Those Lying Bastards! or What language are they speaking, anyway?

Back in the day when Third World County had traffic, I penned the lil rant below. In today’s atmosphere of “Nazi” Pelosi advocating policies pioneered by the German National Socialist Party then accusing opponents of those Nazi policies of being Nazis, and other mind-boggling lies of the Left, I think it’s worth a repeat, warts, typos and all.

Over the years, I’ve noticed that the “reality-based fantasy” community of the Left has persuaded almost everyone else to play along with their lies, damned lies and leftist fantasies to the degree that not only are commonly used words now unmoored from any sensible meaning, but because of this unmooring–in part–those bastards can utter any damned* lies they want to and… no one can say them nay.

How about a short list of some of the commonly twisted terms?

Democratic–referring to persons of a party that pioneered legislation from the bench, instead of by ELECTED legislators; a party that is THE party of voter fraud (no one and nothing can approach the degree or depth of voter fraud condoned and directly sponsored by Democrats); persons whose elitist attitudes and condescension toward the unwashed, the stupid and those who are simply not of their class is unparallelled… (and the list goes on… )

Gay–what?!? A word meaning “happy, carefree” used to describe the angry, neurotic, spittle-spewing homosexual “activists” we all have known and loved? *heh* Pull the other one. I’m willing to bet there are more truly gay heterosexuals than gay homosexuals.

Welfare–to describe a process of engendering generational dependency upon handouts… of other people’s money (taken from thos e people by force or threat of force). Whose welfare is really being served here?

Compromise–Riiiiight: “Give me everything I want and get nothing but scorn and abuse in return.” That’s what Leftist “compromises” entail.

Liberal–one of the Left’s most-abused words, used to describe people and programs that are the antithesis of liberal: programs that squelch speech that leftists disagree with, deprive people of essential liberties and promote a nanny state mentality that “protects” non-essential, non-existant fake “rights” always at the expense of whomever disagrees with the leftist view. Let the FAKE liberals of today be condemned by the father of modern classical liberalism, John Stuart Mill, who held that lies could never damage society as long as people were free to speak the truth to counter them.

Speaking of quelling dissent,

Pro-choice–except when denying unborn children a choice about whether they want to be aborted or not… Hmmm… seems like in almost all (almost: yes, there are pregnancies that result from rape *sigh*) cases, the woman has a choice about whether to get pregnant. After that, doesn’t it seem fair to give the baby the next choice? Not to leftists for whom…

Fairness–means “completely unjust, unfair, inequitable” whenever the object of regard is an inconvnience, not a leftist or simply one who doesn’t matter… to the leftist.

Progressive–Used to refer to covert (or sometimes even overt!) reactionary communists/socialists. Wobblies in all but name. Progressive? So far behind the times they should be put in a coffin and interred as the dead men’s bones they are. (Even casual readers of the NT will catch the reference. Cultural illiterates will not. *sigh*)

Compassion–any time I hear a leftist start in on “compassion” my first impulse is to throw the bullshit flag. Want to impeach a leftisat’s “compassion” argument? Ask them who will pay for their compassionate program. If it is not themselves, then they’ll have to take the money from someone. Where’s their compassion for the folks they’ll steal from? Nowhere, mon frere. And what other unintended (or perhaps intended!) consequences are they concealing by their emotional pleas? (See “Welfare” above.)

Heck, when we allow leftists to twist any word to mean anything they want, it’s not hard for them to convince us to accept their appeals to emotion as reasonable argument. From there, it’s but a step to them ignoring the argument entirely and putting words in the mouths of their interlocutors–an all too common practice. In fact, almost weekly, in email or in comments–comments that usually do not make it out of moderation, cos then I’d have to respond and simply waste my time–some idiot leftist will

1. Take exception to something I’ve said
2. Proceed to “argue” with me by saying I said something I did not.
3. When responded to (email), IGNORE what was said, again accuse me of saying things I did not and
4. Think that constitutes a valid argument.

It boggles the mind how folks can get to the corner grocery store and back without killing themselves and a score of others when they are so incapable of rational thought.

And these are the intelligent, well-educated, moderately successful leftists. I shudder to think what the rest of that class is like.

The left today seems sadly populated by people who believe (sincerely or not) that lies, screaming and pounding the table, weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth are valid arguments.

But the really sad thing is that those who know better largely let them get away with it day in and day out.

Of course, by now fewer and fewer people are able to discern when undemocratic Democrats, troubled, unhappy and downright angry “gay” people, reactionary “progressives” and tyrannical “liberals” are blowing smoke up their skirts.


Ever wonder why the schools are full of leftists? a. It’s the perfect environment for them and b. it allows them to enstupiate another generation of suckers.

*”damned lies”–no, I’m not using a profanity. I am making a considered theological assessment: those whose behavior proclaims them to be of their father, The Liar, are damning themselves.

A New Cry From Hell

Note: Opinion. Based on known facts, but opinion nonetheless. Anyone with FACTS that might change my opinion, feel free to share them. Absent any FACTS that would influence my opinion, good luck with making a comment that will have any effect whatsoever.

I have a brief comment on the Passing of Teddy “Swimmer” Kennedy that will be my last word… for now.

He was a worm, a coward and a worthless waste of oxygen, and he deserves the just reward I believe he has finally received. Perhaps Mary Jo Kopechne will hear him call from his place in hell and ask for relief the way the rich man in the parable called to Abraham (Luke 16:19-31). That’s the best I can imagine happening for the rest of his eternity, and if his enablers don’t take a lesson from his life (and it appears they have not, as yet), he can expect to have “rooms” prepared for them near his own eternal abode.

Luke 16:19-31 (New King James Version)

The Rich Man and Lazarus

19 “There was a certain rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day. 20 But there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, full of sores, who was laid at his gate, 21 desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table. Moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. 22 So it was that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s bosom. The rich man also died and was buried. 23 And being in torments in Hades, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.

24 “Then he cried and said, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.’ 25 But Abraham said, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things; but now he is comforted and you are tormented. 26 And besides all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, so that those who want to pass from here to you cannot, nor can those from there pass to us.’

27 “Then he said, ‘I beg you therefore, father, that you would send him to my father’s house, 28 for I have five brothers, that he may testify to them, lest they also come to this place of torment.’ 29 Abraham said to him, ‘They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.’ 30 And he said, ‘No, father Abraham; but if one goes to them from the dead, they will repent.’ 31 But he said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead.’”

So to any of Teddy “Swimmer” Kennedy’s extended family of enablers, I have but one comment: /sarcasm: on

Ritengo il vostro dolore; senso vostro angoscia

/sarcasm: off

*yawn* And I don’t flippin’ care, you partners-in-crime of a toxic bag of pus.

Teddy “Swimmer” Kennedy: T.I.H., at last.

BTW, I’m not being hard enough on Teddy “Swimmer” Kennedy. Van Helsing @ Moonbattery has this to say in Death of a Traitor,” in a repeat of a piece from 2006,

The same Ted Kennedy who rants and rails against W’s attempts to defend us from terrorists arguably crossed the line from useful idiocy into outright treason when he offered to assist Soviet dictator Yuri Andropov in developing a public relations strategy to counter Reagan’s foreign policy — the foreign policy that was to defeat the Soviet menace without a shot being fired.

Yep, coward, drunken killer, priviledged scofflaw and, arguably, traitor: Teddy “Swimmer” Kennedy. Too late dead. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

“I have kept my oath; do you ever intend to keep yours?

The post title comes from a “townhall” meeting held with with U.S. Congressman Brian Baird.

In all the “health care reform” talk, I have yet to see or hear any citation of a constitutionally enumerated power that gives the “feddle gummint” any legitimate reason to be involved in such a thing. Sure, I’ve seen tortured, disingenuous or flat out lying citations of the commerce clause as justification, but nothing yet that has been at all persuasive to me. Of course, with well more than half the “feddle gummint” meddling in areas where it has no enumerated power to do so already, the challenge of the gentleman in the video I link below to “protect and defend the Constitution” resonates with me as I watch congresscritters violate their oaths of office on a quotidian basis. (Sorry, no embedding link provided, and I haven’t dug into a way to download a facebook-only-embedded video.)

Ah, here it is from YouTube. Trust Woody to find it.

No, I am not despairing. Not as long as folks like the gentleman in the video can still speak. But Nancy “they’re un-American” Pelosi and her ilk seem to fully intend on completely gutting the First Amendment with the full cooperation of the Mass MEdia Podpeople Hivemind.

A relevant aside: the folks at the Intercollegiate Studies Institute have a chilling presentation of American illiteracy on the subject of civics, as noted in a post below. The organization’s survey conclusions are no surprise to me or likely to any observant person with ev en rudimentary knowledge of American civics, but the information is nevertheless a disappointing confirmation of my private observations. One completeyl no-brainer observation:

“Of the 2,508 People surveyed, 164 say they have held an elected government office at least once in their life. Their average score on the civic literacy test is 44%, compared to 49% for those who have not held an elected office. Officeholders are less likely than other respondents to correctly answer 29 of the 33 test questions. This table shows the “knowledge gap” for each question: the difference between the percentage of common citizens who answered correctly and the percentage of officeholders who answered correctly.”

Just as with public school administrators, all the politicians I have ever personally known (save one U.S. Senator–and he was eventually corrupted by the political process–and one small town mayor) have been among the least qualified people for the positions they held.

I fear for the nation my grandchildren may have to live in as adults.

Have You Been SPAMmed by Barry Soetoro?

Like many SPAMmers, Barry Soetoro claimed recently that he doesn’t know how people he SPAMmed got on his email list–maybe some mythical, “reality-based fantasy” third-party group put them there (ya think his site had anything to do with collecting addresses to SPAM? Say it ain’t so, Joe).

"Uh, uh, uh, I dunno, a-huh, a-huh... "

If you were SPAMMED by Barry Soetoro, why not report his ass to Heck, if he’s convicted, maybe the fedgov will even pay you a bounty… (Fat chance)

N.B., the fedgov so narrowly defines SPAM that A CHANCE OF getting Barry’s ass spanked by the FTC is vanishingly small.

N.B. #2: Barry’s also implementing measures–he admits in public, with spin of course–that will block online petitions. “We don’t want The People petitioning the government ‘for a redress of grievances’,” he admitted. Well, he might as well have said that, since his orifice, urm office, DID say, “The White House indicated its Web site managers are going to seek out and block online petitions… “

Look for the Union Label

If you run into thugs attempting to stifle free speech at a townhall meeting, just look for the union label:


Just check YouTube for “SEIU ACORN violence (or thugs) at townhall” for slews of videos.

Or, if you want some easy-greasy-sleazy money and can buff up your physique while dumbing down your intellect to the level of slime mold, you could apply to be an “SEIU organizer” and go around playing thug at townhall meetings, yourself!


Check out a “teaked” verion of the SEIU Goon graphic suitable for posterizing at Woody’s Place.

What is he hiding?

This photograph:


is of a decidedly different document to the one posted by The 0!’s campaign last year (second image):


Or the one relased later in the year to the leftard (third image):


The first image is either a very, very good forgery or the second two are very bad ones. My gut impression is that the document in the first image is much, much more convincing than the two–very different, to each other as well as to the document in image #1–documents imaged below it.

I seriously doubt that the second two imaged documents would suffice for application for a fedgov job, or even for State-certified licensure in any number of professions, since even notarized hospital-issued birth certificates are disallowed and they carry much more information than the short form “Certification of Live Birth” (note: NOT the long form “Certificate of Live Birth” Hawaii does still issue) pictured by The 0!’s minions.

So far, he’s spent over a million dollars in legal fees to quash inquiries into simple documentation of his past–documentation nearly everyone is expected to be able to make available to any number of government offices, prospective employers, etc.

What is he hiding?

Change You Can Believe In…


It’s nice to know that we have a First Lady who’s so very supportive of her husband’s committment to rein in spending. (I’m amazed I got that out without laughing my head off, gagging and puking, or an RCOB* descending over my eyes. Amazed, I say. On many levels.)

Mary Todd Lincoln was ridiculed for purchasing china for the White House during the Civil War. Mamie Eisenhower had to pay the salary for her personal secretary … herself. And, Laura Bush was criticized for her staff earning $561,325 in annual salaries. But Queen Michelle has set a new staff salary precedent for the First Lady … who performs absolutely no official duties … during the most severe economic turmoil of our lifetimes.

See Michelle Obama’s Staff Salary Totals $1.6 Million for more. Would the last hypocrite in the Mass MEdia Podpeople’s Army please just shut off the lights on the way out?

*RCOB=”red curtain of blood”–a certain sign of an impending berserker rage with a blood pressure measured in the explosive range…

Krugman pwn3d on Healthcare “Reform”

h.t. Kishore

My Wonder Woman’s comment was, “I suppose one should never ask a question one doesn’t already know the answer to, eh?”

Well, Krugman asked a question his nomenklatura-insulated mindset thought he already knew the answer to. One doubts that he really listened to the answer he got, though, because nomenklatura just don’t listen to the proletariat.