
That’s one-hundredth of one percent. For the innumerate among our increasingly illterate and innumerate society, that’s one part in ten thousand. A tiny, itsy-bitsy, teen-einsty speck, for those who can’t understand that.

That’s how much of ANWR is any part at all of what’s even being considered for drilling in.

And it’s an environmental zero of a mud flat. The equivalent of a couple of shopping malls… after prime real estate has already been turned into the wasteland that is a shopping mall.

Not even polar bears want to live there. *heh*

Drill, baby, drill.

Trackposted to Diary of the Mad Pigeon, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Allie is Wired, Woman Honor Thyself, Right Truth, The World According to Carl, , The Pink Flamingo, The Amboy Times, Cao’s Blog, Leaning Straight Up, and Democrat=Socialist, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Peggy Noonan’s Slip *sigh*

Nope. Not lingerie. The, by now in internet time, infamous open mic comment about Palin.

What I’d like to remind Peggy of is this comment from her September 3 WSJ column (which she has newly redacted with prefaced remarks to her open mic comment on MSNBC),

Let me say of myself and almost everyone I know in the press, all the chattering classes and political strategists and inside dopesters of the Amtrak Acela Line: We live in a bubble and have around us bubble people. We are Bubbleheads. We know this and try to compensate for it by taking road trips through the continent — we’re on one now, in Minneapolis — where we talk to normal people. But we soon forget the pithy, knowing thing the garage mechanic said in the diner, and anyway we weren’t there long enough in the continent to KNOW, to absorb. We view through a prism of hyper-sophistication, and judge by the rules of Chevy Chase and Greenwich, of Cleveland Park and McLean, of Bronxville and Manhattan.

And again we know this, we know this is our limit, our lack.

But we also forget it.

And when you forget you’re a Bubblehead you get in trouble, you misjudge things…

Peggy, you’re a bubblehead. Please remind yourself of that fact more often in the future.

(BTW, kudos to Noonan for one thing at least. In her freshly-minted preface/apologia, she refers to “bullshit” as an epithet, NOT, as is so often and illiterately done, a profanity. So, a literate bubblehead.)

Trackposted to Blog @ MoreWhat.com, The Virtuous Republic, A Newt One- Ronald Reagan in a skirt, Democrat=Socialist, and DragonLady’s World, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

How Do You Spell “Relief”? P-a-l-i-n

I took a break from “the world” yesterday. Things to do, sleep to glom onto, etc. *heh* Back in the world again today and…

I discover the 24X7 Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind attack on Sarah Palin continues apace. *yawn* Not news. The Obamassiah (or The Dali ‘Bama, as some have dubbed him) selects the lame old hack Biden, and the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind fakes an orgasm. Juan Mexicain selects middle America hockey mom, card carrying NRA member, dynamic first term reform governor of the state that provides up to 20% of the nation’s petro-energy needs and the Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind emerges from a stunned epileptic fit to initiate attack mode.

No bias there, eh?

But, as Thomas Lifson notes, while

The announcement of Palin’s selection by Senator McCain last Saturday reportedly triggered outright laughter in newsrooms across the land, a nearly unanimous opinion that she would be a disaster for McCain. To the sort of people who believe themselves sophisticated citizens of the world and feel a sense of pride at saving the planet by purchasing carbon offsets, a woman who has borne five children is incomprehensible. Add in moose-hunting, a champion snowmobiler husband and a pregnant 17 year old daughter, and the phrases “white trash” and “trailer trash” are deployed…

The cheese-eating surrender monkeys of the Left just don’t get it:

She has the rarest of qualities: authenticity. Media and Beltway types can’t fathom what that is. It goes right over their heads. Not even on the radar screen. Her multiple facets — beauty queen, moose hunter, mother, member of an Assembly of God Church, and ferocious reformer of corrupt politics may baffle sophisticates, but ordinary Americans see all the pieces fitting together, and they recognize a type of person they know and love.

Heck, Palin may be one of the very few authentic Americans in politics, nowadays, at least beyond the local school board or city councilman level in small town America.

And she still has more executive experience than The Obamassiah, Joe Plagiarism, Juan Mexicain or that Abraham Lincoln, for that matter, had before his presidency. (Oops. Maybe I ought not mention the latter, given the mess he made of his administration.)

While I regularly eschew watching politicians *spit* speak, preferring to read the content of their (usually) blather to, urm, see if it has any content apart from polished vowels and consonants, I do plan on listening (carefully, for real content) to Gov. Palin’s upcoming convention speech. I’ve seen the one interview I referred to a couple of days ago, and I’ve read other speeches, “debates” (as much–or as little–as a media run “debate” for a political office like governor is a debate) and comments made by Palin, and so far, she’s the only one worth listening to in the presidential field. If her speech and behavior continues to match up with her record so far, it looks like I can cast a relieved vote for Palin in November.

Oh, yeh, and whatsisname too, I suppose.

*heh* Update II:

Oh, and, from the official campaign website, an excerpt from an article in the St Petersburg Times,

…Palin’s years of elected executive experience beat out the rest of both tickets, even her own running mate.

Seems I’m not the only one who thinks that. πŸ˜‰

Annnd… from a lifelong “progressive cos it’s cool” commenter (“Fallon”) at PajamasMedia,

…I have been struggling with this decision, too, but I will be voting for Governor Sarah Palin via Senator McCain because I feel she is a strong and accomplished leader who I respect. I cherish the thought that she will be a mere heatbeat away from the presidency. I will never agree with any candidate 100%, never have, but I now believe that character and personal integrity trumps image, and security trumps domestic issues.

Now that I have made my decision, I feel at peace for the first time since the campaigns began.

Amen, sister. πŸ™‚

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A Vote for Palin… and Whatsisname

OK, feeling like a “grumpy old guy” myself last night. I decided, “Hey! Watching TV ‘news’ (a rare event for me) can’t make things any worse, can it?”

Well, surprise, surprise, surprise. Sarah Palin was on MSNBC with some Mass Media Podpeople Chicky, and Palin knocked me for a loop. The Q&A went something like this:

Mass Media Podpeople Chicky: “*Blah, blah blah blah?*”

Palin: “*Rapid-fire, on target, forceful, clear, sensible answer without a buncha meaningless buzz words*”

Lather, rinse, repeat.

No bullshit! I was stunned. A politician talking w/o bullshit? Look for the apocalypse.

The very first substantive political speaking I’ve heard since Fred Thompson left the race.

So, curmudgeon-who-hates-politicians in general or not; sour taste in mouth from Juan Mexicain’s disgusting support for alien invasion of the U.S.–I’ll vote for Palin–oh, and whatsisname–come November. Heck, this is the frirst politician I’ve heard talking sense without a lot of hemming and hawing and stumblebum “Uhs” and “Ums” in years. That alone is worth something. Forget a Palin/Biden “debate”. I wanna see a Palin/Obamassiah debate. If last night’s MSNBC interview is any indication, she’d clean his clock, put him back on the shelf and not even break a sweat.

I’m shocked, shocked I say! that Juan Mexicain could have the balls/intelligence to choose to run as a veep someone who seems to so easily outshine him. Maybe he has some virtues after all.


So, with due credit to Beldar for being the source (for me, at least) for the image,

BTW, Palin does need to stress more the national security effects of energy dependence on foreign oil, jobs creation and economic benefits to the lower 48, though she did allude to those aspects of energy independence in outlining the need for more domestic production during a transition energy economy. Nicely done.

Trackposted to The Virtuous Republic, Perri Nelson’s Website, Rosemary’s Thoughts, McCain Blogs, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Leaning Straight Up, Cao’s Blog, The Amboy Times, Beagle Scout, NN&V, Democrat=Socialist, and Conservative Cat, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Who Gets to Decide?

By Nancy Matthis at ADMC

The election of 2008 promises to be an all-out battle throughout the country for the soul of America. Will we continue to be a nation of individuals who pride themselves on personal responsibility? Or will we keep sliding deeper into increasing government entitlement programs (and meddling) on the path to socialism?

The answer will largely be determined by the outcomes of the 435 hard-fought Congressional races throughout the United States. And in many of those races, the margin of victory or loss on average may be less than three percent. Which is to say that illegal aliens may decide the future of our democracy.

Our voting processes are deeply flawed. For quite some time the problem of voter fraud has been discussed, but tolerated. The website Illegal Aliens US comments:

Those ‘undocumented’ are actually ‘highly documented’ with fraudulent documents our government readily accepts.

Because of virtually no vote fraud enforcement, motor voter registration, driver’s licenses for illegal aliens, amnesties and other factors, American’s most precious liberty, voting, is being rapidly undermined by illegal aliens.

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) reports:

In 1996, Congress enacted the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act, making it a federal crime for non-citizens to vote in any federal election (or state election, unless authorized by state law). As a penalty, ineligible non-citizens who knowingly vote may be deported. Additionally, a non-citizen who falsely claims to be a United States citizen is in violation of this law.

However, there are many documented reports of non-citizen voting, and there is no evidence of prosecution of the aliens for their action. With nearly 19 million foreign-born residents who are not U.S. citizens in the country in the 2000 Census and an estimated 9-11 million illegal residents (many of them not also counted in the Census), the potential is enormous for non-citizens to affect the outcome of elections.

Accuracy in Media adds:

A recent study released by the conservative think-tank the Heritage Foundation provides proof that illegal aliens and immigrants with green cards are committing rampant voter fraud in the United States.

Just last week, Libertarian Republican posted about a specific case in San Antonio:

300 busted in San Antonio — Illegal Immigrants have been voting in US Elections for decades. California most especially has been plagued by hundreds of thousands of illegals voting in elections. Republicans have alledged for years that Democrats have undertaken massive voter registration drives of Illegals in heavily Mexican neighborhoods around Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego County and other Border regions. Even Mid-Western States such as Ohio and Missouri have also seen problems with Illegal Immigrant voting. Now, Texas has been hit….

Specific Components of the Problem

Continue reading “Who Gets to Decide?”

The Obamassiah Changes Name to Joseph Goebbels…

…Mass Media Podpeople Hivemind orgasms.

The latest outrageous lie from the mouth of The Obamassiah revolves around his votes to prevent infanticide in Illinois. References at STACLU and elsewhere (actually, all over the place, except among Mass Media Podpeople).

β€œIf you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”–Joseph Goebbels

More here.

Trackposted to Blog @ MoreWhat.com, DragonLady’s World, Right Truth, The World According to Carl, Shadowscope, , The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, Dumb Ox Daily News, Democrat=Socialist, Right Voices, and Pursuing Holiness, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Paris Hilton for President?

For a bobbleheaded bimbo who thinks she’s lampooning Juan Mexicain’s energy policy, Paris Hilton actually makes sense in her “campaign ad” (linked above–h.t. to my Wonder Woman :-)).

Of course, “thinks she’s lampooning” is the operative phrase. While she simplifies Barack Hussein Obamassiah’s energy policy fairly well enough (“de-negativeizing” it by omitting, of course, the punitive energy taxes he wants to impose on John and Jane Doe), she oversimplifies Juan Mexicain’s policy suggestions the other direction, mentioning only the offshore drilling position he’s recently taken and omitting his seriously sensible suggestion of prize money for the development of new energy storage technologies.

Hmmm, “the old guy’s” energy policy sounds remarkably like Paris Hilton’s. I don’t know whether that’s an encouraging sign or not.

At least Juan Mexicain’s people jumped right on it and noted how much more sensible a blonde bobbleheaded bimbo’s energy policy is than a brunette bobbleheaded bimbo’s energy policy.

Come to think of it, maybe Paris Hilton as president might not be so bad considering the alternatives. What’s her position with urm, on *dang!* about illegal immigrants? If she’d come out for strict enforcement of laws already on the books on that issue, I might not even mind it when she painted the White House pink.

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What Argument? I Have a Race Card…

(Slipping this one in the side door… Wait for it… Wait for it… )

melancholy: mournful; depressed; a gloomy state of mind, esp. when habitual or prolonged; depression.

Warning: this is an off-beat, hard left turn in response to an unrelated situation that reminded me that I once knew a guy (I won’t call him a pastor, although he called himself that) objected to the following song as “melancholy,” sad, depressing.

All That Thrills My Soul Is Jesus

Ah, as a “pastor,” he probably was referring to the lyrics, though, since they don’t imply but strongly and unequivocally state a joyous, thrilling response to the presence of a loving God… Melancholy, depressing thought indeed.


Just so, whenever people just plain flat ignore commonsense reasoning and facts about anything, I’m somehow reminded of this “pastor” whose objection to the above song was based on absolutely nothing inherent in the piece itself. His objections, IMO, were entirely based on his own desires to avoid the clear, unequivocal meaning and intent of the piece. So it is with darned near anyone who has more active brain cells than a head of cabbage and who at the same time utters plain nonsense, ignoring all known (to them) facts as an “argument” against something they refuse to… argue against.

Contemporary example that strangely spurred the memory above? Juan Mexicain’s handlers put out an add (correctly, IMO) suggesting The Obamassiah is an empty suit whose proposals for our current energy situation make no sense whatsoever. In reaction, instead of arguing his “proposals” (higher energy taxes, mandating lower fuel consumption, pie-in-the-sky “new energy sources” w/o oil–HOW are these things better in relieving the price at the pump? [Answer: Not at all.] Forceful assertion and boring repetition is not an argument, Obamassiah), The Obamassiah and his ‘botheads chime in with essentially, “Nanny, nanny, boo, boo, RACE CARD, nanny, nanny, boo, boo.”


No substance whatsoever. Nada, zero, zip, zilch.

I’m no fan of Juan Mexicain, as anyone who’s read more than one post @twc recently can probably tell, but The Obamassiah’s objections to the recent Juan Mexicain ad are as nonsensical–and revealing of character–as the above (unnamed) “pastor’s” objection to the song embedded in this post was. Neither have any relationship with reality, and both arrogantly assume that any listener is too stupid or cowed or in their pocket to throw a bullshit flag on their play.

Consider the bullshit flag thrown on the Obamassiah’s race card play.

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Distrust Authority

This is a re-run from “I don’t know when; I’m too lazy to search” *heh*

I believe people today are too “credentials crazy” and rely too heavily on someone’s C.V. to provide validation for their opinions, including blog postings. While I have gone the university/grad school route (in a couple of different fields), I try to avoid citing those degrees or even my experience in those fields, as much as possible, to stamp “authority” over an opinion. If a particular personal experience (or set of experiences) can serve as support for other material from other sources, then that seems valid, but just saying “I have a (or several) degree(s) in such-and-so and work in the field” as an argument in and of itself for or against a position is just so much bullshit.

OK, rabbit trail (although this does indeed go somewhere, and will be revelatory). Authority has several faces, and several sources. Some legitimate and others not so (or not at all).

Two classes make religious authoritarian statements (although one denies it): actual, well, “religious leaders” and soi disant “scientists” who make religious claims about “science” (yes, there’s a good reason for the scare quotes).

In the area of relatively above board religious statements, there’s divine authority and human opinion. Wanna argue with God? Be my guest. (Glutton for punishment.) Some religious leaders claim divine authority. Tricky question. If one accepts the Bible as divinely authoritative, then a religious leader within Christianity (or I’d suppose Judaism) could claim to speak with authority if what he’s saying is… scripture. Otherwise, it’s just his opinion, and that’s only as authoritative as it is subject to reason, morality and scripture itself (we are talking about a particular set of authority here, after all). Any religious leader who simply asserts his opinion as authoritative because of his position within some religious hierarchy is playing at being the devil.

And yeh, if you wanna make an issue of it, I’ll argue that assertion from scripture.

Scientists as religious dogmatists? Global warming. There. That should be enough to tell any reasonable person to check the data, examine the processes, testing instruments and underlying assumptions at the very least before accepting any likely lie beginning with “scientists believe” or “scholars are in agreement” or any such crypto-cultic balderdash.

Oh! Lambasting “authorities”! Kicking the Sacred Cow by James P. Hogan. Just buy it and read. I don’t claim Hogan’s an “authority” on any of the subjects he touches on (nor does he), but he does point out some serious holes in the (really) religious statements of faith in scientism. Anthropogenic Global Warmism? Neodarwinism? Heck, “Einsteinism”. *heh* All just sects of the religion of scientism. And none of them nearly so authoritative as scientism would have you believe.

But what of darned near all other authority?

First, I distrust ALL assertions of authority. Unless a person can prove by citation of verifiable fact and via sound reasoning that their assertions are valid, then I don’t consider their assertions to have any authority at all. Credentials don’t count with me.

That includes doctors.



Teachers (of anything). Particularly, if a teacher cannot do–competently–what they are purporting to teach others, then I tend to write them off as blowhards.

I will always place more credence in a carpenter telling me “This is how it’s done” (cos the carpenter’s authority can be checked by looking at his work) than I would a politician telling me, well, anything (because a politician can be checked by looking at his work *heh*), but particularly, “This is just political reality.” “Political reality” is a self-referential construct, only as “real” as the power we give to (or is illegitimately seized by) the politician claiming it.

What of authority as exercised by various civil governments? More and more, if measured by the principles this nation was built on as articulated by the Founders’ generation particularly, civil government authority is illegitimate. Think Kelo or Martha Stewart or Ramos and Compean or Ruby Ridge or the TSA or… (yes, the list is long and growing)

In fact, the more powerful the government entity, the more abusive and illegitimate its authority seems to be. Which is why so many of the easy pickings in governmental/bureaucratic abuses are from federal exercises of authority.

In fact, if all I were to say about the illegitimate use of “feddle gummint” authority–indeed, abuse of citizens that is in exactly the same vein as those abuses the Founders decried in the Declaratiion of Independence–were “Lon Horiuchi” then that would be enough to demonstrate absolute proof of Samuel Francis’ “anarcho-tyranny” label of bureaucratic/governmental abuse of authority.

And oh, my! did the Department of “Justice” cover itself in shame in the Ruby Ridge/Lon Horiuchi coverup or not? Department of “Jam-up-citizens” would be a more accurate name…

Authority: distrust it. Make it prove itself worthy of respect. Martha Stewart is my hero(ine). If only because her case made manifest the depravity of abusive “feddle gummint” turf-building anarcho-tyrannists. She was punished under 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 for “Lying to Government Agents”–according to testimony by the government agents in question AND a witness the “feddle gummint” persecutors later indicted for perjury for his testimony against Stewart. (Yeh, I don’t recall reading how that ended, but that they themselves indicted their own well-coached witness, the one who was THE critical nail in Martha’s coffin, says a lot, doesn’t it?)

At least some good, of a sort, has come out of the Martha Principle: “How to Avoid Going to Jail under 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 for Lying to Government Agents.”

Read it. Somewhere, there’s a feddle prosecutor or bureaucrat who can nail you for breaking a law or regulatory rule you don’t know exists. All that’s needed is for a feddle gummint bureaucrat or prosecutor to set his/her sights on you and decide they want your hide. That’s an essential element of anarcho-tyranny: the ability to pick and choose among thousands of regulations and laws and selectively enforce them for personal gain–turf-building, career-enhancement or simply petty revenge.

That’s where abuse of Constitutional authority has led us.

ANY abuse of authority is just as evil. Yes, evil.

Distrust authority. Men lie, usually for short-term gain. Bureaucrats are more likely because they are petty, venal, corrupt and/or incompetent than not. Politicians are more likely to be all of those AND consumate liars than not.

And that brings me back to a revelation. Yeh, I have some academic creds. They are all crap. At best. From my earliest years, I learned to tune out the bullshit artists who claimed to be teachers (though I was fortunate to have some at all stages of my formal education path who were able doers in their field, as well). I consider myself semi-literate. Not a day goes by that I don’t make a new (to me) discovery, a “Hey! I didn’t know that!” kinda experience. Not all are as shocking as picking up an uncle’s “Bible”… to discover that it was in Greek (“But, but, I just heard him reading a passage aloud in English!”). Put me in a mind to get me one-a those thangs, too…

No, not all my “Aha!”s open up what seems to be a whole new world, as that experience did, but daily I learn new things that remind me–daily–how much there is to know that I do not.

And that also makes me a bit suspicious of folks who say with “authority” that things are such-and-so, when not only can I see exceptions to their model, but once firmly held their (false) view myself…

Question authority. Give persons “in authority” only the respect they are due… which means, only when they are right or at least honestly attempting to argue from reason and verifiable fact. When they are wrong, blow them a big, fat, juicy-wet raspberry. Ridicule is the highest, best response to false authority, the most generous response false authority deserves.

Want my C.V.? Go suck on a rock. My C.V. is irrelevant.

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What to do about the “War on drugs”?

Or, “If I Were Emperor” *heh*

“From the US we can see that strict laws on personal possession don’t work… “

Were I Emperor for a Week, among the silly (stupid and downright evil–in effect if not intent) things I’d repeal would be ALL laws regulating what adults could put into their bodies… along with implementing stringent punishments for harm done to others because stupid, irresponsible adults put things they ought not into their bodies and ended up doing harmful things as a result. Drunk drivers cause a wreck? Lose all their worldly goods–no dunning the insurance past a minimal amount–become the slaves of those they harmed until their monetary assessment’s paid off, then set free or executed–those who killed someone because of their drunkeness–by dropping their own wrecked car on them… until dead. (NOT “cruel and unusual”–see the numbers of people killed by drunk drivers per year by essentially “dropping” a car on ’em. Definitely “usual” and certainly not particularly “cruel” otherwise, why would so many drunks feel it’s perfectly fine to drive a couple of tons of metal into another human at 65mph?) In public. With pre-emptive natiowide broadcasts of the executions on all available channels, including The Cartoon Network. (Never too young to learn that being drunk is stupid.)

No prison for possession or use of any drug. Only for doing things that harm others directly.

Oh, and what to do with all that $$ saved by ending the “War on drugs”? Provide all the lotus eaters all the drugs they want for free in hopes that Darwin will cleanse the gene pool. No other benefits (no food stamps, unemployment, health care), just all the drugs that druggies want, free. After all, the only cure for stupidity is reality.

Gee, as long as I were Emperor for a Week,

–chain gangs for career politicians, educrats, Mass Media Podpeople, Hollyweirdites, Academia Nut Fruitcakes and Prisons for Kids (AKA, “public schools”) administrators.

–abolish the IRS (and add its minions to the aforesaid chain gangs)

–set up a “Greenie Preserve” where Algore and his idiot followers can be one with nature. No electricity, no modern drugs or preserved foods, no modern sanitation, just greenies, nature and… all the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth they want

Well, a guy can dream, can’t he?

Next? Well, with the stupid “War on drugs” out of the way, maybe the DEA can focus on something else, like, I dunno, persecuting, urm, prosecuting a “War on feddle gummint anarcho-tyranny” starting with the TSA, BATF and… Congress?


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