% or more (in many polls, a majority!) of those polled as someone worthy of re-election. If such polls are to be believed, then America deserves to be placed on the ash heap of history.

Second thought… the text presented at the link is presented as, “Full text of President Obama’s State of the Union Address, as provided by the White House”–something that doesn’t necessarily inspire any confidence that it really is an actual transcript, and in fact almost assures that it is not, given the serial deceptions this administration is infamous for. But still, I have no desire to watch a video of it and be simultaneously bored to tears by the typical lackluster, lame, awful lack of oratorical skills The Zero genuinely possesses in place of the myth of his oratorical genius, AND infuriated by bald-faced lies issuing from his pie hole.

BTW, before anyone cites The Zero’s credit-hogging on the matter of the Bin Laden execution operation as a truthful statement, I’ll just flatly state that his claim of credit for Bin Laden’s death is so highly exaggerated as to make a lie of the thin facts it depends upon. And that, as any thinking person well knows, is how one constructs “competent” lies: out of a few facts comprising thinly applied lipstick on the pig the liar wants idiots to miss seeing.

I’ll Scan a Transcript Later

Who, me? Watch the State of the (Dys)Union Lies? Nah. The lies will be much easier to spot reading a transcript. For one thing, confronting the lies that way is less likely to result in vomit on the floor and a RCOB* evening.

*RCOB=”red curtain of blood” referring to what would likely descend over my eyes as I went berserker. Just sayin’. I am able to be a wee tad more dispassionately analytical–or at least able to almost fake the dispassion–when confronted with lies in print.