Obamanation Kiddies’ Hour?


Obamanation Kiddies’ Hour? Notsomuch in America’s Third World County. So far, I have confirmation of two gradeschool/middle school combos here in America’s Third World County canceling any participation in The 0!’s first nationwide indoctrination of America’s pubschool children in Obama Worship.

Hmmm, seems parents were burning up the telco wiring and–surprise! surprise!–school administrators looked at their hole card and decided deuces weren’t gonna cut it.

Open thread at Moonbattery (whence the graphic above was stolen urm, borrowed).

“Say What, Willis?”

Just got an email from a blog buddy that included the following comment summing up the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind response to every infringement of citizens’ rights: “Yawn. No big deal. You have to just trust Barry, cause he is just so cute and fuzzy!”

Hmmm, I told him he’d better take care or they’d accuse him of calling Obama, “That nappy-haired 0!”


Stole Borrowed the graphic from Cathouse Chat.

“In a democracy (’rule by mob’), those who refuse to learn from history are in the majority and dictate that everyone else suffer for their ignorance.”-third world county’s corollary to Santayana’s Axiom

…and stupidity.


You wanted change, dumbasses; you got it. Problem is, now the rest of the country has to live with your mistake.

How Did The 0! Get Elected, Anyway?

Go HERE and take the simple, easy-peasy (seriously!) “Civics Quiz” and see how The 0! got elected. Americans are simply illiterate when it comes to American history and knowledge of our governing documents, etc.


“If there is any presidential speech that has captured a place in popular culture, it is the Gettysburg Address, seemingly recited by school children for decades. The truth is, however, Lincoln’s most memorable words are now remembered by very few.

“Of the 2,508 Americans taking ISI’s civic literacy test, 71% fail. Nationwide, the average score on the test is only 49%. The vast majority cannot recognize the language of Lincoln’s famous speech.

“The test contains 33 questions designed to measure knowledge of America’s founding principles, political history, international relations, and market economy…

“…The results reveal that Americans are alarmingly uninformed about our Constitution, the basic functions of our government, the key texts of our national history, and economic principles.”

Well, maybe for a majority of the proles that is true, but surely our well-educated college grads fare better? Nope.

“College graduates in all age brackets—except Baby Boomers (ages 45 to 64)—typically earn an ‘F’ on the exam. Baby Boomers who ended their formal education with a bachelor’s degree score an average of 61%, or a ‘D-.'”

(Well, that certainly squares with the report that 69% of college graduates couldn’t read directions to find their way out of a paper bag… *feh*)

But wait! There’s more! From the “Civics Quiz” report:
Continue reading “How Did The 0! Get Elected, Anyway?”

No Treats from BO!

Well, I can see why this video has 1.8 million views at YouTube in the last month.

Smart dog. Smarter than the 48% of voters (plus the 4% made up of illegals and deaders) that voted The 0! into office last Fall.

Have You Been SPAMmed by Barry Soetoro?

Like many SPAMmers, Barry Soetoro claimed recently that he doesn’t know how people he SPAMmed got on his email list–maybe some mythical, “reality-based fantasy” third-party group put them there (ya think his fishy@whitehouse.gov site had anything to do with collecting addresses to SPAM? Say it ain’t so, Joe).

"Uh, uh, uh, I dunno, a-huh, a-huh... "

If you were SPAMMED by Barry Soetoro, why not report his ass to spam@uce.gov? Heck, if he’s convicted, maybe the fedgov will even pay you a bounty… (Fat chance)

N.B., the fedgov so narrowly defines SPAM that A CHANCE OF getting Barry’s ass spanked by the FTC is vanishingly small.

N.B. #2: Barry’s also implementing measures–he admits in public, with spin of course–that will block online petitions. “We don’t want The People petitioning the government ‘for a redress of grievances’,” he admitted. Well, he might as well have said that, since his orifice, urm office, DID say, “The White House indicated its Web site managers are going to seek out and block online petitions… “

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

Reconcile the statement made by The 0! reproduced below with the facts of the matter, shown in the second graphic. (As usual, CLICK on the graphics to “embiggen”.) Then, CLICK the link for the video at BreitBart

The 0!


Vs. The Record:


Transparency, MHWA…

Or, if you don’t want to go to the BreitBart site, here:

Look for the Union Label

If you run into thugs attempting to stifle free speech at a townhall meeting, just look for the union label:


Just check YouTube for “SEIU ACORN violence (or thugs) at townhall” for slews of videos.

Or, if you want some easy-greasy-sleazy money and can buff up your physique while dumbing down your intellect to the level of slime mold, you could apply to be an “SEIU organizer” and go around playing thug at townhall meetings, yourself!


Check out a “teaked” verion of the SEIU Goon graphic suitable for posterizing at Woody’s Place.