A Spoonful of Sugar

With all the hectoring of those who oppose his attempts to impose his will that The Ø! has been doing recently, I thought I’d give him a little political advice… not that he pays any attention to “the little people”…


On the ObUmascare Bill, Shakedowns and Deficits

While Jerry Pournelle eschews such loaded terms as “Obumascare” his observation in today’s Chaos Manor View certainly gives one pause:

If it cost $300 million to get Landrieu to vote to allow the bill to be debated, what in the world will it cost to get her to vote for the bill itself? And now that she has shown how effective shakedown tactics can be, what will others charge? We may not begin to have seen the deficit spending that the health care bill will cost.

Urm. Let’s see, $300 million here, $300 million there, and pretty soon we’d be talking about real money. Hey! Maybe I can sell my vote for enough to retire on… until Crap n Trade, Feddle Gummint-run healthscare and all the other “great ideas nobody has to pay for” eat up everything I have and I have to go on the dole with everyone else (except for political fat cats and their handlers).

Just shoot me, first.

Ironic? Yes, but Justice, Too

Health Care Speechwriter for Edwards, Obama & Clinton Without Insurance Now

“What makes this a double blow is that my experience contradicts so much of what I wrote for political leaders over the last decade. That’s a terrible feeling, too. I typed line after line that said everything Massachusetts did would make health insurance more affordable. If I had a dollar for every time I typed, ‘universal coverage will lower premiums,’ I could pay for my own health care at Massachusetts’s rates.”

Sometimes, life really is fair. This time the lying (or, perhaps just stupid) propagandist gets spattered with the rotten fruits of the lie. Fitting, just, fair.

An Argument for Going Slowly on Instituting New Legislation

Each new bill before Congress haqs the potential for expanding the bureaucracy to implement the bill and, Das Buros steht immer, that is, once a bureau or agency or arm of the “feddle gummint” is filled with bureaucraps, the shit just never seems to get hauled out (bureaucracies tend only to expand, not contract–or even disappear when the ostensible reason for their creation disappears).

That alone, it seems to me, is reason enough to proceed very, very slowly when about to create a whole new bureaucrappy, like that which would accompany “feddle gummint” illegal (unconstitutional) meddling in health care delivery.

Oh, and then there’s the whole enumerated powers thing that congresscritters seem to have (deliberately) swept under the rug. “Look over there. Don’t mind that Constitution thing we’ve hidden behind a curtain of bullshit.”

Have You Been SPAMmed by Barry Soetoro?

Like many SPAMmers, Barry Soetoro claimed recently that he doesn’t know how people he SPAMmed got on his email list–maybe some mythical, “reality-based fantasy” third-party group put them there (ya think his fishy@whitehouse.gov site had anything to do with collecting addresses to SPAM? Say it ain’t so, Joe).

"Uh, uh, uh, I dunno, a-huh, a-huh... "

If you were SPAMMED by Barry Soetoro, why not report his ass to spam@uce.gov? Heck, if he’s convicted, maybe the fedgov will even pay you a bounty… (Fat chance)

N.B., the fedgov so narrowly defines SPAM that A CHANCE OF getting Barry’s ass spanked by the FTC is vanishingly small.

N.B. #2: Barry’s also implementing measures–he admits in public, with spin of course–that will block online petitions. “We don’t want The People petitioning the government ‘for a redress of grievances’,” he admitted. Well, he might as well have said that, since his orifice, urm office, DID say, “The White House indicated its Web site managers are going to seek out and block online petitions… “