Even the Brightest and Best Sometimes Find an Acorn. . . Eventually

So, Jerome Kagan, one of the brightest luminaries of p-sych in the 21st Century says ADHD is largely (not entirely, of course) a fraud.

Kinda nice to have what I have observed and stated for over 40 years repeated by someone of such note. (I can recall being lambasted by the professor and my peers in a counseling practicum session for stating exactly the view Kagan espouses. *shrugs* I DGARA whether folks disagree with me now and didn’t then. Of course.)

Of course, one could say that of most of the “disorders” noted in the DSM–some are entirely bogus, and most are fraudulently “diagnosed,” probably in order to have a billable label for a p-sych, and a handy drug to give lazy, immature, whiny babies.

NOTE WELL: Genuine psychological problems do exist, and for folks plagued by real problems with a biological basis in fact, such problems can be hellacious.

The Father of Lies Approved Her Message

Yes, the “sainted mother of environmental activism,” Rachel Carson, killed millions of people by means of her lies.

But that’s the way of Satan (the devil, false accuser, traducer, slanderer) and his minions. Lies are always his and his children’s go-to tactic. Open members of the Church of Satan are mere posseurs compared to the average politician, “social justice warrior,” and others of their ilk, who will commit any lie, no matter how stupid, knowing it will obscure truth among the gullible and kill honest dialog, assasinate character, and even lead to massive numbers of deaths.

All in the service of the father of lies.

Reject lies and confront liars with the truth.

Dangerous to Whom?

The Puffington Host touts the bill referenced in the linked article as “The Most Dangerous Bill You’ve Never Heard Of.” Dangerous to whom? Certainly not to citizens who are concerned about the tsunami of “feddle gummint” encroachment on their rights. Hmmm, must be dangerous to statists and other anacho-tyrannists. . .

This bill is barely a start on reversing the illegitimate encroachment on God-given rights that darned near the whole apparatus of the “feddle gummint bureaucrappy” has become.

Sometimes, Unintended Consequences Have MASSIVELY Unintended Benefits

All the manufactured sturm und drang of folks upset that “their” criminal candidate–surprisingly!–managed to lose a fixed election to a clown has driven more and more #NeverTrump -ers into reluctant defense of the Orange Clown, and reluctant Trumpery voters into firm support for a pres-elect no thinking person wanted.

Chill or lose even bigger down the road, dumbasses.

“The trouble began” the morning after the election, when the principal of West High emailed the teachers: “Please be positive and strong and teach the heck out of our kids today.”

Small Consolation

The only consolation (and it’s weak tea, indeed) in a Trumpery presidency that one might possibly have is that at least the Queenie Cscklepants Cylon (and the rest of the Clinton Crime Cartel) isn’t scheduled to reign in the WH. *sigh* Sadly, very sadly, a cheesy reality series star is likely to be less harmful (kinda like being shot with a 9mm Parabellum is less harmful than being shot with a .50BMG).

Since I refused to vote for either of the Uniparty’s candidates, at least my hands (and conscience) are clean.

The Tree of Liberty

Everyone is familiar (by “everyone” I mean, of course, everyone except the historically and culturally illiterate 80% of our current society *sigh*) with the Jefferson comment,

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. It is its natural manure.”

May we now add the tears of soi-dissant “liberals” to the nurture of liberty? Oh, and how about the tears of CACAs (members of the Cult of Anthropogenic Climate Alarmism), as well?

Continue reading “The Tree of Liberty”

By the Skin of Their Teeth

I see a lot of silly folks crowing about having a “Republican” in the WH along with “Republican control” (by the skin of their teeth) of Congress.

So? It means little to nothing, really, since any “conservatism” in the Republican Party is no different to the “conservatism” decried by R.L. Dabney in his day:

“Conservatism’s history has been that it demurs to each aggression of the progressive party, and aims to save its credit by a respectable amount of growling, but always acquiesces at last in the innovation. What was the resisted novelty of yesterday is today one of the accepted principles of conservatism; it is now conservative only in affecting to resist the next innovation, which will tomorrow be forced upon its timidity and will be succeeded by some third revolution, to be denounced and then adopted in its turn. American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward to perdition. It remains behind it, but never retards it, and always advances near its leader. This pretended salt hath utterly lost its savor: wherewith shall it be salted? Its impotency is not hard to explain. It is worthless because it is the conservatism of expediency only, and not of sturdy principle. It tends to risk nothing serious for the sake of truth.”

But at least one good thing has come of The Trumpery’s win in the prexy race:

Lotsa FUD* Goin’ On. . .

*Fear, Uncertainly, and Doubt

With the national election only days away, the FUD is strong in the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind, social media, and just out and about “on the street.” I see/hear talk about nuclear war with Russia, a “feddle gummint” crackdown on dissenters–including fear that “they” will be “shooting us down in the street,” and so on.

Well, I’m glad to live where I do. Yeh, there’s some of that FUD floating around here in America’s Third World County™, but while “they” can try “shooting us down in the street,” it wouldn’t fly here, where firearms outnumber citizens by at least six to one, retired military are in very high ratio to the rest of the county population, we have very nearly Afganistan-like terrain (with even better cover most of the year, nearly as many cave systems/square mile, many of which are on no one’s maps or records–because PRIVATE, and excellent backwoods trails and waterways for transport), and the local National Guard unit would _definitely_ be on the side of the citizens. Heck, my neighbors and I could probably outgun the local LEOs, not that we’d need to if a “feddle gummint they” started trying to push in. Again: would side with citizens, like the local NatGuard unit.

“Red Dawn” was bush league by comparison to Third World County™ standards.

And then there’s the prevalent attitude: “Let them come.”

BTW, the county was almost precisely balanced between Repugnicant stalwarts and Ron Paulistas in the last prexy election, with nearly as many Paulista write-ins as votes for Romney. Neither Dhimmicrp vote counted for much at all.)

Oh, where is “America’s Third World County™”? Nowhere near my IP address. . . 🙂

Why “Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind”?

Because they tend to all “report” the same flat-out lies and skewing of truth into lies, I refer to news media as a hivemind and its minions as podpeople. Oh, and the MEdia” thing with a capital “ME”? Because the real “news” is how it’s all about themselves to themselves and their tribe, and the importance, FIRST and FOREMOST, of their lying tongues. . .

I stopped believing that “network” news (and major “news” papers and magazines, etc.) really reported news when I realized that Walter Cronkite was skewing (lying about, really) reports on the Tet Offensive. . . and that the rest of the media was happily following his distortions. So, since then, the Hivemind has been relegated to the “propaganda folder” for me.

Before the growth of the Internet, that mostly left me with conversations with primary sources, where I could get such. Fortunately, I used to have a wide array of primary sources in the military, business, and politics available in those long ago days of yore . . .

Now, when the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind “reports” something “shocking” that someone has said or done, there is often a video of the actual words/deeds that can be relied on to put the Hivemind lies in perspective. Most people still don’t do their own homework, though, so the weight of the Hivemind lies still has a strong effect on society.

If one follows the narrative of hivemind “reporting” on any given topic, and compares it to what one can determine of the real world, one might be left with the impression that American media gets a daily download from an alien mothership orbiting Uranus. . .