“Mugger” Pledges: Will Give Money Back

…just not all of it and not exactly to the people it was taken from.

Yep, the Congress is promising an approximately $150B bill to return a portion of what it has ripped from productive citizens’ pockets, just not necessarily to those it took the money from (the aforesaid productive citizens), of course.

So, if the train stays on the track, expect perhaps as much as $600 per person in “beer money” to be distributed in a purely socialist fashion sometime this summer.


Big stinking deal. We’d be better off were that amount of “mugged” funds spent in a WPA-like investment in energy infrastructure: nuclear plants (MIT has placed the plans for a modular pebble bed reactor in the public domain–set up an assembly line and tell the Saudis and Chavezes of the world to go suck a sour lemon); new, more efficient, oil refineries; biomass to oil or methanol plants, etc.; conversion of railroads to electicity (with enough PBRs, that’d be a real step toward energy independence).

All that could be funded out of congresscritters favorite pork, without raising a dime of taxes. HEck, use ONLY pork and we could probably start paying down the national debt, too…

With the $100+/barrel oil now being held over our heads dealt with, other steps to really help the economy in substantive ways”

1. Abolish the IRS/16th Amendment in favor of the FairTax
2. Institute a 10% across-the-board import duty on ALL imports, no exceptions.

Those two things alone would make American products much, much more competitive in the international markets and start rebuilding America’s manufacturing capabilities, providing even more jobs, over and above the “jobs” (government funded jobs are parasitic on the economy–OK, a few offer some symbiotic benefits) that building new energy infrastructure would provide.

And it’s jobs, not government handbacks (or handouts, for those who didn’t pay in) that would be the real economic stimulus we need.

Of course, expecting something sensible from Congress is like expecting fairy dust to make pigs fly. First, you have to find the fairy dust (No, you can’t get any from homosexual activists. They don’t even pollinate). Then you have to catch the pig. Then you have to get clearance from the FAA to conduct fairy dust-flying pig experiments, an environmental impact assessment from the EPA, an OSHA evaluation of risks to the flight crew, etc., and an ASPCA/PETA signoff on the plan…

Come to think of it, that sounds a lot easier and more likely to happen than Congress growing some brains and then finding the balls to actually do the right thing.

BTW, I blame Rosemary for getting my crank turning on this topic. 🙂 She talked about the Fed cut, its possible effect on the housing market, and pressure on congresscritters to bail out irresponsible home “buyers” (who really, for the most part, just went into more debt than they could afford to “buy” a house they hadn’t earned and couldn’t afford to maintain).

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, The Virtuous Republic, Shadowscope, Leaning Straight Up, Big Dog’s Weblog, Cao’s Blog, A Newt One- The Truth Surge, Diary of the Mad Pigeon, Woman Honor Thyself, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, Blue Star Chronicles, The Pink Flamingo, Wolf Pangloss, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, CORSARI D’ITALIA, and Dumb Ox Daily News, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

ACLU and Deviant RINO Make a Good Match

In trackback and email, both John Stephenson and “Jebediah” noted the ACLU’s defense of deviant RINO, Larry Craig.

The ACLU’s argument?

“The government cannot prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Senator Craig was inviting the undercover officer to engage in anything other than sexual intimacy that would not have called attention to itself in a closed stall in the public restroom…”

The the ACLU’s argument is laughable on its face: “…sexual intimacy that would not have called attention to itself in a closed stall in the public restroom.” That it’s “supported” by a 38-year-old nonsensical Minnesota Supreme Court ruling is just icing on the cake.

Key word: “public.” Anyone imagine NOT being aware of sexual relations taking place in a “closed stall” one door over, what with four sets of feet, grunting and moaning and all the other acoutrements of getting it off? Pull the other one, doofuses. Heck, you don’t even have any real privacy when just taking a dump. (Splash, splash, gas, gas, “courtesy flush,” splash, splash… ) An “expectation of privacy” in a public facility is only present in folks who are idiots, loons or ACLU. (You guess which ones I consider the Minnesota Supreme Court of 38 years past.)

Now, if Craig had been busted in a hotel room, the ACLU would have had an argument.

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Who’s in the JW’s “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” for 2007?

Well, at least Mike and Rudy are safe from stones cast by each other…


Although the Judicial Watch’s Top Ten list of corrupt politicians is weighted heavily on the Democrappic side of the aisle (and how could it not be with such excellent examples of slime as Billary Clintoon, John Con(you)yers, Barrack Hussein Obama (Winfrey), and Feinstein-Pelosi-Reid?), a couple of standouts from the Republican’t crowd are no surprise to those of us who view the pronouncements of the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind with scepticism:

#6. Governor Mike Huckabee (R-AR): Governor Huckabee enjoyed a meteoric rise in the polls in December 2007, which prompted a more thorough review of his ethics record. According to The Associated Press: “[Huckabee’s] career has also been colored by 14 ethics complaints and a volley of questions about his integrity, ranging from his management of campaign cash to his use of a nonprofit organization to subsidize his income to his destruction of state computer files on his way out of the governor’s office.” And what was Governor Huckabee’s response to these ethics allegations? Rather than cooperating with investigators, Huckabee sued the state ethics commission twice and attempted to shut the ethics process down.


And that’s not even exploring the Governor from Tyson Foods’ record on illegal aliens. (See HERE as well.)

Of course, we mustn’t neglect “Mr. Tough On Crime” Giuliani:

5. Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R-NY): Giuliani came under fire in late 2007 after it was discovered the former New York mayor’s office “billed obscure city agencies for tens of thousands of dollars in security expenses amassed during the time when he was beginning an extramarital relationship with future wife Judith Nathan in the Hamptons…” ABC News also reported that Giuliani provided Nathan with a police vehicle and a city driver at taxpayer expense. All of this news came on the heels of the federal indictment on corruption charges of Giuliani’s former Police Chief and business partner Bernard Kerik, who pleaded guilty in 2006 to accepting a $165,000 bribe in the form of renovations to his Bronx apartment from a construction company attempting to land city contracts.

These are two guys who are not only monumental liars (each claims conservative values drive their bid for the presidency: that alone should be enough to shoot them down in flames for such bald-faced, arrogant lying to the electorate), they are also monumental hypocrites, each running as “clean” guys when they are no such thing.

Bah. I have NO use for such as these. As landfill or garden mulch, even, they’d just be toxic waste. Better for them to just shuffle off to an afterlife in a garage in Buffalo (with apologies to Timothy Leary, “Really Leary” and George Carlin).

Sad, though, that some folks consider John “I-Never-Met-a-Free-Speech-I-Didn’t-Hate” McCain and Mitt “Android from the planet I’ll-say-anything-to-get-elected” Romney to be viable alternatives to such as these.


I suspect the main reason Thompson’s had a hard time getting traction is that he’s the only one with a consistent record (well, far more consistent than anyone else running, if one throws out consistently crooked as a criterion) who talks sense. I mean, have you actually read the other guys’ “positions”? Piffle. Fluff. Bullshit talking points. Nothing of any real substance.

If anything kills political aspirations in this day of a dumbass sheeple electorate, it’s saying something–anything–of substance.

*profound sigh*

Well, at least Fred’s also got a sense of humor (something McCainac, The Android, The Crook and the Crooked Preacherboy have yet to show any genuine evidence of)…

Trackposted to Nuke’s, Woman Honor Thyself, Adam’s Blog, Right Truth, Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove, Conservative Cat, Right Voices, and Pursuing Holiness, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Reality Check

I recieved an email from Alan Woody (who used to blog at Woody’s News and Views) that points up much of what is rotten in our society today *sigh*

A Circuit City employee spots some Muslim men behaving suspiciously and notifies the authorities. Turns out the men were terrorist-wannabe’s plotting to attack a US military base and murder military personnel and/or their families. Now the Circuit City employee might be sued [for] “violating constitutional rights or for racial discrimination”! No kidding… the citizen who saved the lives of our troops and their families could be sued for it.

We need to wake up people! The terrorists are using our own system against us and half of us are sitting back and letting them do it while the other half unwittingly (?) helps them. Here’s a reality check that I think everybody should read and pass along:


With Woody, I strongly recommend reading Reality Check: My Two Cents Worth… and passing it on.

Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Blog @ MoreWhat.com, Perri Nelson’s Website, Stageleft, stikNstein… has no mercy, The World According to Carl, DragonLady’s World, Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, Dumb Ox Daily News, Conservative Cat, and , thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Not a petty annoyance

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Found via The English Guy,

“Create an e-annoyance, go to jail”

Yep. Anonymous, otherwise unaccountable trolls may face federal jail time and fines. But, really, who needs the feds in the middle of this? After all, kicking trolls can be fun (if sometimes boring). And cyberstalking–which the law referenced is aimed at–is more than just being annoying… but the law singles out “annoying” behavior as a federal crime, now, punushable by fines and jail time. To be sure, it also strengthens actual anti-stalking provisions, but even there, is that really a federal issue?

Oh, well. It’s law now. *sigh* Might as well start using it as a club for playing Troll Golf.


Semi-anonymously graffiti-sprayed at Basil’s and The Conservative Cat.

” Alarmism in the service of his own political fortune is just craven.”

Hugh Hewitt has accurately pegged Kerry. Concerning a press exchange with sKerry yesterday, Hewitt says:

“The idea that Iraq is on the verge of becoming Lebanon is just nuts. Really, nuts. Does Kerry have any idea what he’s doing to the democratization process there, or the encouragement he is giving to the terrorists? Alarmism in the service of his own political fortune is just craven.”

Just read the whole thing

John Fraud sKerry: liar and poltroon. Any decent person would cross the street to avoid his shadow.

Addendum: Hugh Hewitt has called for comments on the question, “”What do Kerry’s answers to today’s [Thursday, 10/07/04] press inquiries tell us about Kerry’s worldview and character?”

I think I’ll post on that, next, before I read answers some of his respondants gave.